Take A Breath Health and Lifestyle Show
Take A Breath offers breathing techniques and health and lifestyle tips to help ordinary people live extraordinary, healthy lives.Take A Breath is for those wanting to achieve better health, happiness and performance by creating balance in this high paced, stressful world we now live in.Our approach is heavily influenced by the ‘mismatch’ theory of evolution, health and disease. That is, we have created a huge mismatch between the bodies we have inherited from our hunter-gatherer ancestors and the modern culture and lifestyle we have created.Yet, of all of the factors of living that influence our health and performance, breathing remains one factor that we know the least about and take completely for granted.As health practitioners working with breathing for many years, we have seen the fantastic benefits of breathing for health, performance and happiness.Combining this knowledge with other health and lifestyle tips, we help you take a breath from the modern world, and get the most out of your life.Join us for the exploration into optimal living. You won’t regret the outcomeFind health and harmony through the power of breathing.
Take A Breath Health and Lifestyle Show
Interview with World Breath Expert, Roger Price
Tim Altman B.Sc, B.S.Sc, Respiratory Therapist, Mickel Therapist, Matt Radford Physiotherapist, Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Wim Hof Method Instructorr
Episode 10
An interview with Australian breath training pioneer, Riger Price on many things breathing, and his paradigm shifting work with professionals in the dental and sleep industry in Australia, the USA and worldwide...