Shiny New Clients!

How to have the most Lucrative year in your business

February 05, 2024 Jenna Warriner Season 1 Episode 37
How to have the most Lucrative year in your business
Shiny New Clients!
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Shiny New Clients!
How to have the most Lucrative year in your business
Feb 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 37
Jenna Warriner

Are you determined to make this year a year of GROWTH for your business? That takes strategy, action, and the right business mindset - and in this episode I'll share one of my first experiences in my business where my mindset and outlook directly impacted my revenue.

Whether you're an entrepreneur striving to get your biz off the ground, or hit that million-in-a-year mark, this mindset shift still applies (fascinating, right?)

I hope the tale I tell today helps you expand your empire!

Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"

Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)

Tap here to try (Jenna's favourite social media scheduling software)

Music by Jordan Wood

Hosted by Jenna Warriner, Creator of Magic Marketing Machine

Show Notes Transcript

Are you determined to make this year a year of GROWTH for your business? That takes strategy, action, and the right business mindset - and in this episode I'll share one of my first experiences in my business where my mindset and outlook directly impacted my revenue.

Whether you're an entrepreneur striving to get your biz off the ground, or hit that million-in-a-year mark, this mindset shift still applies (fascinating, right?)

I hope the tale I tell today helps you expand your empire!

Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"

Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)

Tap here to try (Jenna's favourite social media scheduling software)

Music by Jordan Wood

Hosted by Jenna Warriner, Creator of Magic Marketing Machine

 Hey, it's me. I don't want to jinx it, but I think I've discovered this secret to business growth. And I'm going to share it with you in today's episode.   Years ago when I was in the first or second year of my business, I made this mental shift that propelled me into the next level of entrepreneurship. And at the time I think I was pretty aware that this shift I had made was pretty monumental. And I can proudly say, I have not heard anyone else give this advice, which. That's saying something for someone who hangs out on the internet. Not saying no one has given this advice. 

I'm sure they have, I can't be the first person to say this, but let's pretend I am because I want the pride points. 

Even if you aren't in the early stages of your business, maybe you're a few years in, maybe you're onto your second business. And so on the reason I'm bringing this concept back into my life right now is because as my business has grown, I've realized that this advice stands no matter what level of business you're at, as long as you're trying to get to the next tier. 

So let's go back to where I was standing when I made this realization and I made this shift. 

  It was the first few years of my business. I think it was maybe second year in. And I started doing social media management from my cockroach G bachelor apartment on a double hand-me-down, barely functioning Mac computer. And at this point, I had upgraded in many ways. I had upgraded my life. I upgraded my apartment and my boyfriend and I had  got an apartment together on queen street in Toronto, and I now had a desk and that was a big deal too, because I'd done all of this on my old dining room table. 

And if you've ever seen a bachelor apartment, you know, it's the dining room table, it's the desk. It's the vanity, it's everything. And getting a desk off of was a. Huge deal to me. I was so excited. I booked a photo shoot and I had a freelance photographer come and like take pictures of me at my desk in blazers. 

Cause I was just so proud of where this business was going. But I wasn't making a ton of money at that point. 

I was still hashing everything out and I wasn't sure of what my offers were and I wasn't sure what this business is. I was still bartending a few nights a week. I was still trying to be an actor. 

I hadn't gone full hog into this business 

actually, I started working with a business coach at that time, but because I didn't have enough money to pay her, we did a trade and she traded me business coaching for. Social media management. 

Some people are totally against trades like that. And I think that you got to do what works for you. Sometimes working for testimonials, working for less than, you know, your worth or working for a trade is worth it. 

 I was also at this time, like hitting the pavement, bootstrapping, trying to figure out how to run this business, trying to figure out how to get clients. 

, I got one of my biggest clients off of Craigslist. Like. I would do whatever it takes. I started working for the bar that I worked at doing their social media. I started getting referrals. I would take whatever I could get. 

I was way under charging. Like I was really just. Making my way through hashing everything out and then really excited when cash would end up in my pocket at the end of the day.   

So here's the shift. I made the mindset shift to the approach, the change, the realization, whatever you want to call it. The most lucrative shift I made in my business was when I stopped thinking about how to make the next hundred dollars. And started thinking about the next 10,000.  10,000 at the time sounded very freaking scary and  like 10,000, 10,000 altogether, 10,000 a month, however you want to look at it 10,000 a month. That sounded pretty impossible at the time. 

There was no way I could get to that with the way that I had been running my business at the time, which is why this realization changed everything for me. 

Like for instance, A bartending shift. I'm going to take home maybe a couple hundred dollars, but that means if I took that shift, I'd be. too tired to go to the networking breakfast the next day, where I might meet someone who wants to hire me to manage their social media, which is going to result in thousands of dollars. 

I had clients who wanted me onsite with them and I would drive all the way across the city. 

You know, if you know, Toronto, I'd go from Leslieville all the way over to Mississauga, which is the worst stretch of traffic that you can face because one of my clients wanted to see me on site. Well, at the rates I was charging, I couldn't continue to be on site with my clients, just the math stomp math thing. 

There's not enough time. Time in the day to make those kinds of numbers and give that kind of service.

 It was around this time where I was first introduced to the idea of having a one to many offer. So one to one versus one to many, and people told me to create a course. And I was like, what does that mean? 

And. Cut to today. I have a very successful course. I have a course called magic marketing machine that shows service-based business owners, how to grow on Instagram manager, Instagram and 15 minutes a day. 

And most importantly, get clients from the content that you post. And now I have that program. At the time I'm even know what someone meant by program. And I tried to make it multiple times multiple failed attempts at making this course. One time I spent an entire afternoon and I just wrote out the whole course. 

And then I accidentally pressed the wrong button and it got deleted from the face of the planet. 

That was the first time when the idea of not trading time for money was introduced to me. 

And it was around that time where one of my clients actually was the one to tell me I needed to raise my rates, you know, bless some of the humans of this earth. 

I can't remember exactly what I was charging, but I think it was something like 250 bucks for multiple in-person sessions where we would sit down in a. random coffee shop together. 

And I would give you a social media strategy and teach you how to. Implement it.  

And I was, I think I was calling myself a consultant. And I met with someone and gave her like a lot in a few different sessions of sitting together like this. And on the last one, she said, Jenna.   I just want to let you know that I spoke to a few different people to try and find someone to do what you're doing for me right now. 

And you were the cheapest and I didn't pick you because you were the cheapest I picked you because I liked you. And then I also picked someone else because I guess she like. Because I was so cheap, she had the budget for it. Right. And she said that I was.  Providing something that people are charging way more money for, and basically doing a good job at it. 

And he needed to raise my rates. And in that moment she asked if she could pay me more. And I still said, no. I said, no, just, you know, I'm going to bill you what we already spoke about, but you think about it like.  Taking the street car all the way to this place, sitting down with her, taking the streaker home, all the email correspondences, like it's probably gonna break down to like $5 an hour that I was doing that for. 

So after that happened. I came home and said to my boyfriend now, husband, I think I'm going to make this  a structured package.  And I'm going to charge $800 for it.  And I remember he said, can you do that? And I said, I think so. Like, what are the rules? 

There are no rules. And now that this had been introduced to me, this concept of thinking about the next $10,000 and not trading my money for time. Like it was all revolutionary for me.

Instead of trying to hook small fish, you're going to start trying to hook big fish instead of selling one month packages and then scrambling next month, hoping they don't cancel. You're locking people into three month packages. 

It was a whole new. 

Okay. So here's the exciting part. When it was time for me to start. Aiming for that hundred thousand dollar mark.  Things changed again, the same strategies that got me to hundreds of dollars and then to thousands of dollars, weren't the same strategies that were going to get me to a hundred thousand dollars. 

And now that it's time to go for that million dollar mark things are shifting again. I found myself just this week. Revisiting the same concept and asking myself, what do I need to do right now to get to that million dollars in a year? 


I was getting kind of caught up in the day to day or the money per month, or like all of these smaller goals and realizing. 

That the same tricks that got me to multiple six figures. Aren't the ones that are going to get me to a million things need to change again. And this rule will always stand. 

Actually it won't because once I get to 10 million a year, I'm retiring. I think that's good. I think that's, that's just fine. We don't need to go bigger than that. At that point, what am I going to spend it on?  

All right. I hope that this mindset shift found you if you needed to hear it today. And if not, I hope it Nestles itself away in the nooks and crannies of your brain. 

And it shows up at the time  📍 when you most need it.  If you want to learn more about working with me inside magic marketing machine, by the way, there is a free training linked in the show notes called how to get clients from Instagram without wasting hours glued to your phone. And with that have a wonderful week.