M&A Murders & Accusations: The Good the Bad and The Ugly of Selling Your Business

Wow Your Buyers by Answering Questions Based on Personality Type

Rick J. Krebs, M&A Advisor, CPA and CEPA

Welcome to a captivating journey through the world of selling your business. In this episode, we're diving deep into the vital knowledge you need to secure the successful sale of your business, while steering clear of common pitfalls that could put your sale at risk.

Today's discussion revolves around a fascinating revelation: the four distinct personas you're bound to cross paths with during the process of selling your business. Picture this: you're about to uncover the secrets behind these personalities and understand why this knowledge is a game-changer for your selling strategy.

Have you ever wondered why understanding these diverse personalities is essential? Why should you care about decoding the intricacies of different individuals when navigating the intricate process of selling a business? Brace yourself, because the answers lie in grasping what truly drives these unique characters, what ignites their passions, and how to expertly engage with their queries and curiosities.

Let's delve into these four captivating personas:

  1. The Ship Captain/Rhino (CEO) - The Visionary Trailblazer
  2. The Surfer (Sales) - Riding the Waves of Enthusiasm
  3. The Lifeguard (Any Position) - Guardian of Goodness and Impact
  4. The Lap Swimmer (Accountant, Engineer, Attorney) - Precision in Motion

But wait, there's more! Discover the secrets of identifying these personalities in your potential buyers. Uncover the art of tailoring your responses to capture their imagination and enthusiasm. Join us as we reveal how to resonate with each personality type, enticing them to envision a future with your business at the helm.

So, business owners, buckle up for an exhilarating expedition into the minds of these four intriguing personas. Master the art of interaction, influence, and igniting excitement as you venture forth in the quest to sell your business. Your journey starts now.

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Hello and welcome to "M&A Murders and Accusations: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Selling Your Business." We delve into what you need to know and how not to jeopardize the sale of your business. Now, here's our host, Rick J Krebs, Mergers and Acquisitions Advisor.

Hello everyone, and welcome to our show, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Selling a Business." Today's topic is the four types of people. You might wonder, why is this important? Why do we need to understand the different personality types and the types of people we'll encounter, particularly when selling a business? It's all about learning what motivates these individuals, what excites them, and how to best address their questions and interests. Let's start with a story. Back when I was in public accounting in Las Vegas, I had a boss named Greg. We would receive a notice to come into his office, which we referred to as the "page from hell." Every time we entered his office, he would criticize us for something. This story illustrates the type of person I'll call "the rhino." Knowing how to handle and engage with these distinct personalities is crucial during the selling process. It helps you gauge potential buyers and tailor your approach to their preferences.

Imagine being on a beach and spotting four different types of people. First, there's the captain, also known as the visionary or the rhino. They're the ones driving the ship, focused on vision, potential, and opportunity. Then, we have the surfer, embodying fun and the party spirit, often found in marketing and sales roles. The lifeguard represents the do-gooder, concerned about making a positive impact on humanity and the planet. Finally, the lap swimmer is methodical and detail-oriented, often in roles like accounting or engineering.

Let's focus on each type. The visionary captains ask about a company's potential and future prospects. They're big picture thinkers, like Elon Musk. Surfers, on the other hand, inquire about marketing strategies and sales. They're all about fun and enjoyment. Lifeguards focus on how a company contributes to the greater good, its impact on the world. Lastly, lap swimmers ask detailed questions about finances, costs, and methods. Knowing how to address their unique concerns can greatly influence the sales process.

As you prepare for meetings with potential buyers, assessing their personality types beforehand can help tailor your responses. Visionaries seek vision and potential, while methodicals desire details. By providing the right answers, you can pique their interest and make your business more appealing. Remember, understanding and catering to these distinct preferences can significantly impact your success in selling your business.

Thank you for tuning in to "M&A Murders and Accusations: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Selling Your Business." We invite you to join us for future episodes. For more information, visit www.bsalesgroup.com or contact Rick directly at rick@bsalesgroup.com.

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