Reignite Resilience

Rise & Thrive: Finding Joy in Everyday Fitness

April 13, 2024 Pamela Cass and Natalie Davis
🔒 Rise & Thrive: Finding Joy in Everyday Fitness
Reignite Resilience
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Reignite Resilience
Rise & Thrive: Finding Joy in Everyday Fitness
Apr 13, 2024
Pamela Cass and Natalie Davis

Subscriber-only episode

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Are you ready to kick off 2024 with a powerhouse of resilience and a bounce in your step? Tune in to Rise and Thrive with me, Pam Cass, as we explore the undeniable synergy between fitness and resilience. Discover why hitting the pavement or grabbing those weights is about more than chiseling your physique; it's about forging a formidable immune system and sharpening your mental edge for the ultimate one-two punch against life's curveballs. This week, we're not just talking about sculpting a new you—we're focusing on sculpting a resilient you, one that can tackle stress head-on and sail through decisions with clarity and confidence.

Embrace the mantra of movement in the smallest of ways; I'll show you how to weave it seamlessly into your daily life for maximum impact. We're not sprinting for a marathon finish line here, but rather finding joy in the jaunt from the furthest parking spot or the triumph of choosing stairs over elevators. Join me as we share the secrets to transforming your everyday routine into a resilience-building powerhouse. By the end of our chat, you'll be equipped with practical strategies to enhance your energy and mindset, setting yourself up for a year of victories, both big and small. Let's rise to the challenge together and make 2024 the year you thrive like never before!

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Magical Mornings Journal

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The co-hosts of this podcast are not medical professionals. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by the podcast hosts or guests is solely at your own risk.

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Subscriber-only episode

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Are you ready to kick off 2024 with a powerhouse of resilience and a bounce in your step? Tune in to Rise and Thrive with me, Pam Cass, as we explore the undeniable synergy between fitness and resilience. Discover why hitting the pavement or grabbing those weights is about more than chiseling your physique; it's about forging a formidable immune system and sharpening your mental edge for the ultimate one-two punch against life's curveballs. This week, we're not just talking about sculpting a new you—we're focusing on sculpting a resilient you, one that can tackle stress head-on and sail through decisions with clarity and confidence.

Embrace the mantra of movement in the smallest of ways; I'll show you how to weave it seamlessly into your daily life for maximum impact. We're not sprinting for a marathon finish line here, but rather finding joy in the jaunt from the furthest parking spot or the triumph of choosing stairs over elevators. Join me as we share the secrets to transforming your everyday routine into a resilience-building powerhouse. By the end of our chat, you'll be equipped with practical strategies to enhance your energy and mindset, setting yourself up for a year of victories, both big and small. Let's rise to the challenge together and make 2024 the year you thrive like never before!

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Magical Mornings Journal

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The co-hosts of this podcast are not medical professionals. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by the podcast hosts or guests is solely at your own risk.

Speaker 0:

Hello and welcome to Rise and Thrive, your weekly inspirational message from Reignite Resilience. I'm Pam Cass and I'm excited about our message today. So I was thinking. It's the second week of 2024, so we're fresh into the new year and oftentimes we set these resolutions and a lot of times that has to do with a fitness resolution. This is why gyms tend to be so busy in the month of January and then it falls off, and that's pretty common. So new year, we want a new self. We decide let's get back to an exercise routine, or maybe let's start one for the first time. So we join a gym and then we show up and then life happens and we stop. So I wanted to share with you why exercise is so important.

Speaker 0:

When we think about resilience, what does it matter? Who cares if I'm fit? What does that have to do with resilience? It has a ton to do with resilience. First, it has physical benefit for us. If you think about when we exercise, oxygen is put into our bloodstream. And when oxygen is put into our bloodstream, it makes us healthier so that when we get sick we get exposed to a flu or something, we're able to recover faster. That's huge guys, when you think about all the things that are out there that we're facing. If we could build this stronger immune system simply by working out, why wouldn't we do it? Why wouldn't we want to have a body that's more resilient when it faces these kind of challenges? Now the other one, which I think is even more important when we exercise, it helps us mentally, which helps us with our resilience. So the things that it can do it can reduce our stress when we exercise on a regular basis. It can help us process. When stress comes into our lives, we're able to deal with it far better than we could if we haven't been exercising.

Speaker 0:

The second it increases our mood. Have you ever met somebody that works out that isn't happy? Usually they're always positive and happy. Now I will tell you I'm a runner. When I'm running, my face may not say that I am happy, but when I am done running, the feeling that I get the endorphins that are increased in my body makes me feel like I could run through a brick wall. And then, finally, it helps us cognitively, which means it helps us make better decisions. So when we face those challenges, those adversities in our life, in our week, we're able to handle them better because we are more physically and mentally fit.

Speaker 0:

So what's your challenge this week? It's not to go join a gym, it's not to start working out an hour a day, it's not to go run a marathon. No, it's to start putting some healthy habits into your life. That gets your body moving. And it's some simple steps.

Speaker 0:

So, when you go to the store the next time, instead of driving around a hundred times, finding the closest parking spot, park in the back of the parking lot and walk to the door. Instead of taking the elevator or the escalator, the next time, how about taking the stairs? How about the next time, when you have a break between your meetings, instead of going and sitting down or surfing the social media or watching some YouTube videos, go for a walk. It doesn't have to be a long walk. Go for a five minute walk, a 10 minute walk, and start getting movement and exercise into your life. Here's what's going to happen You're going to start to take these small little steps and you're going to start notice a difference, noticing a difference in your energy and in your mindset, and that will help you build resilience. So until next time, remember, stay strong, stay resilient and always rise and thrive. Take care, guys.