The Rugby Muscle Podcast

Supplement Scams / Recommendations, Mobility Help, Imbalances and Scrum-Specific Work - TJ Q&A #125

August 20, 2019 Rugby Muscle: Gym, Training, Diet and Strength and Conditioning Season 4 Episode 39
  • How to improve mobility in ankles, hips, shoulders?

  • Types of corrective exercises support with imbalances, such as glutes, hip flexors, VMOs and others not firing when doing major movements.

  • I love the Q&A sessions and I plan to participate more in those

  • Scrummaging training advice; neck strengthening, core, shoulders and proper body shape.  Exercises that will support a player in the tight 5

  • Playing at an elite level means you are potentially being tested for enhancing drugs, would you be able to offer advice on how to understand what you can take and not take; specifically around supplements (pre-workout/SERMs/etc)  I understand that it could be country based (I'm in Canada), but a general chat would be great.  Supplements are huge now and very unregulated.

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