The Real Estate Block

Hiring Top Talent - Omar Lopez (Part1)

December 30, 2023 Aaron Gaunt
Hiring Top Talent - Omar Lopez (Part1)
The Real Estate Block
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The Real Estate Block
Hiring Top Talent - Omar Lopez (Part1)
Dec 30, 2023
Aaron Gaunt

Welcome to "Hire Power: Building a High-Performance Sales Team," the podcast where we unravel the secrets of recruiting and retaining top talent for your sales floor. I'm your host, Aaron Gaunt , and in each episode, we delve into the strategies and insights that can transform your hiring process into a powerhouse for attracting the best in the business.

Join me as we sit down with industry leaders, successful entrepreneurs, and seasoned HR professionals to uncover the proven methods for identifying, recruiting, and nurturing high-caliber individuals who can drive your sales success. Whether you're a seasoned manager or a budding entrepreneur, our podcast offers practical tips, real-world stories, and expert advice to help you assemble a winning team that propels your business forward.

From crafting compelling job listings to conducting effective interviews, we explore every aspect of the hiring journey. Discover the nuances of assessing cultural fit, the art of asking the right questions, and the science of building a team that not only meets but exceeds your sales goals.

Tune in for engaging conversations, insightful anecdotes, and actionable takeaways that will empower you to create a workplace culture where top-performing sales professionals thrive. So, if you're ready to elevate your hiring game, boost your team's performance, and achieve unprecedented sales success, "Hire Power" is the podcast you can't afford to miss.

Get ready to unlock the secrets of hiring top talent and supercharge your sales floor. Welcome to "Hire Power," where your journey to building a high-performance sales team begins.

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“The Real Estate Block”🎙️⭐️

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Podcast: The Real Estate Block

Instagram: @aaronlgaunt @Aaron.gaunt


Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to "Hire Power: Building a High-Performance Sales Team," the podcast where we unravel the secrets of recruiting and retaining top talent for your sales floor. I'm your host, Aaron Gaunt , and in each episode, we delve into the strategies and insights that can transform your hiring process into a powerhouse for attracting the best in the business.

Join me as we sit down with industry leaders, successful entrepreneurs, and seasoned HR professionals to uncover the proven methods for identifying, recruiting, and nurturing high-caliber individuals who can drive your sales success. Whether you're a seasoned manager or a budding entrepreneur, our podcast offers practical tips, real-world stories, and expert advice to help you assemble a winning team that propels your business forward.

From crafting compelling job listings to conducting effective interviews, we explore every aspect of the hiring journey. Discover the nuances of assessing cultural fit, the art of asking the right questions, and the science of building a team that not only meets but exceeds your sales goals.

Tune in for engaging conversations, insightful anecdotes, and actionable takeaways that will empower you to create a workplace culture where top-performing sales professionals thrive. So, if you're ready to elevate your hiring game, boost your team's performance, and achieve unprecedented sales success, "Hire Power" is the podcast you can't afford to miss.

Get ready to unlock the secrets of hiring top talent and supercharge your sales floor. Welcome to "Hire Power," where your journey to building a high-performance sales team begins.

Learn how to do Real Estate Deals every month!

“The Real Estate Block”🎙️⭐️

👉Apple Podcast‼️

👉Spotify podcast‼️


Podcast: The Real Estate Block

Instagram: @aaronlgaunt @Aaron.gaunt


All right, all right. Welcome to the Real Estate Blog podcast. Today I have a special guest in my office today. What's up man? Hey. 



Introduce yourself. So my name is Omar Omar Lopez. I'm originally from Southern California and I now live in Miami, Florida. 



Awesome, awesome. Well, hey, introduce your wife. 



My wife is Hilda, 



I am Hilda, I am originally from Michigan, moved down to California, and I'm now in Florida. Yeah. 



Awesome. Awesome. Well, hey, like I say, guys, this is just this is. We're just chilling. We're just gonna shoot the crap here. Um, if you want to adjust your mic, bring it up here. This ain't gonna be, um, anything. Uh, what would you call it? Professional or formal? That we're just. We're just really shooting the crap here. I just wanted to get this on recording on a on a really catching up. You know, it's really nice to get you in the office. You know, uh, we know we've known each other now for a few years. Um, you're crushing it in Florida. You used to be out here in our backyard in Southern California. Um, you know, what was it? Palm springs, palm Springs, palm Springs, you know, killing it. And then you moved out to Florida, and now you're building a team out there. Um, you're becoming you're becoming a leader. You're building that culture. You're really diving into your marketing. You're going into 2024 head first. You're starting your own channels, your own podcast. And, uh, also, I got my beautiful wife here. Mikayla. Let's go. What's going on, girl? 



So over here in the corner, no big deal. 



So we made a joke today when we're, we're usually it's me and my wife talking. If you haven't heard any of the other, uh, shows, it's like, mostly me talking. And so I have my wife in here, so I have somebody to talk to. But 



he does want to feel alone in the podcast room. 



But actually, my wife is full of knowledge, and, um, I like to, you know, pick her brain a lot as well. So, um, and so she, she could drop a bunch of knowledge here as well. But today we want to pick your guys's brain. So. Dude, so you had a question for me. What was that I wanted? That's why I wanted to shoot this show. Because. You know, you had a question for me and, you know, and obviously you have already a great process and you say, hey, maybe what's something can I add, um, to our process too? So I kind of wanted to come and talk about some of your things that you do, because obviously we have a what I'm talking about as a hiring process is because ours is not perfect. I really like it, but it's not perfect. Um, and I and I, I took a lot to get that going. Um, the hiring process I want to get and we're going to get to it on how it got developed. But anyways. Yeah. 



Well, perfect. Well, first of all, thank you for having me here. You know, I appreciate you opening up your doors, uh, for me and Hilda. So but we will talk about me. And I also want to learn things about you guys, so, you know, I'll have some questions for you guys as well. 



Did you bring your pen? 



I'm recording it. There you go. For some content at the same time. So, uh, yeah, one of my questions was your hiring process. I know when I spoke to you on the zoom the last time, you were very bullish on it. And you said, you know what? This is, like the best hiring process that I got. You know, I can get people through the door tomorrow ASAP. And you broke it down to me. So right now we're hiring again. We do have a process that we follow. Um, it's a similar process that I got from seven cartel and it's been working. You know, we run and ads and all that, and we're we're running ads again. We just added a new step to the process. We're testing that out. I'll tell you about it, but I want to learn about yours. Well, 



first off, um, let's how do you how do you, uh, get this chair? Not. Let's go back and forth. It's right here. 



Oh, not that one. Pull it out. This one? 3s No. U1 


Perfect. Um. Technical difficulty. Obviously, we I edit all this stuff out, but. Okay, first I want to hear about the process you already got going on. I mean, what does that look like from from A to Z on a on finding the top talent. Yeah. 



So the way that we have a broken down right now is we run about six indeed ads. Okay. Uh, we lowered it down to three right now. We were getting too many applications, but we run anywhere from 4 to 6 ads. And then what we used to have was, uh, one of our Vas is do, like, an initial interview, you know? So, um, she's looking for people who has, uh, some sales or real estate experience. She'll have an initial interview with them and see if they might be a good culture fit, you know, just kind of, uh, sell themselves a little bit to her from there. If she liked them, she would schedule another call with me, a final interview. So that's kind of what we're doing right now. But we're we're testing out a new assessment called Team Architects. And I want 



to stop there. You said you have a VA? 



Yeah, a virtual assistant, like, 



um, filtering them out. Filtering them out. Yeah. So do you see all the ones that you wouldn't want to filter out or. I mean, like what? Let's say let's say you get 20 candidates and your VA pushes you five. You don't see anything with those other 15. You just trust that the VA. I don't see the other ones. Okay. Yeah, I trust her. Yeah. Okay. She's been on her team for over a year. She's our oldest team member for sure. So she's a rock star. She's actually the one that does our TC. Okay. So, you know, um, everybody that we've gotten hired, um, right now in our team has gone through that process, so. Could there be somebody that we might have missed? Maybe. You know, that's why, um. I'm trying to learn maybe what you got going on. Um, I've heard, you know, from some favorite cartel, other people that sometimes you might not want to make these candidates jump through a lot of hoops at first, for sure. Right? Because you might you might miss out on some talent because they don't even know what they're signing up for yet. And you might have them jump through some initial interviews, some assessments. So it's been working and we're modifying it. Um, right now, the one component that we added was because she's kind of overloaded with like 20 different files, she's our only talk, so she doesn't really have the the bandwidth to do all these initial interviews. So we're trying something new called video ask okay. And it's, uh, for the user for multiple things. But one of the main things that, that it's used for is for recruiting. So I recorded maybe five videos. One of them is an introduction and the other four, it's kind of give me like an elevator pitch. Um, what is your sales experience? You know, um, you know, why do you want to win? You know, what are your goals and motivations? And so it's like a 62nd video, which it's with me. And, uh, they're required to kind of go through the videos and answer back with the video. Interesting. 



So we'll be able to do it a little bit more at scale. At first I didn't really want to do it, but my team member, Stephan, he, um, we heard about it at boardroom with Ken Clothier. Everybody was doing him. And I went on on one of the, uh, boardroom calls this Wednesday, the biweekly, uh, accountability calls and some of the bigger dogs were using it, and they're like, yeah, I love it, I love it. And I was like, okay, so there must be something there, right? Um, and that kind of is the, the screening method that we have right now that she would have been doing. So she doesn't have to do that. I recorded those videos. And so now we're already getting videos back. We just started getting some yesterday. So we get to see the individual and figure out, okay, you know, do they, do they fit culturally? How are they responding. You know, how hungry are they. So we're going to test that out. I already noticed that I'm going to rerecord some videos because um, there's some things that I probably want to I probably want to sell myself a little bit to the individual to see, like, like maybe let them know, like, hey, we got the hottest. He's in the industry like PPC, right? Maybe this is, uh, this is the type of pay that you're expecting. This is the type of pay that our guys are making. So that way they can get a little motivated from there. Uh, if we like that, then they'll schedule a call with me, like, on zoom. And from there, if they pass a zoom call, then they'll come into the office, do a little phone test, put them on a little phone trial, see if they pass the phone test, and after that, they're pretty much qualified if they made it into the office, for sure. Yeah. 



That's interesting. I like I like that idea. But about the okay. So when you so your record let's say five questions. How does it look at on their end. So it pops up on their computer okay. They see you ask five questions and then they hit a button that records them answering it. 



Yeah. So they're required to watch one video first. And then from there they have to respond before they see the next video okay. So they see one video and versus the introduction and the next one. It's all right. Give me your elevator pitch. So then they'll give us their elevator pitch recording you. You can give them the option, uh, of recording the video, texting back or just giving you an audio. But we just we just do the video because we want to see their face. Right? So we take off the other options and they have to record the video back from there. Once they record it, boom. Prompts it to the next, um, video, which is tell me your sales experience and all that for sure. And then from there, they gave us their pitch, you know. All right, this is what I have and experience. And then boom, they're done. And then they record the next one. Interesting. I really like I really like that idea for the most part. So you know the old, old saying where they would um, they would say, hey, apply for this job, make a video of yourself answering these questions. Right. And I never liked that idea because I never heard people why they wouldn't like it is because, you know, a players don't want to sit there and like. They don't have the time to do all that. Right. And to get those because again, because in this day and age, you know, anybody could find a job anywhere. Right now, I'm not talking about what you're telling me. I really like that. Um, but I forgot how it was. It was just like, you're putting too much work on them to do. And I get it. It's like, hey, players, especially in sales, you know, it's like I could because I'm always looking for somebody who has like ten job offers, right? Right, right. 



That person already has ten job offers. I'm like, I want you. Of course, that means these other people, of course. So like the last two guys we hired, um, Jonathan right here and then David o job, other job offers. It was a culture that sold him in our in our, uh, our shadow day. Um, 



um, but I like this this idea because it's it's it's not. Go to your phone, record a video and then figure out how to upload 



it. That's what. That's what I'm talking 



in the screen. Yeah. Hit the record. Yeah. And it uploads it itself. So it kind of makes it, um, user friendly. 



Exactly. That's. And I would say that's exactly what I'm thinking. So we do something similar. Um, so again we and we have a three, I think a three step process kind of like yourself because what you want to do is you yes, you want to be proficient and efficient with your hiring process, but you also want to have urgency, right? As you know, a players are going to get higher like that. Most players, um, are. You know, they're already working at other jobs. So that's another thing you always got to think about. So if they're or if they're in between jobs, they're going to get hired quick, right. Um, 



so we got it where people are supposed to come in for a shadow day. They went through first step, second step and hired. They didn't even come in the shadow day because they already got hired. 



Yeah. So and again we but we still want them to go through our process. But I know but I always say if if I like them if this is something we want to move forward with, we have urgency on getting them in the door. Absolutely. Um, because obviously too many companies these days think that like, oh, they're that because you gotta look you can't look at them as, you know, oh, you want to just join my company rather than it should be like sales. And you're trying to close the sale. Of 



course. Of course it is. So yeah. So that's what I love about first. And obviously me and you have been always on the phone and learning sales is that we've now had been able to take that into our leadership. So when we do our one on one with our employee or I don't even call employees, I call them team members, um, we're able to ask a questions and active listen to our team members. Um, we're able to bring the sales into hiring, right? So ask them good questions. I do a lot of pull aways. So I always, you know, we can talk about that as well. So I'm always asking a lot of pool ways to see what their deeper whys are. Why do they want what are they looking for. What what kind of pay do they want. Right. Um, but anyways, so back to the step one. And again I might implement what you're telling us, but. So we have a VA and she's our admin, she's an RTC but she's our admin. And what she does and she's having a blast. And I'd probably it'd probably kill her for me taking away because she gets she gets to enter. She gets to, um, interact with people, interact with people. So what she does is I have indeed going. Right. Um, because another thing too, is that a lot of people talk about DND, but a lot of people also talk about 

it cost money, of course. So nobody talks about that. Of course. So indeed is a fantastic platform, but I'm put in like when I'm hiring somebody, I'm putting like 2500 bucks. Sometimes I'll go to $5,000. Does it, does it spend all of it? No, not all the time. Right. Like I could lower it right away. But in that but it could do a big short burst. And I'm saying we're talking about 5000 a month now. Obviously I could bring that down to 1000 when I'm not hiring anybody, I always have. I always keep it at 500. Um, just so I could keep. Oh, okay. That's good, 



because you never know. You may come across somebody that's like, oh yes, that I person I want, 



I know, have you guys had that happen. What's that when you guys are running like just like a small ad and you guys get a good person through 

