Red Beard Embodiment Podcast

E46 - Neurogenic Tremoring in the Middle East: Inside TRE Arabia ft Mohammed Salah

April 05, 2024 Alex Greene Episode 46
E46 - Neurogenic Tremoring in the Middle East: Inside TRE Arabia ft Mohammed Salah
Red Beard Embodiment Podcast
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Red Beard Embodiment Podcast
E46 - Neurogenic Tremoring in the Middle East: Inside TRE Arabia ft Mohammed Salah
Apr 05, 2024 Episode 46
Alex Greene

In this episode of our podcast, we sit down with Mohammed Salah, the first certified TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) provider in the Arab region and the founder of TRE Arabia. Mohammed shares his transformative journey with TRE, starting from his initial skepticism to how it profoundly changed his life, leading him to spread the practice across 22 countries. He discusses the benefits of TRE not just for trauma recovery but as a holistic tool for enhancing overall well-being, including better sleep, reduced anxiety, and improved physical health.

Mohammed and Alex delve into the upcoming TRE initiatives aimed at broadening the reach and understanding of TRE in the Arab world. They highlight the significance of the five-day TRE workshop in Dubai, which marks a pioneering step towards integrating TRE into various sectors such as healthcare, emergency services, and athletics. Furthermore, Mohammed outlines the structure and goals of the online TRE certification training for the Arab region, emphasizing the importance of making TRE accessible to a diverse audience, from professionals experiencing burnout to individuals seeking personal growth.

The conversation also touches on the broader vision for TRE Arabia and the potential of TRE to foster resilience and healing across cultural and professional boundaries. Mohammed's commitment to training more TRE providers in the Arab region is a testament to his belief in TRE's power to improve lives. The episode is a compelling invitation for listeners to explore TRE, whether as a tool for personal development or as a pathway to becoming a certified provider.

Key Highlights:

  • 00:00 Introduction and Background
  • 01:31 History and First Experience with TRE
  • 09:33 Work in Rehab Centers
  • 14:02 Teaching TRE in Chiang Mai
  • 16:38 Bringing TRE to the Middle East
  • 24:07 Founding TRE Arabia
  • 24:43 Teaching TRE in Jeddah
  • 25:07 Introduction to TRE in Jeddah
  • 26:21 Mission and Vision for TRE Arabia
  • 27:14 Certifying Providers in the Middle East
  • 28:13 Expanding TRE in Riyadh
  • 29:05 Targeting Specific Groups for TRE
  • 30:26 Making TRE Accessible to Everyone
  • 32:15 Certifying Trainers in the Region
  • 33:06 Applicability of TRE in Different Settings
  • 34:34 Compassion Fatigue and Hospital Systems
  • 35:32 TRE for First Responders
  • 36:22 TRE for Athletes
  • 37:14 TRE for NGOs and Refugees
  • 39:32 Benefits of TRE for Everyone
  • 41:30 Finding Home Within Yourself
  • 43:27 Fascination with Personal Stories and Experiences
  • 45:22 Acceptance and Results of TRE
  • 47:27 Upcoming TRE Workshop in Dubai
  • 49:10 Module 1 Certification Training in July
  • 51:27 Expanding TRE in the Arab Region
  • 51:52 Closing Remarks

Links and Resources: 

TRE Workshop in Dubai

  • Dates: May 27th to May 31st
  • Location: Kan Yoga Wellness Center, Dubai
  • Details: A five-day workshop open to everyone, with specific days dedicated to different groups such as hospital staff, athletes, police officers, and others. The workshop will feature Dr. David Bercelli, the founder of TRE, along with eight TRE providers from TRE Arabia and other regions.

TRE Online Certification for the Arab Region

  • Module 1 Dates: July 19th and July 20th
  • Format: Online, conducted in English
  • Instructors: The certification will be led by Mohammed Salah, in collaboration with other experienced TRE professionals.
Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of our podcast, we sit down with Mohammed Salah, the first certified TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) provider in the Arab region and the founder of TRE Arabia. Mohammed shares his transformative journey with TRE, starting from his initial skepticism to how it profoundly changed his life, leading him to spread the practice across 22 countries. He discusses the benefits of TRE not just for trauma recovery but as a holistic tool for enhancing overall well-being, including better sleep, reduced anxiety, and improved physical health.

Mohammed and Alex delve into the upcoming TRE initiatives aimed at broadening the reach and understanding of TRE in the Arab world. They highlight the significance of the five-day TRE workshop in Dubai, which marks a pioneering step towards integrating TRE into various sectors such as healthcare, emergency services, and athletics. Furthermore, Mohammed outlines the structure and goals of the online TRE certification training for the Arab region, emphasizing the importance of making TRE accessible to a diverse audience, from professionals experiencing burnout to individuals seeking personal growth.

The conversation also touches on the broader vision for TRE Arabia and the potential of TRE to foster resilience and healing across cultural and professional boundaries. Mohammed's commitment to training more TRE providers in the Arab region is a testament to his belief in TRE's power to improve lives. The episode is a compelling invitation for listeners to explore TRE, whether as a tool for personal development or as a pathway to becoming a certified provider.

Key Highlights:

  • 00:00 Introduction and Background
  • 01:31 History and First Experience with TRE
  • 09:33 Work in Rehab Centers
  • 14:02 Teaching TRE in Chiang Mai
  • 16:38 Bringing TRE to the Middle East
  • 24:07 Founding TRE Arabia
  • 24:43 Teaching TRE in Jeddah
  • 25:07 Introduction to TRE in Jeddah
  • 26:21 Mission and Vision for TRE Arabia
  • 27:14 Certifying Providers in the Middle East
  • 28:13 Expanding TRE in Riyadh
  • 29:05 Targeting Specific Groups for TRE
  • 30:26 Making TRE Accessible to Everyone
  • 32:15 Certifying Trainers in the Region
  • 33:06 Applicability of TRE in Different Settings
  • 34:34 Compassion Fatigue and Hospital Systems
  • 35:32 TRE for First Responders
  • 36:22 TRE for Athletes
  • 37:14 TRE for NGOs and Refugees
  • 39:32 Benefits of TRE for Everyone
  • 41:30 Finding Home Within Yourself
  • 43:27 Fascination with Personal Stories and Experiences
  • 45:22 Acceptance and Results of TRE
  • 47:27 Upcoming TRE Workshop in Dubai
  • 49:10 Module 1 Certification Training in July
  • 51:27 Expanding TRE in the Arab Region
  • 51:52 Closing Remarks

Links and Resources: 

TRE Workshop in Dubai

  • Dates: May 27th to May 31st
  • Location: Kan Yoga Wellness Center, Dubai
  • Details: A five-day workshop open to everyone, with specific days dedicated to different groups such as hospital staff, athletes, police officers, and others. The workshop will feature Dr. David Bercelli, the founder of TRE, along with eight TRE providers from TRE Arabia and other regions.

TRE Online Certification for the Arab Region

  • Module 1 Dates: July 19th and July 20th
  • Format: Online, conducted in English
  • Instructors: The certification will be led by Mohammed Salah, in collaboration with other experienced TRE professionals.

it's really changed my life, from three days, shaking. it's opened to me a new feeling that I'd never experienced before. Which is grounding, feeling happy without anything, feeling, expanded, the brain has expanded more than usual, All right. Hello, everybody. I am, honored to be sitting down today with my colleague, Mohammed Salah, based in, Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. And I'm here in Boulder, Colorado, as usual. And, Mohammed and I, were colleagues in the TRE Tension and Trauma, Releasing Exercises community. And, Mohammed is the first certified TRE provider in the Arab region. He's certified in Thailand. We'll hear that story in a few minutes here. But he's also the founder of TRE Arabia, which is an organization to promote, the education in TRE, within the Arab region. And, Mohammed and I will, are working together, to help grow and spread, TRE within the Arab peninsula. Mohammed real pleasure to sit down today and hear your story, your journey with TRE. that's the goal for our conversation. The pleasure is mine, Alex. I'm honored to be in your program and the podcast. And, yeah, it's a honor to work also. thank you support to help me to spread the TRE through 22 countries And I think, yeah, it's going to be interesting. Yeah. Good. we have a lot to talk about because we're going to talk about some of the upcoming programs, a workshop in Dubai with a Dr. Bercelli will come for, and then, some new certification trainings, beginning later this year. that I'm going to participate in. So we'll we'll talk about the future, but let's talk about the history for, for first. Can we do that? Yes, we can. It so yeah, go, yeah, go ahead. I remember when I was working in Thailand in center, I met my, my, provider, my, my trainer, Lorianne. from Canada. She's, a nice soul and I recognize her grounding. So the first time I met her and she's, so grounding. And I was admire her personality and how she come and she doesn't, fake it. She's calm. and that's the first time I hear about TRE from her. And I sit with her for hours and she talk about TRE and, the modality. and then she asked me to join them in the class. And they have also the training was, in the 1st of, 2016 January. Hmm. so it was, for me, the first time I tried TRE in the training program. So it was, three days in physical, before the online. so the second day. That's what I feel, the difference in TRE. The first day I was, what is shaking? So I'm doing this, people, what is this? Hocus pocus things, I don't understand it, How am I do this? Is my body, I was questioning the the process. And I was looking at it, perspective, And I understand now how the client the first time when they try TRE. how they see it, because the thinking brain was resistant, the idea of, shaking. So the second day I shaked, for the fourth time because we, shake, twice a day. And then in that night I slept very deep and never slept a night like this before, even I try to wake up, find it very hard to wake up I went directly to the, Loriane and ask her about this sleeping. And she told me, yeah, congratulations, this is the first, result happened to you. And the third also, I experienced, the people they tried the TRE before, the dissociation, phase in nervous system. I was laughing uncontrollably, right, And And she stopped me in that Did you say laughing? laughing uncontrollably, laughing and, I was feeling high. she stopped me and I was angry, why you stop me? I feel good. She told me, yeah, because you stop. And she learned, she told me, this is a freeze response to nervous system and we need to regulate the system. And I learned from my experience. then, after that, I feel this high for two weeks, it's really changed my life, from three days, shaking. it's opened to me a new feeling that I'd never experienced before. Which is grounding, feeling happy without anything, feeling, expanded, the brain has expanded more than usual, and, also that slow up the reaction our things. The way I talk also is, lot. And I remember also when I came in model two, that's model one. Model two after one month and a half. and she noticed the difference because in Model 1, I and I like to share, I like to, grab attention and all that. So in Model 2, I was sitting and listening, more than, interrupting and all that. So it's change, Also, it's make difference also the way I with people. It's increased the empathy more than before. and, active listening. Before I read about active listening in, university, a lot about active listening. I know what didn't experience it. Until I did TRE, because really it's helped me to, reduce a lot of anxiety, lot of, like people threats, attention seekers, and it's all came from trauma, and it's, the beautiful things that I experienced also is, I didn't record the trauma to release it, I released the trauma and I release the behavior that been consequences trauma so it's like an attention seeker, you know All that it came from my trauma So I noticed there is a big gaps now and there's a negotiation space. That's why I can Ask myself should I do this? Should I say not? You so before I used to act directly, to the behavior, but now I have this, window or a small room to negotiate and it's given a split of second, and the decision became faster and faster with days. And, I, I remember this time. It's like the honeymoon of TRE, it's like, everything's fresh, all the results is fresh. the way also that the shaking travel to the body also was fresh. And every time is exciting. We, when it's transferred from the lower body to the upper body, it's was amazing experience. Yeah, And it's really great every time, this, and it's still, I have results, but the honeymoon it was amazing. It's unforgettable. Yeah. Yeah. That's wonderful. What Mohammed, what was your work be when you met Lorianne and you found TRE you were working in the rehab centers. What was, what was your role there? was your I was a recovery coach. I was with, people, and especially because, we were opening Arabic center, in the rehab center itself. So me before a rehab center. I was in marketing and business administration, but, I accept this adventure to go to Thailand and to be participating in opening the center and I accept this job because I like to deal with people more than excel sheet and it was amazing jobs, I like these days. And after the TRE, TRE transformed my life also with this, with this career. From a full time, employee, I became a part time with the rehab center. and I work with the competitors in the same time. and they care, and I remember, because our rehab, the only rehab that they have, TRE providers, The other rehab I've been lucky to introduce TRE to several rehab in, Thailand, and, I was noticing also the changes in the people because TRE became, essential program for the people, for the trauma track people. trauma track program. So they have other modality in DR, other modality to the trauma. but, I noticed they find the TRE one of the exciting, program because it is, it doesn't, include, talking about the trauma. This doesn't include bad emotion. And I used to also, play music, with the TRE because I wanted to strike the thinker brain so they can focus, they're not focusing in, the, what the brain tell them. so they found it is very, delightful experience. And I noticed also a lot of time, the, a lot of clients coming in the beginning and their language is, is, I think. For the first four session or six session. And then I feel, yeah. So the transformation from, I think to, I feel, I find very, common And, people in the trauma track, beginning, they don't have a touch with their feeling. So it's all logical and they try to rationalize things. Even the exercise. So that's one of the common things I've found the client. They start to be in touch with their feeling and they're comfortable with their body. And trauma too. Um, I, I face a lot of, very deep trauma, from stories from them. They tell their stories voluntarily, them to do. But, and they tell me how TRE changed their life, they changed, that's the feeling from their experience. from the feelings, from the memories, from the stressors, if they find them. And it's, defined as very fast, healing modality for their, emotion. So, I like working with them. Until now, I have clients I do work with them. even before a few I Restart my work also with the rehab center even in Riyadh now. Also, I work center their feedback, me Motivate me more, because I find it very Wonderful. So how long were you in Chiang Mai, teaching TRE at the, rehab center for several years? I start the program of TRE 2016 and then I graduated in 2017. So I was working until 2019 in the rehab centers, in, Chiang Mai. but in 2018, I met, Dr. David Berceli time, in Bali, Indonesia. I was having the advanced course. And he taught, he tell me in he was praying to God that he can meet someone from the Middle East to bring him back to the Middle East again. And. He was, his wishes, and I tell him my, this is my wishes too, to bring you Middle East because, he spent time in Middle East in his, in his early he spent a number of years of different parts, I think in Lebanon Sudan. and different places. Yeah. And so he was excited, come to the Middle East. I told him I will be back in one year. And, I was working with, my friend also, he was in Muhammad Siddique, he He was, also certification program and he was in Bali also. And he's from Sudan. And, but he live in Saudi Arabia. So I organized with him that we bring a TRE to the Middle East in 2020. But, that the covid happened, and, but we make it. it we teach the first, group of, Arab providers in 2020 with the help of Dr. David Bercelli. And, it was the first, initiation to TRE in the Middle East, but we were looking forward to come in physical. But now it's happening in Dubai in the end of May. You're going to come, me and Alex and the group also will certify the people from Jeddah or Riyadh. They're going to Also, we have a TRE provider in Dubai, Candice. So I'm looking forward for also to introduce the TRE to UAE for the too. Yeah. what are the dates for the, do you know the dates off the top of your head? It's the very, I know it's the end of May. Hopefully I might, hopefully I'm going, yeah, you're going, Inshallah, yeah, Inshallah. I'm looking forward to what are the dates? It's the 27th of May until the 31st so it's going to be five days, workshops. every day, different population. one yoga, one for hospital, for police, one for, So by this, we're going to kick off the TRE in UAE, and then we're going to continue to support the providers there and the people that want to course July. We're going to have a July, 19 and 20 of July. And, and it's going to be online. So people from Middle East, they can join us from Saudi Arabia, from Kuwait, from Egypt, from everywhere. yeah, and I'm looking forward to visit all these, countries and do TRE there in person. Yeah, me too. So, going back a little bit in time, cause you told me that at the, when you met Dr. Bercelli at the, training in Bali and you said that you had some big, big personal experience, but I never heard the details. Would you share just a little bit about, what was your personal, experience there. personal experience, first time I, saw the founder himself teaching TRE and do intervention, hand intervention. And I see how the body changes, me and my friend, they say this is like magic, He has a magic, hands, We touch people, how they change the trauma from part to part and how the release that's happened. And me, myself, also first time I released the tongue, with the help of, TRE Australia founder, Richmond is one of the best people I met there. there was 77 Oh, rich Richmond. He Richmond, was there from Australia. Yes. Yes. And he helped me the first time. Okay, great. tongue, the first time my tongue is pull out, like someone pull it and also this, tongue release helped me to, get rid of the shaky voice. Now, if I lost the shaky voice at all, even if I'm lying, I cannot have shaky voice, yeah, I cannot have shaky Oh, you're never lying. I'm sure. I don't like, but even I'm, you I'm scared, I cannot have the, you the shaky voice, it's gone. It's gone with the release of the tongue and it was a nice experience and it's a life changing experience. Also, I remember was it, I've seen the tongue release. I've often, of course we also see the jaw, Trump tremor and shake very commonly for you. was it just your tongue or was it also the jaw or what were the jaw, it started, with the Yeah. And then he asked me to say some, try to, a, a briefing with the voice, like, having this voice with, vocalization or making a sound with the voice. then, find my, tongue is out. It's like someone put it, and it's keep going down and it's like someone put it down, and I feel it from the roots, and it was a different experience. And I remember also, the fourth day, because we do TRE day, 20 minutes each, just 40, minutes. And Dr. David, also asked us, and he suggests that, if we find it too much, we can, have a break, But I was looking for, yeah, I was chasing my nervous system. So, I remember the fourth day I have, a nightmare, it's not nightmare. I call it uncomfortable dreams. And that's been introduced to me after doing TRE. it's not nightmare. It's I've been in situation like a movie and I've been, in situation that I do something I don't like, like for example, in the dream, I was justifying for someone, and I had to be, has to be in a situation of justifying. So I woke with a scream. I don't need to justify for you and then. After that also, I noticed that being in a situation to justify something, it doesn't anxious. But before, it makes me anxious, like you, you accusing me about being lying if I'm justified for something, Mm. But now I feel like, comfortable to justify, I, and make the point clear for someone he, and this one of the trauma residue that I released also in journey. And, meeting, 77 providers from all over the world, from 23 countries. It was experience, and everyone, he has a background, different religion, different language, and we all shared together and, we, have breakfast, lunch, and It was very beautiful five days, it's changing. I recommend every provider, if he find the opportunity to have advanced training, to go and sharpen experience. It's different, and from that, when we talk, we agreed that we do TRE and the day, TRE Arabia born Yeah. in 2018, November, I make, I book the website. I was so excited and we looking forward to, to prepare for, d David to come to Saudi Arabia in that time. and then, I went back to Thailand. I stay six months and then I went back to Saudi Arabia. I start doing TRE Jeda, and I find them a, a nice, acceptance from people. I start yogis because it's a common language between the yogis TRE. it's all body-based, modality. I started do it in yoga with a collaboration studios in jta. um, a lot people come Jeddah is on the, it's on the ocean, right? It's on the in the west coast, the Red Sea. Yeah. Okay. and I grew up in jda. That's why also it's my favorite city. And then I moved to Riyadh when I was in the mid twenties. Jeddah where I grew up my people was there. I really thank, be thankful for people in Jeddah. Also for, being curious and being open minded to accept new modality like TRE. Someone ask him to shake and they come and trust me. And, it was a nice time. people liked it and then a lot of people also joined the course on, and became a And, and then now it's become, something in get this like yoga and there's TRE and it's very now, people it. And, But I spent two years there and then I went back again to Thailand Chiang Mai, for other projects and, also continue doing TRE with the centers. and now I just come one, two months ago. it started and also restart the mission so let's talk just a little bit about the mission and vision for TRE Arabia. you founded it in 2018, then COVID and you, and one round of providers have already been certified. I don't know how many, maybe a dozen, or I'm not sure. in, in your region, but then it, things, quieted down for a little bit. And now there's, your goal is to, come forward again. not only with this upcoming Dubai training, but then some, some, the next rounds of TRE certification that are going to be focused on the, Arabia in general. what's your hope and your vision for how, how, TRE Arabia can, unfold. what kinds of people and yeah, what's your Yeah, from my observation now, I see the people, the, the people, the certified, we have 10 people certified in the Middle East now, luckily, and Saudi Arabia, and, some of them are visual therapists, some them yogis, and some of them, come from the corporate, background, engineers, and, and adding, to. To the TRE experience, we have a different, background and also TRE doesn't have to be background or psychology to join TRE. You can have any walk of life and you're going to participate to TRE and you have experience and you can offer and you can gain a lot of experience from others. Also, as in TRE, we learn anyway, we learn from client, we learn from providers, we learn from trainer, we learn every time we experience TRE. But, I'm really looking forward to, certify people in different life, different industries, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, athletes, also in doctor and nurses. I have experience also introducing, compassion fatigue to two hospitals here or one, one of them, big medical city, biggest medical city in the Middle East. It's called King Saud Medical City. And we do a research for three and with the nurses after the COVID because this medical city was responsible of 50 percent of the COVID, patients and they have a burnout, percentage. So we do a research and there's a lot of, good, success, stories this and forward like also, certify nurses, also because, uh, It helps them personally and their professions and help their client also. I will especially also the people they have MS because we have People in Denmark, TRE have, research recently, being published in, people with multiple sclerosis. and I wish to target these people also because they can benefit, immediately from TRE. and, also we have, the people that work in NGOs. Because there's a numbers of refugees now and war in the, region. So it could be a helping tools for, the high number because we cannot, have thousands of psychologists to release the trauma of the million of people. TRD. Can be taught in the group. That's the amazing thing about TRE, that we teach TRE to people to equip them with these tools and they can take it with life and they can practice it themselves. And found it, could be available for everyone. And that's the of TRE, is to be available to everyone and accessible. And also, we're looking forward to have the TRE Arabia Foundation, so we can target the people, deliver to the people, they cannot pay, and, yeah, that's one of the projects. Now, we started with Dubai and Abu Dhabi in May, and I'm looking other capitals in the region. maybe I will start with also Cairo after Dubai. because, Cairo, they have a lot of refugees from Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and, and then I can come back again to other countries, maybe Kuwait, and then Morocco. so also I'm to, align with, French providers to introduce TRE to the because French is a second We can also open doors for the friendship providers to access North Africa. And, and we're looking forward to also to, certified trainer region, so they can get the message, along with us to the other, most people, we want to spread as, much as we can and, through and physical, something, that I, that I like about you, Mohammed, is you have a kind of a wide, vision that you can, sounds to me like you can see how TRE would be very applicable in many different settings. military hospitals, yoga athletes, nurses. And I, think that's exactly the right kind of thinking is that there are many different, segments of the pop. in some ways, anyone, a refugee, a little business leader, is going to benefit. from this nervous system work. But I think it's really smart the way that you have a clear eye on some of the different groups, that you want to connect with. I, that with, regarding the hospitals, that was my same instinct as well during COVID when there was so much, pressure and so much demand on the hospital systems. And I was lucky to work with two different hospital groups here in the United States. offering TRE training, partly just as, stress relief for the doctors, the nurses, the, anybody within their system, who were, activists, the frontline, COVID responders, but then also training that they could then, take it to their staff or even patients. And so I think a hospital systems and nurses, I've worked with nurse teams of nurses and that's, that can be very effective. In China, which is another area where, I supervise some of the trainers there in, the founders of TRE China, and they have done a wonderful job of connecting to, hospital systems. and, and so many doctors have been interested. There's even one hospital that is, trying to develop a special research center, specifically around TRE for ongoing continuous, research, which will be excellent, if that can develop. Um, And, that theme of compassion fatigue, for care providers of, and, nurses, that's, such a high demand. as cause we spoke about it, another good, different, but similar population is first responders. Like we just worked with the New York fire department, and trained about, five Providers and TRE with more who we are continuing to train because the firefighters recognize that in that high stress environment, a tool like TRE that can build, that can release, help regulate the nervous system, but also, build, capacity and resilience. And then as just similar to what you have shared about the rehab center, many of the men that we worked with, we're going to work with some women as well next, but so far it's just been men. But many of them have made the comment, wow, they can release their stress and they can release some events. that have happened and they didn't need to talk about it. Or maybe if that, maybe if they wanted to, they talked about it a little bit, but they had the choice. They didn't have to speak about this. and so I think there's many groups, military, Right. where that's a, the real, a real value, of the method. But anyway, yeah, just to, so I'm, similarly, Uh, I'm in agreement that's, that, that's like thinking about what are these different types of groups that would, really benefit, from this. And that's why, no, so, I feel very hopeful to, to play a supportive role, to help you with your big work, spreading this within the Arab region that, that would be so exciting to see it, really succeed and take off. Yes. Thank you for support. And also we have similar experience with the hospital and also I met other providers also when we brainstorm it because we work with different people, you When we talk about TRE benefits, we can talk you athletes, army, firefighter, police, doctors, nurses, the list goes on, how many people become benefit immediately from TRE, it's helping this, hacking their nervous system, with the condition. And also of the, my dreams too, because I football also, and I find it very effective tools also in TRE, healing the muscle as if we talk about psychological effect, but the muscle also, physical aspects, how it released the stretching and our, injuries, muscle injuries. How I release it with TRE, it's helped me a lot. And how it's made me grounded even when I play football, because it's a competitive game. Sometimes you get angry, you you don't want to lose. And, and sometimes you do some behavior. It's out your, conscious. And it's affect the way I play also, I play better with TRE so I want to introduce this to a football player. Before in, before in time, they used to shake the players manually, between the halves or when they have extra time, they shaking the muscles, manually. yep, Yeah, to release the tension. That's it. And that's what I introduce also to athletes. we, you do this vibration. It's happening. And it's releasing the muscle tension from your, the core of your muscle. And it's like massage, into your muscles. So it's Also, people have result of, feeling relief. Yeah. After that, the physical aspect. And, yeah, so it's, TRE for all, It's it's not for the people that have trauma only. It helps everyone, yeah? Yeah. I don't want people, because I work with the rehab center, they think, Oh, it's TRE only for the people that have conditions. It's a. It's more TRE for everyone, you know, to improve your well being, improve your muscles, improve your sleep, improve your communication with people. and it's like when they ask me about the benefits, I said benefit is, benefits. Sometimes you benefits. You can tell us about it, And, Yeah, that's right. yeah. Yeah. It's a hard question, to restrict the benefit of TRE only for deep sleep and, calm nervous system and all that, and it's unfair, to only have a small list of, benefit it's limited, it's a limited, yeah, I agree with you. every time you do TRE, every time it's different, it's like you're releasing some, some, trauma intention and you expand your brain, the gap of the, you make it about releasing and it's, uh, it's I remember when I back, I was traveling from Saudi Arabia and uh, Lori and I was a sister in a workshop and in training workshop, I have a lot of experience. We see people in model one, how they change in model two, the nervous system. They come with system. So I was traveling and my friends, they say, we're going to miss you. And then I was, I met, say, I feel like being numb. I know. People say, I'm going to miss you. I don't think that I'm going to miss them that much. And I'm not too excited to meet you too. I don't know what's happened to me. Am I numb? What's happened with me She told me, no, because you find home within yourself. You when you find home within yourself, there's nothing to miss, And, and that's what I see, like how I control my emotion. I'm not going to control emotion. I don't the urge to, make myself busy all the time. I can be okay by having, peaceful, silent moment without reading book, without watching TV, without watching my phone, just, be with myself, be comfortable. Before I was running for myself. I don't want to be with myself alone. With my thoughts, because the crazy racing talks happen, but now I can be with myself without any distraction. So I think this is one of the significant that, affect me journey, to bring me back to myself and And, and it's improved my communication others also. Yeah. beautiful, it's a beautiful journey yeah. It is a beautiful journey. what's to me, what's so fun and you're speaking to it, when, being a provider, if you get to work with many people or, as a trainer teaching many people, or even like in this podcast, for example, met not all of the episodes are about, TRE, but maybe half. Of them are with TRE people, but to me, what's so fascinating is, of course I've had my own, personal experiences, with TRE or else why would I. Why would I, work with it so much? But now, to me, it's just, it's remarkable to hear, so many different stories, different experiences. even just hearing you today, these few examples of, that now you can just be with yourself without trying to distract or you can, communicate with others without, feeling that social anxiety or the people pleasing part. So it's I love hearing your particular, what happened for you. and to me, what's so exciting being in the TRE world is you hear hundreds of these stories of, everything from a physical injury to, group processing grief or, but the kinds of changes that you hear about and you're right that we can be surprised. it's oh, that's a new one. I've never heard that one before. it's always fun to hear a new example of something that has been affected or influenced, through TRE, but anyway, it's never boring. That's what I like about it. I sometimes I can get bored a little bit easily sometimes, but, with TRE, I'm not bored. it's always interesting. It's always new in a New stories every time. and also people at the beginning are like, with the way they accept the TRE. They think your brain, how is it operated? with the shaking and they to question it. This is mine doing this or not. Yeah. This is going to work or how this shaking is going to release my trauma, you and, at the beginning and the end of session, that's what's, as a, as you said, I never get bored from teaching TRE because every time it's going to be new stories and new, what call it, the result that happens people. It's give us a lot of motivation, when they say, thank you, I say, thank you everybody. I thank you. Thank you. Brain. That's helped you to do this. I know you. Thank you. And I feel it genuinely. Thanks for, from people. And I like, working with people, help them to connect with themselves, help them to help themselves. And, it's a noble job, and I find very, I don't want to replace it with any and, it's delightful too, working with, people, if they, session of, listening to their trauma, sometimes it's going to be burned out after Yeah, it can be very heavy. Of course. but you don't need to, to carry their burden and it's positive, positive experience for you and them. Yeah. yeah, I encourage everyone, to try it, it's, it's in your body, it's like the, Great. I hear the, who that we don't do TRE, TRE does us, that's Richmond Heath, Yeah. because TRE does us, we don't do TRE, TRE is planted in our system, TRE happens. TRE does us. that's right. Yeah. That's wonderful. Oh, Mohammed, I'm so excited to, have met and be, working with you on these few projects. Let's one more time just, explain the upcoming events. So there's a five day TRE workshop open to everyone, base in Dubai, beginning May 27th. Is that correct? 27, we're gonna have, in kan yoga, yoga center, our wellness center, and it's open for everyone. and we gonna have, other, we're gonna have with the hospital and with one, one day for hospital, one day with the, athletes and one day with the police, and one day, Wonderful. Yeah. so and so that will be with Dr. David David Bercelli himself and we have five providers Arabia and we have, TRE Dubai also. So five, we have, Rana Gazzaz and we have Ithar Ihtar Ithar Zahir. We Hala and Siddique. Okay. I'm me from Saudi Arabia and we have Candice from Dubai, Dubai. so we, along with you and Dr. David, we are eight people bringing TRE to Dubai And, yeah, we're going to do it in the group setting. So So if any, but so if anyone's listening here who's in or near Dubai or wants to travel in, in the region, this will be a big multidisciplinary multidisciplinary kind of a workshop with these different populations. So first it's the first TRE public TRE training. Of this kind with these different audiences that I'm, that I've heard of. So it's an exciting, event. And then in July, you and I will work together to do a module one certification training, for the, Arab region, all online. and, in English, And in English. Yes. what are the dates? what are the date? What are the dates for the July module 19th and 20th of 19, July. And 20 is going to be two days. the one day is hours, one day is seven hours, one hour break, So it's going to be Friday and Saturday. And then, usually a here afternoon. so it's going to be open for everyone. It's, Middle East. because it's to be online and this model one and model two is going to be after a one month and a half one and it's going to be online two, two days and there's model three also. And through that we have the supervision, sessions online also or in person if I find a provider in Saudi Arabia or Dubai, so we can meet up also. And, I'm looking forward to, you know, deliver more, knowledge to the area and, certify more, TRE provider, because, the population is, big and we need more provider in the area, more trainer in the area. And, and also it's because we can do it in, online. So I'm looking forward to have different experience from different countries, also in the Arab region. And life. right. Yeah. So it's, I'm really excited, to work with you and potential, trainee also Right. and hear their stories. Great. one of the Okay. Good. and we'll put the information, yeah, we'll put the information for these two events in the, show notes below. So it should be easy to, register and learn more. and Mohammed, we'll put your information, your email and contact information and the, Social media, all that stuff so that somebody can, we can find you easily. But, Mohammed, it's been a, it's been a real pleasure. Thank you so much for taking time for this conversation. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to meet you soon in the way. Yeah. Likewise. Yeah. Thank you.