The Flynn Skidmore Podcast

The Energetics of Self in Human Design, The Science of Your Aura and Expanding Consciousness with Maike Gabriela

Flynn Skidmore / Maike Gabriela Episode 24

In this episode, my guest is Maike Gabriela, Human Design reader, and deconditioning expert. Maike’s mission is to support people in finding their way back to themselves and their purpose.

Maike describes the science of the aura and the cellular activation process of Human Design, as well as energetics and alignment. Maike tells us about Human Design’s intention to communicate to your mind and body down to a cellular level. She also discusses how you can contribute to the expansion of consciousness, your vibrational frequency, and using Human Design as a tool to be your most authentic self.

This conversation offers a transformative perspective on the Human Design process as a tool to access inner guidance and live your life fully owning your truth.

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Flynn Skidmore: Hello, and welcome to the Flynn Skidmore podcast. My goal is to help you become exactly who you want to be. We are here to help you take your biggest, boldest, most beautiful vision for life. And turn that vision into reality. Welcome back to the Flynn Skidmore podcast today. I am joined by Micah Gabriella for a fantastic, super insightful conversation on human design.

Flynn Skidmore: As you will learn human design is the science of your aura. And this conversation is all about what it means to tap into the truest version of yourself to make you One of the most magnetic beings to ever live We speak about purpose. We speak about relationships. This is a mind blowing conversation and also super pragmatic.

Flynn Skidmore: I cannot wait for you to listen. So Human, human design. If I, if I'm mapping out the last six years of my life and I, and I take a look at some of the most important things, the most pivotal and essential things that have helped gotten me to where I am and I, what I think are going to be super helpful in taking me where I want to go, human design is one of those things.

Flynn Skidmore: Um, and I'm, and I'm curious about like, I find it to be one of the most transformational modalities. I'm curious about your take on that. Like what, what makes human design so powerful and so transformational? Okay. 

Maike Gabriela: Um, I can just talk about my own experience because I agree and I see this also in a lot of people that I've worked with.

Maike Gabriela: Um, there's something about just understanding and having that permission to be okay with who one is and that just like deep sense of. Yeah, this is I'm allowed to be this way. Like, there's nothing that's broken with me. Actually, the things that I'm learning through human design are giving me the permission to just be more me.

Maike Gabriela: You know, and I think that that is such a key component that I see, I literally see people in the session when I have a reading with them, like their body changes, you know, you can see like there's the weight on their shoulders kind of relaxes and they like, um, yeah, just their whole body relaxes. Cause it's like, Oh, wow.

Maike Gabriela: Really? Like, It's not that something's wrong with me. I'm not broken. This is okay. This is actually my gift. Like I've, I've come here to be the way that I am. No way. You know, and I think that that is, or at least in my experience, that has been my transformational key component. And then I think the reason why human design is so applicable is because it has.

Maike Gabriela: A tangible strategy. And this is why, for example, I resonate deeper with human design than I do with astrology. And obviously, you know, I'm an astrology gurney, but, you know, and I've been like diving astrology since I'm a teenager and like all of these things, but there's something really grounding. And, um, more tangible with this strategy that's implementable in human design.

Flynn Skidmore: Yeah, that, that's been my exact experience. And if I'm, if, if I'm tracking what has happened in my life, again, like let's say it's six, seven years. Pre human design, post human design, pre human design, I invested so much energy into thinking that I was supposed to be a certain person. And I had heard all of the tropes about like, be yourself, that's the most successful thing, or everyone's got their own advice, and that just speaks to their experience.

Flynn Skidmore: But I didn't know how to actually not be attached To what other people were saying about who I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to do. And I, and I was just like killing myself, spending all this energy draining myself. And then once I learned about human design and I was like, Oh, okay, there's this system that says there's some truth about who I am.

Flynn Skidmore: And these things don't necessarily indicate that I'm broken. There's just speak to some kind of truth about my energetic signature. My energetic fingerprint, well, now I have clarity on how to actually make use of what I'm great at and how to outsource or delegate what I'm not great at. And it's been a journey.

Flynn Skidmore: Like I'm still not good at that. I'm still learning. And I'm sure you and I will spend the rest of our lives getting better and better at being ourselves. But it's this model. It's like the first set of training wheels that I ever got to teach me how to be myself and how to make the most use of being myself.

Maike Gabriela: So the interesting thing also to me in human design in like the spiritual kind of, um, esoteric niche is that the idea is not so much that, you know, somebody tells you who you are, but that actually the information you receive through human design. Gives you access to your own inner world and allows you to find guidance within yourself.

Maike Gabriela: It's this redirection instead of always looking to like, what's this person telling me? What's the strategy that work for that person look like? But really being like, Hey, Okay. All of these things are great tools, but what is actually my own truth? What is my body trying to tell me? What is my guidance system trying to tell me?

Maike Gabriela: And those are really the things that make human design such a beautiful tool to have, because it doesn't rely on this, like. more guru mentality, but it's really just this way back to self. And in this age of the internet, where I truly believe that we can fucking learn anything and everything from the internet, the energetics of self is something that we're just starting to grasp now.

Maike Gabriela: And so much of my life has been trying to push against who my energetic authenticity is or how that looks like, like the amount of suffering and. Head against the wall banging that I've been through because it was like, no, no, I'm going to make it this way. Everybody says it has to be this way. I'm going to do it this way.

Maike Gabriela: And then I got burned out, sick and just like into a really like, you know, dark place. Cause I, I just didn't understand why it doesn't work for everybody, but it doesn't work for me. And that sensation, that feeling is so devastating. And once I understood, Oh, it's just like energetically that is not my path.

Maike Gabriela: And when I aligned with my energetic path, I am really able to just allow things to come to me without me being too much in my head and being like, Oh, I'm trying to like manifest this thing. And if it's not happening, it's because I'm not worthy and whatever people have been telling me, you know, 

Flynn Skidmore: yeah, that that's, that's been my exact.

Flynn Skidmore: Exact experience as well. And that's the reason I said the word, like it's the first time I ever found training wheels is because it's like no one had no one or no system had ever guided me so effectively in the process of, um, accepting myself and, and then getting what you're getting at, what you're talking about, like learning the essence of self, learning how to actually be myself, which is, I think.

Flynn Skidmore: I would love to speak with you about that, about like what that even means, how a person knows if they're being their self, because that's fascinating. And yeah, it, it, it was that for me. It was this thing that gave me permission to be myself and a couple strategies and a couple things to look for. But ultimately the beauty of human design, at least in my experience of it, and what I hear you saying is that it then.

Flynn Skidmore: Guided me into this place where I was then able to use human design, not as like the Bible speaking about the truth of reality, but as a beautiful tool that helps me be my own self. But myself, my own experience, my own like internal authority. That's the thing. That's my Bible. And is that, is that what it is?

Flynn Skidmore: Is that what it's designed? Yes, 

Maike Gabriela: I agree. 2000%. I agree 2000 percent with what you're saying. And I think one of the things that is really interesting, and this is maybe a little bit out there, but I don't know. I think sometimes having like this little sprinkle of magic and mysticism is quite cool. There's something human design that I really love, which is when we talk about the cellular activation.

Maike Gabriela: So it has been said that there are certain words or the language in the human design system carries a certain frequency that awakens your dormant DNA cells. And so we talk about this deconditioning process and I love that you referenced six, seven years because they say it has been said that the deconditioning process is seven years long.

Maike Gabriela: Really? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so this is what happens when you hear, when you listen to the human design information. Or you get a reading or whatever, uh, it awakens these dormant potential DNA cells that are like your full expression of self, whatever that means. And we can get into that, but, um, but yeah, so those are the, the magical, like process of human design that I think is so cool.

Maike Gabriela: Cause it only happens with what we call like an oral transmission. 

Flynn Skidmore: Okay. So in, in what I'm hearing, which is my favorite stuff on the planet, I love this. So part of. Part of the way that human design was designed was with this intention to use a very particular set of words. And those words like either, either communicate a particular frequency that communicates with the nuclei of every one of our cells and, and awakens certain.

Flynn Skidmore: Attributes or properties or tendencies in our cells and then, and then, and then our cells start to that or the, they start to produce the protein to like recondition our body to be an expression of whatever these deep truths are. Is that about right? Yes. Okay. And so then it takes about seven years to like it take in, in about seven years from now you and I will both have new bodies, right?

Flynn Skidmore: And those bodies will be an expert because we'll get rid of the old cells. There'll be new cells. And those bodies will be an expression of this relationship between our consciousness and matter, the ways in which our consciousness and sound and frequency are communicating with ourselves. And then it builds our body as a result of whatever those habits and patterns are.

Flynn Skidmore: So you're saying that human design, like intended to speak to the nuclei of each one of our cells in a particular way, that's going to like build a more, well, actually what, what is the intention? Like what? Is it building, I was going to say like a more beautiful resonant true body, but what is it building?

Flynn Skidmore: So 

Maike Gabriela: the idea of human design is the concept of differentiation. So it's really about understanding that we've all come here with an individual purpose and that we all have a singular. That when we express that role, we are actually embodying our purpose. And I know you have a very specific point of view on purpose, which I think is super fascinating, but just from the lens of the human design perspective, it is really just this concept of like.

Maike Gabriela: Us coming into this existence with these weird quirks and different interests and these little gifts and all of these little things that we might feel ashamed of or we don't want anybody to know about or the things that we like scroll when nobody's watching, like all of these things, you know, they make up this particular way of looking, seeing, feeling, you know, Communicating, and when we are able to tap into that particular individual kind of makeup of self, that's when we're contributing to the expansion of consciousness.

Maike Gabriela: And that is the base premises for the experimentation within the human design system. And it's called the Human Design Experiment because again, it's not about, and I'm like, I don't know, I feel I see this a lot. But I'm somebody who I like, you don't have to believe in human design if that's not for you, if it doesn't resonate, if you know, like, I don't think it's the only tool ever to exist or like, we're just human design, like not at all.

Maike Gabriela: And I really don't want people to take it as an excuse for anything that doesn't allow them to be, or, you know, express what they want to express. So I think that that's just like important too. 

Flynn Skidmore: Yeah. So what I'm, what I'm hearing here, and it's funny that you say that I have an interesting take on purpose.

Flynn Skidmore: Cause I, I kind of don't even know what my take on purpose is. So maybe it'll get clear to me. Maybe you know better than I do, but what I'm, what I'm hearing you say is, um, okay, we're here. We're here as an expression of differentiation. We each have our own little quirks and traits and little weird interests, things that compel us, things that make us the most alive.

Flynn Skidmore: Most of us are spending most of our lives shaming ourselves for the truth of what we like and who we are because we think that's not the thing that it's supposed to be, right? We're comparing it to this like general model, which if we think, you know, what's fascinating to me about this is like, if we're comparing ourselves to the general model, And then we take a look at the rates of depression, suicide, heart disease, loneliness.

Flynn Skidmore: Like why are we comparing ourselves to the norm? You know what I'm saying? If like what the norm is is actually not doing all that well, but that, that, that's maybe not what we need to talk about now. But, um, so, so the, so the, our purpose here is to tap into what makes us different. And then when we get better at doing that, what we're doing is what you said is we're contributing to the expansion of consciousness.

Flynn Skidmore: So what is, why is that important to you? Why, why do you think it's important that that consciousness expands or that that's something that we contribute to? That's a 

Maike Gabriela: very interesting question. Um, it sounds nice. I get to,

Maike Gabriela: sounds nice. Sounds awesome. I don't know. Um, I don't know. I think there is this idea within me at least, or I don't know where I've picked that up. Um, you know, that the universe is always expanding and therefore we're always expanding and maybe it's just this human. Pursuit of like growth and evolution and transformation.

Maike Gabriela: I don't know, like the way that I described this often is that, you know, um, human design or the way that I see is that I really believe that our soul has come into this lifetime whole and knows exactly what experiences and what relationships and what. Um, you know, adventures it's going to have in this lifetime.

Maike Gabriela: And they're all sitting in this kind of like iCloud. And our aura is the password. Our aura has the key to connect the things that are meant for us into our reality. And so in human design, we talk about our aura, 

Flynn Skidmore: you said. Yes. Can you, can, can you explain a little bit more about that? So our aura, our aura is like, it, it, it, that's the thing that has the wholeness, like the, the, the truth to it, the keys to it.

Flynn Skidmore: But yeah, like explain a little bit more about what, or 

Maike Gabriela: human design is called the science of our aura. So it's basically, that's 

Flynn Skidmore: a beautiful thing. 

Maike Gabriela: Oh my God. Yeah. So it's, it's really the energetic of our vibrational field. And it's been said that You know, people like Jesus or Mohammed, they had like kilometers of aura proceeding them.

Maike Gabriela: And so what human design really helps us is to align this outside energy that the vibes, like if we look at what vibrational frequency means in the dictionary, it's vibes. And we all know how to be like, Oh, you know, go to that party. Great vibes are like, Ooh, that, that person has like bad vibes. We have that really colloquial way of using that word, but oftentimes we don't really know what that, what that means.

Maike Gabriela: What do you mean if somebody comes to me, it's like, Oh, the vibrational field is off. I'm like, you're a freak. You're weird. Nobody's like, Oh, that's bad vibes. I'm like, okay, I'm not going. You know what I mean? Yes. So human design is trying to create a language around what this vibrational field looks like, how we can describe it, how we can utilize it.

Maike Gabriela: Um, and, you know, it's really interesting because We often perceive people without being able to perceive them, right? Like, why do I know I am liking, of course, there's like micro expressions and like, for me, clothes is a big indicator indicative of like who you are, your values, there's so many things, but there's something else.

Maike Gabriela: There's something that we feel that we can't put into words. And for me, the human design system is that thing that allows us to talk about this thing that we can't put into words. 

Flynn Skidmore: Ah, okay. So it's almost like, like we were, it's such a, it's such a common thing. Thing all different, even types of people who think that spirituality is the corniest thing ever, like they, those people still have language that's related to spirituality, which is like the perception of the imperceptible is kind of what it is like feeling this energy, feeling this thing, but we can't really point to anything that's obvious that says like, Oh, I, this is how I know the vibe is off.

Flynn Skidmore: It's just a feeling. Um, that's, that's a really cool. So, so what in your mind. This is this very human experience, this tapped in this to these different energetic fields and, and the way that the, the, it's the science of the aura. So the way that I, what I hear in that is an aura is like the sphere of the energetic field around you.

Flynn Skidmore: And there's probably not just one energy happening in there, but your aura is probably the average of the energies around you. Right. That's, that's fair. So human design is, um, yeah. It's the science, what is it? It's the science of our aura of your, or that's amazing. And so, so with these, these, these figures like Jesus or Gandhi who have kilometers wide spheres of aura around them, um, what human design I like is the goal of human design to teach people how to have kilometers wide or us.

Maike Gabriela: Not necessarily. No, I just think it's like interesting to understand that aura can vary on the potency of a person. Right. So something that I started doing parallel to human design was Kundalini Yoga, which is also like really focused on the energetics. And I think there's like 11 bodies, which like in whole is like the aura or the aura is one of those bodies.

Maike Gabriela: So whatever, I'm not a specialist in that, but I'm just saying there's like. Different ways of approaching that. But no human design is not necessarily teaching you all have the strongest or biggest. But just to understand that all of our gifts and talents, they're like hanging in this auric field, like apples on an apple tree.

Maike Gabriela: And so when our actions and our words are aligning with what people sense, they have a direct access to hang in there and connect to our energetic field. Create something new, right? This is the idea of these gates, when they connect, they create these channels, right? This chemistry. And so when our actions and our words are not aligning with our energetic body, people are like, Oh, that's murky.

Maike Gabriela: That's something's off. And then we feel like this rejection of the person and mistrust, right? Oh 

Flynn Skidmore: my God. Yes, yes. Keep going. Yeah. Oh, that's it. That's it. Okay. Okay. This is amazing. This is fucking amazing. Okay. So in my aura, uh, I have these like, there are like these little apple and oranges, orange trees, all these little fruits here in my aura.

Flynn Skidmore: What most of us are doing. Is, is not living our is, is living our life thinking that the fruits that are in our aura are supposed to be different fruits and not recognizing the fruits that are here in our aura and tasting them and being them and like owning them where instead operating with this energy, like thinking that the fruits that we have are wrong and they're supposed to be something else.

Flynn Skidmore: And so then what you're saying is. People, because we all, whether or not we want to identify as spiritual, we all have this spiritual capacity to attune to energy and as energetic beings who are perceptive of and attuned to each other, we can tell. Mostly unconsciously when a person is rejecting the fruits of their aura, when they're, maybe they're rejecting it, or maybe they're just not paying attention to it.

Flynn Skidmore: And when a person is doing that, the beautiful thing that you're saying is that when, when someone is not savoring and appreciating the fruits of their aura, they're not able to create chemistry with another person. They're not able to co create. And so then we like. Instinctually move away from that person because we're picking up probably unconsciously that they're not a beneficial co creator, but we move towards those who we perceive to be beneficial co creators.

Maike Gabriela: Yes, exactly. 

Flynn Skidmore: That's fucking cool. Oh my God. Okay. Now, maybe this is interesting to you. Maybe not. This is interesting to me because I always like, I always like unpacking the assumptions that uphold our perspectives. So in that. What I hear is like, Oh, well then the goal is co creation. And then my, my, my assumption, my guess is that co creation is the thing that expands consciousness.

Flynn Skidmore: And the way to co create is to be really good at differentiation and savor the fruits of your aura. So like, why, why do we want to co create? Why do you think that's important? 

Maike Gabriela: Again? I mean, I think. At least from the human design perspective, creating is life force without creation. There's death.

Flynn Skidmore: It's it's that, 

Maike Gabriela: that, that 

Flynn Skidmore: would, no, that's, I like, I like that. We get down to the most elemental version of it because that that's, that's how I see it. Also it's life and death. It's the practice of life or the practice of death. And I, and the way that I see things is like in any given moment, we're either predominantly practicing life.

Flynn Skidmore: Or we're predominantly practicing death and most people are living their lives. Think hoping that their practices of death are going to give other people life or they're afraid that like owning their aura, owning themselves is going to hurt other people. So what they do is they cut off from themselves in order to avoid hurting other people.

Flynn Skidmore: But the process of cutting off from themselves and practicing death is inherently contributing to death around them. It's creating an energy of death. 

Maike Gabriela: I can give you an incredible example. In the same thing that you're explaining. And I think this is also so fascinating because there's like all the streets lead to Rome, you know what I mean?

Maike Gabriela: Like from so many things, but this is so interesting because especially one of the main energy centers in human design is the SQL center and the SQL energy center is creation is life. It's joy is pleasure. Um, it's the sexual organs. And so. This is predominantly defined that has an energetic dominance because most of the people in our world are going to be generators, the manifesting generators, and they have a defined cycle.

Maike Gabriela: This is a motor energy. This is really consistent energy to do, to create, to build, to, to really, yeah, just be doing okay. In the most pleasurable, exciting kind of way. And so then we have those that have an open SQL center and those that have an open SQL center, like you and I were projectors, reflectors and manifestors.

Maike Gabriela: We do not have that inherent consistent energy, but we're here to amplify the energy of others. Right? And so what's interesting is that. When people have a defined SQL center, which is the majority of the population, there is this idea of like, Oh, doing what I love, which actually allows me to generate that energy that gets me exciting.

Maike Gabriela: It's excited that allows me to have continuous energy that is selfish and because it's selfish, I'm not allowed to do it. And so this is what happens, right? People think that going after what they love and what gives them energy and what, you know, lights them up is something that will create rejection and unsafety because we often grow up, you know, in this very conditioned world, like if you don't do what I want you to do.

Maike Gabriela: That I'm gonna, you know, take away my love, my affection and my security. This is like something that we learned in childhood. And then from, since we are really little, we have been trained that if we go against our inner voice, if we go against their own desire, we go against what actually excites me and what I want to do.

Maike Gabriela: That's the only way I'm going to be accepted in their safety and there's love and approval. And so this is what often as parents, we believe is education because we're not able to understand that all of us, at least from the human design perspective, have this inner capacity, this authority, this inner guidance that is going to lead us towards our own personal purpose.

Maike Gabriela: And as parents, we think like, Oh no, I know better. So I'm going to tell my kids how things are meant to be done. Right. And this is one of the primary things that removes us from our own path that, you know, takes us away from just the guidance that we have internally to bring us to where we have to go.

Maike Gabriela: And so. It's so normal and so justified that we have teenagers that don't know what to study, don't know what their purpose is, or not even purpose, let's make it more basic, don't know what to study, don't know what to do with their life, don't know what to eat, don't know what to wear, like, like, why should you know if your whole life you have Taught that doing what you want and what you love is dangerous.

Maike Gabriela: How can you have trust within 

Flynn Skidmore: that? Yes. Yes. Doing what being taught that doing what you want, doing what you love is dangerous because it will lead to you being rejected or you won't be able to make money, like whatever it is, you're not going to be able to access nourishment. So therefore it's dangerous.

Flynn Skidmore: How do you have the, the, I, the irony in that is that the goal of that message, if I were to say to you, Oh, this is exactly what you need to do and who you need to be in order for you to be safe and access life, my intention, okay, here's, what's really interesting to me about this. My intention probably is to like on the surface, I would say, Oh, I'm just trying to help you.

Flynn Skidmore: Like, I'm just trying to help you get the truth is I'm killing you because I'm not helping you become a person. Who knows what you want and what you like. And if I'm a person who thinks I'm helping you by telling you what to do, then that means that I'm not a person who knows what I like and what gives me energy.

Flynn Skidmore: Because if I did know that, then I would know that the most valuable thing that I could help you with is not telling you who to be, but to help you learn. To make a choice about who you want to be and know what you like and all that love it. Yeah. Okay. So probably if you know, I like probably most of the people who are listening to this podcast, if, if they, uh, You know, you all, you all, either you're an entrepreneur or you want to spend your life doing something creative that helps other people that, I mean, contributes to the expansion of consciousness, which the way that I like to think about it is like, yes, the universe is expanding.

Flynn Skidmore: So it does seem to make sense that contributing to the expansion of consciousness is something that's aligned with the universe, but I can't know if that's good or bad. I just. It's just actually is enjoyable. It's enjoyable to do this thing that contributes to expansion. 

Maike Gabriela: And this is the whole other thing, like from the human design perspective, when we love something, when we enjoy something that fuels our energy and that energy fuels our auric field.

Maike Gabriela: And the more potent our auric field is, the more we can attract or the more we can connect or the more, you know, it just brings this whole other kind of like level to our life. And so. We love things because we're meant to be doing them. And with that logic, maybe we don't like doing things because we're not meant to be doing them.

Maike Gabriela: And I don't know how you were brought up, but I was brought up with like, if you don't like it, you have to learn it. You have to be able to do it. Like the amount of time that I spent. In school, trying to be mediocre at math, instead of being excellent at all of the creative things that I really enjoyed and I loved, um, like, like my, like, and you notice it, I remember yawning, being so tired, like the tiredness that came over my whole body when I had to look at math was like, my whole body was like resisting it.

Maike Gabriela: So one of the ways, and I even think like, I'm not sure, but even think that I've heard you say something similar. So one of the ways that I really described this energy linked to like loving what you do, I believe that when we are tired, when we don't have motivation, like how many people are, you know, in a job that they don't like, and they get judged, oh, you're like bad at your job.

Maike Gabriela: You don't have motivation. You're lazy. No, they're just in the wrong job because they hate what they're doing. And then they do something completely else and they become incredibly successful. And suddenly their whole belief system is like, Oh, I'm actually, you know, it was just the wrong thing. And so for me, one of the key components is when you feel that your energy is being drained, it's the universe's sign or the subconscious sign or whatever, wherever the signs coming from, I don't care.

Maike Gabriela: It's indicative. That you're moving into the wrong path. So you're lacking energy because whatever is trying to let you know that that is not the path that you're meant to be walking. So it's preventing you to continue to walk down that path because it's not the right path. And so when you have energy, when you love what you do.

Maike Gabriela: You're excited and you're moving into the direction of things that, you know, give you that joy and that fun and whatever expression, all of 

Flynn Skidmore: them. Let me, let me make things, uh, let me be make things a little, I'm going to, I want to make things a little more complex or invite some complexity into this.

Flynn Skidmore: What if it's the case that. The person is walking down the correct path externally, but on their external path, they're walking down the wrong path internally. Meaning like, what if the person is in the exact right job, right? And this is the thing that is like, that is aligned with the fruits of their auric field, except the way that they relate to themselves internally.

Flynn Skidmore: Is depleting and, and, and the wrong path. 

Maike Gabriela: This is so interesting because I haven't actually seen that. Oh, interesting. I've seen it the other way around. So what I've seen is that externally they're in a job that everybody tells them is amazing, that they're making the money that they want to make, that has all of these things that makes that is supposed to make them feel great.

Maike Gabriela: But there's something inside that is lacking. And so this is more what I usually see. Um, 

Flynn Skidmore: Interesting. The example that I was thinking about is like a lot of people who identify as introvert introverts, for example, I think, I think that there is such a thing as like energetically being more introverted or extroverted, but I, but I, in my experience.

Flynn Skidmore: When I was living a life where I was tired all the time, like I think as a teenager, I probably could have been diagnosed with, um, chronic fatigue syndrome. Like could I wanted to sleep for eternity? All I wanted to do was sleep and I could never get enough rest that actually felt restful. And that was from like teenage years up until really like late twenties.

Flynn Skidmore: Um, and I identified as an immense introvert. And now I kind of identify as more leaning towards extroverted than I do introverted. And I know I'm walking on the right path. And so I might have in that time of my life, like been in social environments that were life giving and nourishing, but I didn't know how to create the internal environment.

Flynn Skidmore: I didn't know how to create other environments in my life or the internal environment to know how to be the version of myself. I wanted to be in that external environment. You know what I'm saying? 

Maike Gabriela: Yeah. Yeah. So just energetically, I think it's interesting because from what I understood, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, introverts get depleted by energy from like, by being with people.

Maike Gabriela: Is that the thing? And then Extroverts get energy from being around people. Yes. So when we look at the SQL energy and the openness in our chart, we can see that the more open we are, the more we're going to be influenced by other people's energy, the more we have energy with them, but the faster also we can get drained.

Maike Gabriela: And so when we have defined energy, when we have dominant energy, we're not so dependent on what other people are doing for us or not doing for us or how much we're in contact with. So it's just another layer to have perspective 

Flynn Skidmore: on, you know, and honestly, as I was asking that question, like relating it to my own experience, I, I was.

Flynn Skidmore: I realized that like, Oh, the solution is to choose the right external environment. It's like that, that like the right, it's making choices about the right external environments that, uh, are able to co create with and appreciate my aura fruits. That's the, and if I trust that I'm living a life where I'm making choices about my environments, including my relationships and everything that are able to.

Flynn Skidmore: Savor and appreciate my fruits, but that's only because I'm savoring and appreciating my fruits. Like that, that's the thing that has set me up to go from like exhausted all the time to actually having a pretty high amount of energy. So I think it's, it's, I think it's the exact thing that you're saying.

Flynn Skidmore:

Maike Gabriela: think honestly what you're saying is really interesting. Also just looking at the perspective more in depth of what it means to be a projector. So recognition and being recognized as a projector is their peak energetic high, like, that is why we do it. That's, this is why we exist. Like, this is what fuels us if we are, you know, you, you share with me, like some struggles of being able to communicate all of the potential, incredible perspective that you have, right.

Maike Gabriela: And so I think that when we are surrounded, especially for projectors by people who do not recognize us. We are unable to recognize ourself. So there's this thing in human as I called the signature and the signature is that one main thing that you should focus on. So for the majority of, you know, these energetic archetypes.

Maike Gabriela: It's not success. It, it just happens to be that for you and I, it is success. Okay. But usually it's things like satisfaction or peace. And so, um, it's just interesting to understand that we're meant to make the signature feeling, this emotion. Our, you know, M O. This is why we're doing it. And so when we focus on that, all of the other things come as a collateral, but for the projector, it's just so important to understand that our success is directly linked to the success that we are able to help others achieve.

Maike Gabriela: And so the whole experience is so connected to the other because there is no success if I'm selfish, there is no success is that if I'm just thinking about him, how am I going to get this and that? It's always about how can I help other people see? How can I help other people? Be more efficient, make something that's easier to understand, more effective, cheaper, uh, whatever it is faster.

Maike Gabriela: Okay. This is the principle energetic purpose. As we were talking about the beginning for the projector. So when we are on people who do not recognize us, it is impossible for us to recognize ourselves because we are so intrinsically linked to the other. 

Flynn Skidmore: Uh, that, I mean, you are speaking to my soul that all that you, what you're saying is.

Flynn Skidmore: is helping me make sense of so much of my experience. And this is why human design is incredible. It's like, and the beautiful thing about it, like what I love, what I love about you and how you operate, like, I know that you're interested, you're more interested in the other person's version of truth than you are about human design being correct.

Flynn Skidmore: You know what I'm saying? Like, and that, that I think is a remarkable and beautiful thing. So when I hear you saying, For projectors in particular, uh, that the, the signature is success. The first thing that comes to my mind is how do we define success? What does that mean? And then you defined it. You, you said success is about how much am I able to help others achieve something.

Flynn Skidmore: And then you gave all these different examples of achievement because achievement could be, I grew my business 114 percent when, you know, like whatever, but you also said all these other things like achievement could be, um, helping someone see things differently or relate to themselves differently or, or, and I'm curious, like in, in your, for your take of success, like, is there a particular version of helping other people achieve stuff that is the most.

Flynn Skidmore: Uh, rewarding for you? Like, do you, what is it that, do you know what I'm trying to ask? 

Maike Gabriela: You mean personally, just my own personal experience? Yeah. Like, 

Flynn Skidmore: what do you like helping people achieve and what is, how do you measure the things that you help people achieve? And what's like, what seems to be like your highest expression of success in terms of, in terms of helping other people achieve this particular thing?

Maike Gabriela: I mean, it's going to be so big, but it's really that recognition. It's when, you know, my, my, what I think is, so every projector has a specific niche, right? Where they see things better than anybody else. So for me, my highest expression of success is when I am able to show you how fucking amazing you are.

Flynn Skidmore: I love that experience too. I love doing that for people.

Maike Gabriela: You know, but there's also projectors who are Olympic, like in the Olympics. And there's also projectors who are lawyers and like, you know, we can really decontextualize. It doesn't mean cause you're a projector and you're here to guide and you're like great with one on one conversations. And you know, the projector has a penetrating aura that is focused on the soul of the other.

Maike Gabriela: And yes, I have that experience. Like you can put me in a room with a bunch of people and I'm not going to have the same feeling of, you know, just. Feeling comfortable within me than when I'm having a one on one conversation where you can go deep, you know what I mean? You can dig into this person. And so, and so that's the thing.

Maike Gabriela: So this is a projector thing, right? It also happens because this happens often. It's like, Oh, but I identify with this energy type or identify. We are so multifaceted and within our gifts, there's different energies. So. There's channels that are projected channels that have this projector energy. Then there's channels that have more like manifestor energy.

Maike Gabriela: So it's really nuanced and it's layered and it can go really deep. Like, you know, as we are as humans. Um, 

Flynn Skidmore: but I was, I was laughing because, um, my, when I was in high school, so like growing up in New York city, what, what we used to, like, we would rent lofts, like loft spaces. Um, And this one guy that we would rent lofts from all the time, his, we all knew him as Ray Hans.

Flynn Skidmore: So he, he would sell the, he had this brand of hats and I think he made the hats. Um, and the brand was Ray Hans and he was this like classic neighborhood guy. And he sold hats on the corner of my house. And he also had this loft, which we learned later. He would also rent out for people to film, uh, pornography.

Flynn Skidmore: And so we're like 15 years old, drinking 40 ounces of Budweiser's and smoking blunts and at this party. And I don't, I just think those details are funny, but we're, uh, my friends used to always make fun of me. Cause we're like New York city and like all these beautiful, like, New York City girls that are there and all my friends are like trying to like talk to all these girls and all.

Flynn Skidmore: And I would always end up with in the corner, like with some guy who maybe didn't fit in totally, like having a conversation with that person the whole night and my friends as like immature idiots would like make fun of me for not going out and like trying to talk to the girls and just be too guy. I was like, but this is what I want.

Flynn Skidmore: To do like, I recognize that there's something special and cool about this person. And the experience I want to have is talking to him. That's what I like to do. But my friends like, didn't have the capacity. It's interesting because they didn't necessarily. Maybe they did recognize that that was something beautiful about me, but maybe they were operating with conditioning that said that that's not what a 15 year old boy is supposed to do at a party.

Flynn Skidmore: So then they wanted to like project a little bit of shame on that. And that's an interesting thing to think about. Like maybe we do recognize each other's. Uh, fruits in the aura, but we aren't, we don't feel safe enough within ourselves to appreciate them. So we project our conditioning onto that. 

Maike Gabriela: Yeah, absolutely.

Maike Gabriela: I mean, we can go even more layered cause you have a five, one profile. And so the fifth line in our profile is all about being somebody who is here to help people in need and in crisis. Like you're the person that when the ship is. Sinking. You're like, come on guys. Everybody got a bucket. We're going to like get the water.

Maike Gabriela: Like we can make this. Come on guys. Um, but what happens is that, you know, a lot of people will be like, Oh, Flynn is, you know, saving the sinking boat. Let me jump into it. So maybe he can help me out as well. And so what can often happen is that you have these people around you that are projecting all of these things.

Maike Gabriela: They're like, Flynn is going to save me. Flynn is going to save me. And then you just feel like all of these people are like hanging on to you and you're. Sinking with them, right? Oh, so what happens is that there's this projection field for the fifth line, this expectation, um, and that you are not always meant to fulfill for everybody.

Maike Gabriela: You are great in crisis and that is actually your innate or role that you've come to play out. It's part of your karma to support and help people. Um, but what can happen is that you are at a party. You know, or I see this with my girlfriends, we're like, you know, whatever, having a drink. And then somebody comes up to us and, you know, take somebody who has a five profile and just like tells them their whole life drama.

Maike Gabriela: And my friends looking at me like, why is this person telling me all this shit? I don't want to know. I'm like here for something else. So there's also this attraction for these people who are like, Oh, this is the person I can tell everything to, you know? 

Flynn Skidmore: Yes, well, that's, that's a perfect way to move into what I'm so curious to ask you about, which is how human design can inform our relationships, our friendships, our romantic relationships, how it can inform sex and intimacy.

Flynn Skidmore: And I know that that's immensely loaded and it may be difficult to speak about that in general because human design is so differentiated. Um, but let's start with the general and see where we go. Let's do it. Okay. So yeah, yeah. Tell me, yeah. Tell me like, tell me like the thoughts that, that are the most interesting to you about human design and relationships.

Maike Gabriela: Okay. So we go back to this idea of co creation, right? So within, within these fruits, I love it. These fruits of our aura, uh, we have this potential to connect with the other person. So when we look at it into more depth and we look at our, you know, body graph, um, You can see that we have. These gates and these gates are like half lines that are coming out of these energy centers and they have numbers and whatever.

Maike Gabriela: We're not going to get too much into that. But just to understand that these have lines. They're electromagnetic connections. And so when half and half of these come together, there's literally. A spark and this is where we have attraction. This is where we have 

Flynn Skidmore: connection. Okay. Can I let me, okay. So some people may not be familiar, but I'm sure anyone who wants, I'm sure anyone listening is going to go to your website and get their human design chart, which by the way, your process on your website and like the automated stuff and it's fantastic.

Flynn Skidmore: So everyone, please go and get that. And then you'll see what, like the lines that you're referring to. Okay, so you're, what you're saying is that these lines represent these electromagnetic fields. And there are some places in our charts where two feet, the two of these lines meet and they form this like potentially exponentially greater magnetic field.

Flynn Skidmore: And it has a high degree of attraction in that. It's like when those two things meet because 

Maike Gabriela: it's all okay. So this is the thing. The premise is this, we have four different kinds of energetic connection. Okay. We can have sameness. So sameness is going to be very similar charts, right? So, you know, projectors could have sameness your chart and my chart, for example, are nearly the opposite.

Maike Gabriela: So it wouldn't be sameness, even though we're both projectors, right? But there's something that when we look at both. Uh, images of ours and our friend are in our romantic partner are in our business partner. We can see, okay, um, there, you know, the energy centers, we have the same open. We have the same defined colored in, uh, are we the same energy type?

Maike Gabriela: Do we have the same profile number? Do we have the, the inverted profile numbers? Like the more things we have similar, this is what we call sameness. And this is the base. For really long term friendship. So if we see this in a romantic relationship, we can really estimate that this has potential for longevity.

Maike Gabriela: Then we have, um, when there is this attraction, right? This is what opposites attract. So this is the most highest form of chemistry because you're giving something to me that I don't have, that I need to have more dominance, to have more energy, to have more expansion. And so when we have half a gate and half a gate and they connect with each other, this is where.

Flynn Skidmore: Sparks with another person. When we have half a gate with another, ah, okay, got it. Got it. Got it. And this 

Maike Gabriela: gets even more intense. If we look at the energy centers, if those energy centers are white are open, it means we don't have consistency, but when we have connection with this person in particular, and those centers get defined, that's like the love of my life level, like, so like I found my other half literally energetically.

Flynn Skidmore: Uh, okay. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. What I'm 

Maike Gabriela: looking for. What I'm empty. 

Flynn Skidmore: Okay. Um, Oh, okay. I'm going to hold off on my question for that because it'll probably take us down a rabbit hole. And I'm also so interested in hearing the rest of, Oh, two more. Yeah. Yeah. Two more. Then we 

Maike Gabriela: have dominance, which is when one person has a full channel or has an energy center defined and the other person is completely open.

Maike Gabriela: Or doesn't have any definition. So my energetic dominance is going to overrule your sense of self or your sense in that particular space, because I have more dominance. And then there is compromise and compromises when somebody has, you know, this is unrequired love. Actually, this is, for example, it's so interesting because I have these stories that people come for me to have, like, you know, readings with the lover that they had and it didn't work out and it's like, well, it's.

Maike Gabriela: Normal, it's unrequired love. Like I can see it in your connection. And so it is when somebody is dominant. So they have the whole channel, but the other person only has the gate. So one person doesn't need the other person for energetic dominance because they already have it and they don't need the other person's energetic interaction to fulfill that.

Maike Gabriela: But the other person who only has half is like, Oh my God, you have that half that I was looking for. 

Flynn Skidmore: Yeah. That's like, that, that really resonates. That's fascinating. I always wonder, like, I love the question is unrequited love actually love? And when I hear you saying from a human, cause when, when I think about love, what I think it is, is I think of it as loving the experience I'm having and who I am and, and making a commitment, a lifelong commitment to.

Flynn Skidmore: I'll be like getting to experience myself as a particular version of myself. Um, and so when I hear unrequited love, what I hear is like addiction and desperation and not actually an experience of love, because if I've been in that experience where it seems like someone has this thing that I don't have and I don't need, and it's not love.

Flynn Skidmore: It's like suffering and torture, you know what I mean? And, and it's, I don't love my experience and I might. think I love this person and it might be easy to convince myself that I do love them. But the truth is that there's this like deep perception of lack and scarcity. And for some reason, this other person is the only oxygen in a world where there's only carbon dioxide.

Flynn Skidmore: And like, and It's so interesting to hear that human design. There's actually something like measurable about that experience. I mean, 

Maike Gabriela: again, there's so many layers and I'm so fascinated by psychology. And I really think that, you know, it really, like we can look at, you know, what is the pattern of the design of your father?

Maike Gabriela: And like, you know, why are you like repeating that pattern in that energetic dynamic? Like there's things that you can kind of figure out as well, you know? Uh, but again, human design is just really. It gives us just this energetic perspective and it just allows us to reframe, right? It's just something more or different or, you know, yeah, 

Flynn Skidmore: I mean, like one of the biggest, one of the most empowering things about that is, uh, it's like when, when we get lost into those holes of.

Flynn Skidmore: Love, like being obsessed with someone and thinking that a relationship with them is going to be the thing that saves us and makes everything okay. There's just something, or when we're like, I don't know, operating in that space of shame, like me shaming myself for my energy patterns and my work ethic.

Flynn Skidmore: When I just never spent any time doing anything, I love it, you know, whatever. And then human design comes in and they're like, Oh yeah, obviously that's the experience. Like, this is what this thing is. And then it's like, Oh, okay, fuck. I can't just release. The shame release the brokenness, 

Maike Gabriela: but you know what Flynn, like I've had readings with people who are like, Oh, I know this person is not the one, but I don't care.

Maike Gabriela: I'm going to marry. I need 

Flynn Skidmore: it. What do you think is up with that? Like what, what motivates that? 

Maike Gabriela: I think it's just. The desire of something that just isn't is what it is. And sometimes this is, okay. This is another thing that human design has really helped me with it. For me, this is my mind has told me, this is what I need to have in order to feel a certain way in order to feel the way I want to feel instead of allowing, and this is why I really love human design, because it allows me to remove this mind idea of like what I think I want.

Maike Gabriela: And it reframes my experience with when I am just the purest form of me, I actually just align and things just come towards me that are the right things for my soul to experience in this lifetime. Yes, 

Flynn Skidmore: yes, yes, yes, yes. To the. The thing that you said about opposites, what I was thinking about, I was thinking about how magnetic and fun and life giving and co creative and opposites attract energy is like, I love that.

Flynn Skidmore: I love differentiation. I love the experience of, okay, this is what you're a genius at. This is what I'm a genius at. And here's what happens when we're both like a hundred percent in our own geniuses and what we can create. I love that. And when I'm hearing you speak about the opposites attracting and how like one of the lines, half of a line is filled and the other person fills in the other half.

Flynn Skidmore: What I'm thinking of, and then I'm thinking about the thing that you said about Jesus and Gandhi and the, the, the strength and the size and the potency of their, their auras, their fields, I was thinking about like, what, like what, what, what's the, how good can attraction be when we're the version of ourselves?

Flynn Skidmore: Who really savors and owns and loves and appreciate the fruits of our aura versus, versus the experience of love where we're not, I'm seeing like, I'm seeing like the version of life where we're not recognizing and appreciating and savoring the fruits of our aura. Um, I'm sorry to like commandeer that phrase.

Flynn Skidmore: It just makes so much sense to me. Like it works really well. Like it's, it, it feels dull and gray and I see like a hunched over posture and I see like there's a pulse in there. There's some electromagnetic pulse there, but like it's not that strong of a pulse. Right. And so. Then like how, like what, how disappointing or frustrating it must be to like desire electromagnetic connection where it's opposites attract, but you're not creating a strong enough signal to be able to attract and to co create with anything.

Flynn Skidmore: So just, just curious about your, your take 

Maike Gabriela: on that. So I think it's really interesting that you have such a high. relationship to the experience of loving somebody for their differentiation, because that is actually a love gate that you have the potential to connect with people on. So in human design, we have like sexual streams, and these are the channels that are coming out of the solar plexus, which is this emotional center, this awareness, empathy, but again, a lot of like Moodiness and flirtiness and there's like marriage material and like there's all of these different kind of like levels of sexual chemistry and attraction and connections that we can have, but then we have the specific love gates.

Maike Gabriela: And you actually have the gate 38 activated. So it will be interesting to see if your girlfriend, for example, but just in general, in the experiences with somebody who has gate 28, how they feel to you, because that is what we, what I call like the Romeo and Juliet connection, which is really. We come from completely different backgrounds or we are completely different people, but we are in love with each other because of our differences.

Maike Gabriela: Not we're in spite of our differences. 

Flynn Skidmore: Oh yeah. I actually had never, it's just so funny because this is the most obvious thing ever. I had never. Thought about Romeo and Juliet as being such a beautiful thing because they love each other, despite the difference. I just didn't even pay attention to that part of that's hilarious, but that makes it better.

Maike Gabriela: Yeah. So this is something that actually I can see in your design that is so important, but there can be other. Kinds of love. There can be a love where it's about bargains. It's about, you know, I, I'll take care of the children and you bring home the bread. There's, um, you know, the connection of success and talents.

Maike Gabriela: These are like power couples, like Beyonce, Jay Z, or like, You know, these are the ones that are like, Oh, I love you for your talents and your gifts and everything that you're able to achieve. And these are couples that very often are driven to work together because that's where they're like seeing each other in their highest expression.

Maike Gabriela: And that creates like this whole power within them, right? So there's like really different nuances and how we're connecting to other people and why this singular experience of what we believe love to be important. As or how it looks like for us carries more weight than for other people. But again, it really depends on, on what experience we want to have, because there is a layer of trauma and there's a layer of conditioning.

Maike Gabriela: And there is, you know, couples that might not have such a strong emphasis on. Sexual attraction, and maybe there are people who do not enjoy sex or, you know, whatever is happening. I can't relate to that, but I don't, you know, but that, but that happens. And so these might have strong sameness, uh, relationships where, you know, they have a very deep, strong foundation of friendship and they don't have that strong chemistry of sexual connection.

Maike Gabriela: And that's valid too, you know what I mean? 

Flynn Skidmore: Yeah, I know that in human design, there's, um, there's, there's a not self theme. Is that what it's called? Right. And I think my not self theme is resentment or bitterness. Is that correct? Bitterness. Okay. So, um, do you want to, um, what I'm curious about, I'm curious to hear your take on what happens in a relationship if both people are living their lives primarily in their not self.

Flynn Skidmore: Um, and, and just your take on the not self theme in general for manifestors, manifesting generators. Yeah. We'd love to hear about 

Maike Gabriela: that. So this goes a bit to what you were saying, this image of somebody who's like hunched over and like not accepting the fruits of their aura. Yeah. Um, and so what happens is that we have this term, which is like entering.

Maike Gabriela: A relationship correctly, and we're entering a relationship correctly when we are aligning energetically. So very obvious, very clear examples, which I think is very interesting because you're you're here is male projectors who have like. Feminine energetic approach to life, you know, they have to wait for the invitation and so on and so forth, which in this very heteronormative dominant, you know, society where men are supposed to go out there and hunt the women and whatever, that is always the a message that goes against their energetic imprint.

Maike Gabriela: You know, I have a six year old daughter and when we were playing in the playground, I could see it so clearly like you have this little boy who's just doing their thing playing with the, you know, trucks in the sand. And then the dad is like, go play with the other kids, you know? And then the kid goes and is like, okay, I'm going to go play with the other kids.

Maike Gabriela: And the kids reject him because he obviously didn't wait for the invitation. And you know, then you have this self belief that's like creating shame. Like I did what I had to do, but I'm getting rejected. Wow. 

Flynn Skidmore: Yeah. That's a, that's a big thing. Like, okay, I'm just going to summarize what you said because I, I imagine that's a lot of people's core conditioning.

Flynn Skidmore: So for projectors in particular, who's what their best strategy is to wait for the invitation, which that I, we could probably speak for 10, 000 hours about what an invitation is and how do you recognize what I think that is fascinating. The, the intimacy, the nuance of invitation I think is amazing, but let's say you have a little kid.

Flynn Skidmore: Who's, who's like maybe intuitively picking up on, it's not the right time to go play with these kids in the sandbox. And then dad is like asserting a little bit of like wounded masculine energy of like, to own that, like put yourself in that position and go to the, and then that kid shows up and there was no invitation and the kids shame him and reject him.

Flynn Skidmore: And then he was, he's navigating this lesson from his dad about the confidence and his assertion, but then it didn't work, it produced shameful results. So now he's in this. In this space of limbo, just not able to trust himself and his own energetic experience. And then the, the most tragic version of that is that person lives his entire life, never learned, never reconditioning himself to be himself.

Maike Gabriela: Yes. And we have this for women who are manifestors. Who have an innate masculine energy manifestor women are meant to initiate when they like somebody they go and they tell them and that is, you know, in this whole era of like, you know, divine feminine and like women, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever, you know, like it's true.

Maike Gabriela: We get bombarded by so many messages and they're like, I love that. And then all of that is like, it has its validity, but I remember I had a client, she's a manifestor. She had a session with me for her dating life and she's like, Oh, you know, like she's read all of these books about the divine feminine and everything she was doing was counterintuitive to her energetic authenticity.

Maike Gabriela: So she wasn't entering correctly into any of these relationships. And so when you show up energetically, not authentic. The person you're gonna date, the person that's going to be attracted to that, the person who's going to accept feeling your energetic inauthenticity and is okay with that and falls in love with that is not going to be the person that sees you for who you are.

Maike Gabriela: So the experience of that relationship is never going to be felt like true love because you're never. Allowing yourself to be seen is who you are completely. And so the experience of that relationship is going to feel superficial or is, you know, not going to be deep or is not, you know, it's not going to be an honest, raw, real relationship.

Maike Gabriela: And 

Flynn Skidmore: so, because, because a purse, that person doesn't have an honest, raw, real intimate relationship with themselves and what they like. 

Maike Gabriela: Yeah. And also because they, they. Because like, okay, in the right way. Right. So you have to find somebody who falls in love with you for who you are authentically, not for a molded version of yourself that you have adapted because this book or this tick tock told you, you had to look like that in order to attract whatever you think you need 

Flynn Skidmore: to attract.

Flynn Skidmore: Fuck yes. That you are like singing to my soul right now. I love that. So that's that like, that's that so many content creators. Make content, giving people rules about who to be and what to do. And, and the truth is, is that it's, that's the exact same thing as like popping a pill when you have a headache rather than like understanding what's at, you know, it's like, it's this prescription.

Flynn Skidmore: And I can understand the desire to have a prescription to be told who to be and what to do, but it doesn't work. It like what I love about your perspective and the way that you speak is what you're invested in is helping people understand how to make. Choices about who they want to be and identify, acknowledge, recognize, and appreciate who they are because that's the thing that creates the success.

Flynn Skidmore: So when we're telling women like, Oh, never sleep with a man on the first date, like what if that woman's. Energetic signature is to have sex with every person she meets for the first time ever, which like, I mean, maybe that is, you know what I'm saying? Like, but like, like it's so crazy to me that we try and give people rules about what's going to make that what's going to, you know, create whatever.

Flynn Skidmore: When the truth is, is that if that person is not, if it's energetically aligned with them and if, if it's what they like and what feels good to them and it's who they want to be, And then they're repressing that in order to follow the rules about who they're supposed to be because they've learned that following those rules puts them in a position of power.

Flynn Skidmore: They're never going to be in a position of power. The position of power is being yourself. Exactly. 

Maike Gabriela: And so this is also really interesting in like a contrary experience that I've had. I remember a projector woman being like, Oh, you know, I don't identify at all with waiting for the invitation. I see a man, I go to him and I sleep with him.

Maike Gabriela: And that's a success. And I'm like, yeah, but Aren't you looking for like a long term relationship and you're single for, I don't know, the last 10 years or whatever, you know, so have success in attaining something quote unquote forcefully or against your energetic authenticity, but it's not going to be the thing your soul is truly attuned to or desiring.

Maike Gabriela: And I 

Flynn Skidmore: think it's not producing the actual result you desire. Exactly. I love that. I love that so, so much. So entering a relationship correctly means that you're a person who has made the way that my language for this, how I speak, how I think about this is you're a person who's made the commitment. To actually, I'm updating and evolving my language as a result of our co creation.

Flynn Skidmore: You're a person that has committed to acknowledging, appreciating, and savoring the fruits of your aura. And the way that I think about that is like, Like when people talk about karma, like, Oh, you might get rewarded in a future life, or you might get rewarded three years from now for your good act. Now, I think that's bullshit.

Flynn Skidmore: I think the reward is in savoring the fruit right now. I like being myself just because I get to taste the fruit right now. And yes, over time, if I practice that consistently, it does seem likely that I will. Increase my magnetic field, increase my aura and more success will happen. But like, yes, I'm partly doing it because of that, but it's really the reward is right here right now.

Flynn Skidmore: And so when I hear you say entering a relationship correctly, I'm hearing two people who know how to give themselves the treat of being themselves. And then if that happens to work out between them, then it's fucking amazing, but they have to come correct. I love that language. And it's 

Maike Gabriela: so interesting because when these things just happen naturally, you know, we see a lot of manifester, women, women, uh, dating projector men.

Maike Gabriela: Why? Because the woman who's a manifester needs to initiate, initiate. And the man who's a projector needs to wait for the invitation. So they're like inherent dynamics that work really well because they're just showing up as their authentic self. And just because they're energetic. Is more towards that, what we will call feminine for the projector and more masculine towards the manifesto.

Maike Gabriela: It doesn't mean that the manifested woman can't wear like long nails and fluffy dresses and pink glitter and like everything that's like super cute, like, you know, it's a male projector. It doesn't mean that they don't know how to provide or have leadership or all of these innate masculine qualities, you know, and I think this is really important.

Maike Gabriela: Because I get so many, uh, young guys like, Oh, I heard I'm a projector and that's it. They're like, so lost. They're like, what? Like how? 

Flynn Skidmore: You know? How do I be a man? And a projector? 

Maike Gabriela: Exactly. Yeah. And 

Flynn Skidmore: that's actually, that. That, that really speaks to a struggle of mine. Like, like when those, when my friends were making fun of me at parties for like, like I actually, like I was guy who girls were interested in.

Flynn Skidmore: So it wasn't like I, but I just enjoyed that more. And I was also operating with the energy that you were talking about somehow like intuitively tapped into the invitation energy I actually knew. that me doing the thing that I liked, which was just talking to the kid who was kind of an outsider. I knew that that would be the thing that was most attractive.

Flynn Skidmore: And I didn't have to like go out and force, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Which I'm kind of proud of my 15 year old self for knowing that like, that's kind of swag. But, but I did get like shamed and like attempts at, uh, emasculation from my friends that are like, you're not being. a man in the way that men are supposed to be.

Flynn Skidmore: And I was like, it's like edging toward arrogant at that time. I was like, okay, just you watch. Like we'll see in 10 years from now, who's going to be talking about who's more masculine than who. Cause I just knew that this thing was going to be the evolution of masculinity to like, to chill, to relax, to let people be themselves, to celebrate people, to make people feel safe.

Flynn Skidmore: Yeah. And I 

Maike Gabriela: think this is really interesting because in human design, we talk about this new paradigm that's happening in 2027. We talk about this background frequency shifting. And so there is this re this is all human as I perspective. We will see. Okay. But I love to like, you know, engage in this thought.

Maike Gabriela: And so there is this concept of, you know, like the rearrangement of the energies and, you know, we have been told that the projector is quote unquote, like the newest energy type and prior or like, you know, in the last 400 years, we've really seen structures change. So there is this idea, you know, the manifesto comes from the Kings and the Queens and there are these authoritarian fear.

Maike Gabriela: Mongering kind of energies that are very powerful. And we have this like pyramid kind of like scheme, you know, on top of the, the manifesto that's like screaming and everybody and threatening everybody to work to get shit done. But what is happening is that we're seeing this new kind of energy moving where the projector is actually going to be the new person that we're looking towards for guidance because we can no longer build ourself out of a problem.

Maike Gabriela: We can no longer initiate ourselves out of a problem. We need the projector guidance to be able to see and move into this transition and new phase and new consciousness. And it's so interesting because I think especially male projectors have really this. Just different kind of nuance to be able to connect to other people to be able to see other people.

Maike Gabriela: I think your relation, I mean, I'm just generalizing, but like projector males relationship to the female is completely different. Women feel way safer around projector females. Like I see this with other friends of mine who are creators or projectors. They have a very wide female audience. For example, you know, there is an affinity with something threatening to the female.

Flynn Skidmore: Uh huh. That's fascinating. And it's really interesting that collectively we've, we've, we've kind of developed this, this narrative that might be trying to fight against that, that like, if you're not threatening to the feminine energy, then you're a beta male, which is, it's, it's just, it's just a fascinating thing that that's like how the culture reacts to that.

Flynn Skidmore: All right. Okay. Last question. Really curious to hear your take on this. So. Here's what I want to believe. I want to believe that everyone comes into this world with differentiated talents, but with the, about the same level of potential energy. Like same level of potential that they are able to tap into.

Flynn Skidmore: And when I hear you speak about Gandhi and Jesus having kilometers wide, uh, auras, like that's what that, when I hear potential, that's what I think about. Like how, how powerful, how big, how nourishing, how beneficial, how life. Giving, are you going to be able to make your auric field? Because at the center, like at the center of a black hole, you're producing, there's so much power.

Flynn Skidmore: There's so much in there. Right. So do you think that everyone. Has the potential to become a person who's auric field wraps around the entire planet. 

Maike Gabriela: I do. I really, really do. I also really want to believe that, but, but it's also really my experience. Like when I meet people and I see the way they react to the information and.

Maike Gabriela: Honestly, whatever, whenever you talk to anybody who has a desire, who is genuine, who is like raw, who's open, who's vulnerable, that connection kind of feels like that oneness. And that oneness is so like powerful. It's so like humongous, you know, it's like the beauty of a sunrise, that connection with the other, the recognizing the beauty in the other, that being recognized for recognizing the view.

Maike Gabriela: It's such an expansive experience that I really believe in the absolute potential. Of everybody's capacity of being able to tap into who they've come to be like, this is the thing, right? Everybody's like, Oh, just be authentic. Like, why is it so fucking hard to just be authentic? Like just be yourself. Why is it so hard to just be yourself?

Maike Gabriela: Like I struggled with that for so long, really. And it's. It's just, why is something that should be so simple, which is just being me. So sorry for swearing so much. So fucking hard. Right? 

Flynn Skidmore: So it is so fucking hard. 

Maike Gabriela: Exactly. And you'd think it's just me. Why? Why is it so hard? So human design has given me and gives.

Maike Gabriela: You know, potentially this context in understanding who you are, how you can start putting one foot in front of the other to start stepping into that authenticity and just allowing things to unfold without your mind trying to force or project a picture or, you know, conjuring something up that you thought you had to believe in.

Maike Gabriela: And unfortunately, I also see a lot of people who can use these tools and I said this before, but I think it's really important who can use these tools against themselves because their addiction to pain and to suffering is so beyond their trust. themselves and being able to overcome this like self made kind of jail that they're sitting in, that they're using even the most spiritual tools to teach them in further.

Maike Gabriela: And this is something that just like, really like breaks my heart because I don't want human design to be another thing on your healing journey. That is like, Yes. Like, I want you to have fucking fun with it. Like go experiment, try it out, see, you know, if you're whatever energy type you are, but you know, if you're a projector, wait for the invitation, try it for 30 days, try it for a week, see how you feel, see what happens.

Maike Gabriela: You know, just play around like you're having this game with the universe and your own experience and the experience with the other. And it can be a fun thing where you're just excited to be like, Ooh, what happens if I, you know, listen to my sequel response? And I'm like, hell yes. And not like, you know, I want people to really get excited about trying this thing out to see if it works.

Maike Gabriela: And it doesn't. You know, their own experience. Um, but I really don't want it to become this other thing on my, like, healing, you know, this, like, 

Flynn Skidmore: another practice, another practice of suffering, like another brick in the, in the self imposed cell. Exactly. Well, you know, I, I think that the language obviously like our energy and our language, I think indicates like what's.

Flynn Skidmore: What our relationship indicates what's happening internally and our relationship with a particular concept. And so when I hear you speak about like how human design might be used as a tool to add another brick or another 10, 000 bricks to solidify the walls of this self imposed prison. Like when I, when I'm, I'm thinking of examples of what that might sound like.

Flynn Skidmore: And when I consider that, I'm thinking about someone who's like, If I were to explain something about myself, that person might be, Oh, well, the reason is because this and this and this, they're operating with an assumption as if human design says the truth about reality, like it touches objective truth.

Flynn Skidmore: And that lets me know that that person hopes that such a thing as objective truth exists and that their sense of safety relies on trying to, uh, identify whatever this objective truth is and then project it onto everyone else. What I hear you doing is, Oh, fascinating. Well, here's a fun way of looking at that.

Flynn Skidmore: Here's a way of like making this even more interesting or making this even more mysterious. And it's, it's a very, you're dancing with this concept. You're dancing with human design and that like, like that. I, I think the only way to be out of prison is to dance or actually to learn to dance in prison is probably what it is.

Flynn Skidmore: Um, and. Like, I just appreciate that about you and, and your approach to this so much, uh, that it's, that it's playful for you and you're not like desperate to identify the truth of reality. Thank 

Maike Gabriela: you so much, Flynn. Yeah, I agree. I love this dancing with it thing. I think, I mean, in the end, I think this is also why I really enjoy your content and the way that you express things.

Maike Gabriela: Um. Yeah. It's, it's really the, the, the aliveness of the thought, the aliveness of the experience, you know, it's changing. It's moving. It's not this like fixed, rigid thought that again, cages you in, right? It's like this expansive flow. It's fun. It's like, let's look, let's see, what can we learn? And I'm always learning, you know, like every time I sit down with somebody and I hear them talk, I'm like, I learned more things and that's so fascinating to me.

Maike Gabriela: And that's why it keeps it fun for myself. So I'm always like progressing in, in just like my own experience of this material. And I don't know. I just have fun with it. 

Flynn Skidmore: Yeah. It's incredible. Well, in terms of your, uh, signature and your success you have today and in your content in general helped me achieve so much clarity and much more.

Flynn Skidmore: Peace within myself and the release of a whole bunch of confusion. So, uh, your success means my access to a better version of reality. And I really appreciate that.

Maike Gabriela: Flynn. Thank you so, so much for your kind words. 

Flynn Skidmore: Of course. Oh my God. What a fantastic conversation. That was one of those conversations that. Took me to the edge of my understanding of a certain of a handful of things like the four different types of Attraction what success means for a projector and helping other people achieve what they want There are so many beautiful things in that my world is better as a result of that conversation Micah So thank you so much and for you all if you want to increase your empowerment develop a deeper understanding of yourself Please check out, uh, Micah's Instagram, download your human design chart through her website.

Flynn Skidmore: The links will be below. Thank you all so much for listening.