My Motherhood with Beck Stanton Podcast Artwork Image

My Motherhood with Beck Stanton

Beck Stanton

You are listening to My Motherhood by Beck Stanton. A podcast dedicated to helping women who have become mother’s become confident and clear-minded in themselves.

Do you feel like you don’t even know who you are anymore and are mothering on autopilot because you are constantly triaging the needs of your kids, your home and your life? In this podcast we honestly explore the major changes that every woman goes through when she becomes a mother (matrescence). 

We look at the absolute quagmire of a bind that the modern mother finds herself in stuck between having all the options available but none of the support required to actually action any of them well and to top it all off, most of us don’t resemble who we were pre kids and don’t have space to work out who we now are, so there’s no going back or moving forward, we are just getting by doing the most important job of our lives. 

My Motherhood is dedicated to supporting you find yourself a motherhood that is authentically aligned to you. I will help you grow practices that will shape your motherhood so it looks like, feels like and sounds like YOU. Which makes it sustainable, genuine and actually really enjoyable.  

You will find honesty, reflection, story telling and endless kindness along with a tonne of hint, tips and tricks that will help lighten your load, making room for you to do the work of crafting your motherhood so it is aligned with you. 

To get started, head to and pick up your free copy of the Mental Load Offload and listen to Episode 6 - The Mental Load Offload users guide. 

And remember, you are not alone.