Quick Confidence Hack : 5 Steps in 5 Minutes

October 24, 2023 Danielle Nicole La Rose Episode 15
Quick Confidence Hack : 5 Steps in 5 Minutes
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Quick Confidence Hack : 5 Steps in 5 Minutes
Oct 24, 2023 Episode 15
Danielle Nicole La Rose

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What if you could ignite your inner confidence with a pregame ritual, just like professional athletes do? Well, today's episode is all about that! We're having a powerful discussion on creating a pregame confidence ritual that can help enhance motivation and build a sense of self-assuredness. 

This is Danielle's powerful five-minute pregame ritual that could potentially become a game-changer for you. This isn't your average pep-talk, but a multisensory experience that engages all five senses to charge you up right before the 'game.' So, get ready to learn about the importance of taking action and use this momentum to fuel your motivation!

This episode is tailored for everyone seeking ways to boost motivation and confidence, or anyone who simply needs a small nudge to step into their power. So, tune in, and prepare to take the reins of your life, be more proactive, and live life with so much confidence! Let's go!

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What if you could ignite your inner confidence with a pregame ritual, just like professional athletes do? Well, today's episode is all about that! We're having a powerful discussion on creating a pregame confidence ritual that can help enhance motivation and build a sense of self-assuredness. 

This is Danielle's powerful five-minute pregame ritual that could potentially become a game-changer for you. This isn't your average pep-talk, but a multisensory experience that engages all five senses to charge you up right before the 'game.' So, get ready to learn about the importance of taking action and use this momentum to fuel your motivation!

This episode is tailored for everyone seeking ways to boost motivation and confidence, or anyone who simply needs a small nudge to step into their power. So, tune in, and prepare to take the reins of your life, be more proactive, and live life with so much confidence! Let's go!

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Danielle La Rose :

Get into the game of life. If you want to win, if you want to create more motivation, if you want to feel good, if you want to start taking more actions to have the confidence, then, girlfriend, we got to get in the game. We got to get in the game of life, we got to step into our power. And the way that we do that is by having a pregame ritual. What's up, sister, today? On this episode? I'm keeping it short, sweet to the point. I want to give you some quick strategies. This is our pregame confidence motivation ritual Up in here.

Danielle La Rose :

This is something that I've created for myself, that I share with all of my clients and now you that I am so proud of and excited about, because I do believe that it actually works. You know so many people Probably you too. You're like, oh, I just wish I had motivation right, like I wish that I just jumped out of bed in the morning and I'm like, I'm so motivated and you do the things that you want to do and then that's what builds your confidence, right. I see confidence and motivation being like besties. They like vibe off of each other. When you have more motivation, you start having more confidence, and when you have more confidence, you start having more motivation. They like, they're just like a good team, and so I share that, because I know that the end goal is confidence. Right, you want to walk and talk and feel and be confident. Oh, how do you? It's hard to imagine being confident If you struggle to get motivated to take the action. Stick. Get confident, am I right? So if we know that, how can we create more motivation? And you're, you may be thinking. If you've heard me speak before, you've probably heard me say something along the lines of home girl, you ain't never gonna wake up one morning and be like I'm so motivated. It's just not going to happen. That's not how motivation works.

Danielle La Rose :

Motivation comes from action. Motivation comes from momentum. Once something is in motion, it stays in motion. Right, that's a, that's a sign, that's science, and so we know that to be true in all areas of life. Something in motion stays in motion, and you may be sitting there thinking, though, but, danielle, I Struggle to get in motion, like you want me to be motivated to take action. But how do I take action if I'm not motivated? And how do I create the motivation then to create the action? It's just all these questions that are just like all in your head.

Danielle La Rose :

And we know that confidence is a choice, it's a daily action, and so if we're gonna build our confidence, we have to have the, the motivation to get there right. And and so if you are in a place we're like, oh, I just wish I had more motivation, I just wish I had that, I had that off right. Like, why is she more motivated than me? Like I want it, but what if wanting it isn't, it's not working right, hoping for it to happen one day isn't working. So, danielle, tell me your ways. So what can I do to be motivated right now, in this moment? I have a big meeting today coming up, or maybe I need to get a workout in today, or maybe I really want to spend more quality time with my kids, but I'm not there, like Mentally, like I really need some like good vibe, energy to like get in the game Right, the game of life, that game of confidence and joy and movement and action. And so what I have created is what I call the pregame confidence or motivation Ritual, and I wish that I could say that I created this from complete scratch. I mean, what I do is from scratch, but I really got the idea a few years ago Because I watch lots of sports any of my sports girls out there so I'm into football and soccer and basketball.

Danielle La Rose :

Literally I'll watch this about anything. There's only a couple sports where I'm like I'm out, like I'd much rather just let's turn on some homework, christmas movies, oh something. You know what I'm saying. So, but I'm a big sports person and what you notice, there's so many life lessons in sports. And when you watch the games, before the games Right, because what we see all the time is we see players out on the field or on the court and we watch them play, they take the last shot, they say, hey, give me the ball. They, they rally the team, they motivate the team and you're just like how, how do they have that motivation? How do they have so much energy? How are they? They're just on like a whole different level than the rest of the world. Right, they've worked so hard to get to that place.

Danielle La Rose :

But I want you to pay attention next time you watch something and a sporting event. I want you to pay attention To what some of them do beforehand. Or maybe, if you read some books there's some books out here that share some of these things. So, for example, I'll use LeBron James as an example. You'll see him come out and he, he puts the powder in his hands. He, he, what do you call that? Like blends it together, like rubs his hands together and he like throws it up in the air. You're like Daniel cool, do you want me to throw some powder up in the air? No, I do not, but that's his ritual. I don't know what the rest of them are. I also saw one guy he takes his wedding ring and he puts it in one of his shoes.

Danielle La Rose :

Every single game basketball game you watch some of the football players and they go and they kneel at the end before the game starts. They, when they run out onto the field, kneel at the end of the of the field and they pray, and there's always that one person who has to be last. They just have to be. There's also players that you'll hear before they, before on game day, they have to be the first one into the stadium. They have to touch the court first. It's just their ritual. And why do they create these rituals? What? What is the point? The point is that it is. It's setting them up, it gets them in the zone. It shifts their mindset.

Danielle La Rose :

I hope you listen to one of the most recent podcast episodes about stress with one of my amazing guests and she shared how it's really important at night that you have a ritual where you change your clothes. If you've been in the same t-shirt all day and you wear t-shirts to bed like home Girl, you better change your shirt. Like we have to shift our energy Into a different zone of what that expectation is of that part of our day or that experience. And so these players not every single day does LeBron James rub his hands and throw stuff in the air. Not every single day does someone have to be the first one on the court. Not every day does the player take their ring and put it in one of their shoes. Not every day they do these things.

Danielle La Rose :

They do these things on game day, the time of the of the, the week, the month where they have to be in the zone they have to shift for being a Normal person out into the world to now I'm the player, I'm in competition and I'm going to win. Right now I need the most confidence, I need the most motivation, I need the most positive energy Many of them if you watch them. They wear headphones and stuff because they have to tune out everything else. It's going on them when they're warming up and they have certain playlists that they have to listen to. It's their ritual. That helps them get into the game, that helps them get into that mindset of motivation and confidence and I can do this and so if you are sitting around waiting for Confidence to just appear, it's not going to happen.

Danielle La Rose :

So my question for you, then, is what are you doing to create that motivation In your life? You know, I used to be one of those people where I was just like I cannot wait to be motivated, like I can't wait until I feel that motivation. Eventually it will come, and even to this day, there are plenty of weeks that start going and I'm like what is wrong with me? What's, what's going on? Like I just don't feel it. I don't have the energy, I don't have the vibe, I don't have the motivation, and I start thinking about. I'm like oh my gosh, I Haven't read my books recently, I haven't done a meditation recently, I haven't Listened a motivational podcast recently, I haven't, right, I haven't done the workout that actually brings me joy, I haven't, and I think, all the things that I haven't done yet this week, I'm like, well, no job, I'm not motivated and inspired. I'm not motivated and inspired because I haven't done the things that actually create the motivation for me in my life. So what are you doing to create that motivation?

Danielle La Rose :

And I want to share with you one tactic that you can start applying today. If you're looking for something and this is again the pre-game motivation ritual, and it's very, very simple okay, it's going to help you get into the game of life. If you want to win, if you want to create more motivation, if you want to feel good, if you want to start taking more actions to have the confidence, then, girlfriend, we got to get in the game. We got to get in the game of life, we got to step into our power, and the way that we do that is by having a pre-game ritual. So, whether this is, I like to do this before I do something that is out of my comfort zone Maybe I'm lacking confidence. I'm going into a meeting, or I'm going to speak somewhere, or I am getting on a podcast, or you know, it's just any or maybe I need to send an email, or maybe whatever.

Danielle La Rose :

It is okay, think of something for you where you're like oh man, every time that happens, I get this little feeling in my stomach and I struggle with being confident to go into doing that. That is a great time to use this strategy that I'm about to share with you. Or you may also, you know, if you're like you know I need regular, consistent motivation. Right now, I'm really struggling with that and I know that there are actions that I want to take. Then perhaps you might even start trying this every day. Maybe there's a time of day right where you start feeling a little blah and you're like okay, that's what I'm going to do that, or maybe it's first thing in the morning. You're always going to do this. It's totally up to you how you use this, but I just wanted to share a couple of ideas because for me, it definitely helps me in a moment where I really need a boost of confidence and a boost of motivation. And so, okay, shut up, danielle, tell me the five things to do. Okay, so this is what you're going to do in five minutes. That's all it takes with using your five senses. Okay, so, if you hear a lot of people who I have a friend who shares about tapping right where, if you start feeling anxious, or something, you can tap and you think about what you can see and what you can hear. This is a little bit different in that this isn't about anxiety. This is about you having a ritual that puts you in the right frame of mind for motivation and confidence, and but it uses the same idea of this senses without tapping, and it's you creating these. So, for example, let's go through, are you? Oh, my gosh, I'm so excited for you to do this and like, come back and like, tag me on social media and tell me that you did this, and you're like Danielle, yes, this works, okay. So number one, sound I want you so, in the and this is your five minute ritual Choose something that motivates you.

Danielle La Rose :

Maybe it's a motivational video that you'll always watch, or maybe it's a motivational song that just really gets you going, right? So for me, the sound is different. I have a few options, so you can always make lists of things and choose different things based on what you prefer that day. For me, one of my go-tos is Most Girls by Hailey oh, I'm going to forget her name now, but that song just gets me going. So I'll listen to that song and then using your site so we got sound, then site, look at something, have something visual that you can see. Now some people choose to combine their sound and their site together. So if you're watching like a motivational video, they're like you know, I'm watching the video and it motivates me. Also, that's fine.

Danielle La Rose :

If you want to double dip, I like to have a picture. So I have a picture right here on my desk where I'm at right now recording this podcast, and it's a picture of the girls that I mentored and the Girls in the Run program and it just is something that I like to look at as I listen to the song as my reason for why I do what I do, right. And so maybe for you it's a picture of your family, or maybe it is a video that you watch, or maybe it's just something that brings you joy that you like to look at. Maybe it's the decoration that you have in your house, maybe it's walking outside and just looking at nature. You decide right, but you have your sound in your sight.

Danielle La Rose :

Then, third is your smell. So what is a smell that is going to trigger, right? So these are all triggers. That's the goal of this. These five things put together, this is your trigger. So when these things happen, your mind says it is game time, it is time to be motivated and confident and do the thing that we know we get to do. So that's the point. So these are triggers. And so what smell can you use as a trigger? So, for me, I like to use the central oils, so that's one of my triggers.

Danielle La Rose :

What I just did before recording this podcast is I turned on my favorite. Turned on, I don't know if that's what you say. I lit that's probably the appropriate term. I lit my favorite candle. It's called stress relief. So I lit that. Maybe it's a perfume, maybe it's a room spray, maybe it's, it's whatever, whatever you want it to be, whatever smell that you're going to combine with that sound and that sight that you're going to use. So while I'm listening to my song, while I'm looking at my picture, I'm putting on my essential oils or I'm smelling the candle.

Danielle La Rose :

The next thing is touch. What can you physically touch that just kind of like brings you back to center? Maybe it's a ring, maybe it's just your desk. Maybe you place your hands down, maybe you put your hands on your heart, maybe you like to play with your hair. Maybe you know whatever it is for you. Maybe it's a necklace that you want to touch, or maybe you have one of those ring spinners, maybe it's a, it doesn't matter, whatever that touch is for you. Or you're like OK, now is the time, now is the time while you're smelling, seeing and listening, and then finally, we have taste. Right, so what is it for you?

Danielle La Rose :

I have a friend who who takes my fitness classes and she always has to have gum in our class. I always tell her it is not recommended and not safe to work out while chewing gum, but that's her thing. And so what is your thing that you can taste? I, again, during my five minute ritual, I like to drink my pre workout. I know I'm not working out OK, but I enjoyed having a sip of that. It just like gives me that little boost. Maybe it's coffee, maybe it's water, maybe it's a treat, maybe it's you know whatever it is for you. Maybe it's candy, maybe it doesn't matter.

Danielle La Rose :

Choose something that you're going to use your taste as your ritual. Ok, so we have sound, sight, smell, touch, taste. You can do all five of these within five minutes max, and I give five minutes, just because, if you're listening to a song or watching a motivational video, there's a good chance it could be five minutes. So you're going to use these five senses again and I want you to think of yourself as the athlete. You're about to step onto the field, you're about to step onto the court, and your court, in your field, is your life. This is your game.

Danielle La Rose :

And guess what? We don't get another one. We don't get to end this one and start a new one. We don't get to end this season and be like well, that season sucked, I'll have another one. Hopefully I'll win next time. No, no, no, no, no, no. Your season of life is right now happening right now, and you only get one. Today is never going to happen again. Tomorrow or yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't promised.

Danielle La Rose :

And so if we know that, and we know that this is the only life that we get to live, we better freaking live it. We better live it to the fullest, we better make ourselves proud, we better feel motivated and inspired and confident. And if we don't feel those things, it's totally normal and it's totally okay. But it is up to us to do something different. And so I'm asking you if you were someone that was just like me, who sat on the sidelines for so long feeling defeated, wanting to go into the game, but holding yourself back because you don't feel the motivation, you don't feel the energy, you don't feel the confidence, and you're you're holding yourself back and saying, coach, don't put me in, I Don't need to go into the game, I'm cool right here, because this is comfortable. This is comfortable, but desperately, if I think about it, down in my heart, I really, truly want to be on the field. I want to be playing the game. I want people to know my name, I want people to see and feel inspired and motivated by me. I want to be in the game.

Danielle La Rose :

And the only way that I'm gonna get in the game is to create the motivation for myself, not sitting on the sidelines waiting for it to happen, but instead saying, okay, I just got to take one step and then I got to take the next step, and then the steps might happen, because you've made the decision to shift your mindset and to try to put yourself in the zone of motivation and confidence. And Perhaps that will come From doing this pregame ritual to say homegirl, I know you're scared, I know that you want this and you don't know how it's gonna work. But what is the worst that could happen? You spend five minutes doing these five things and you're like, okay, this feels silly. But then you go take action and after trying this, I want to ask you to do trial and error. Do this for Choose five things, try them for a week or two and then evaluate me. Like, do that? That smell is like weird. I don't like it anymore. It's funny. It doesn't motivate me, so, like, let me try something different. Maybe that video isn't actually hitting right, maybe I do need a song, and so you get to shift and change these things around. But I'm asking you to give it a chance.

Danielle La Rose :

Take a chance on yourself. Take a chance on this pregame ritual and think of yourself as an athlete, and that athlete has a game to play. Sister, you got a game to get into. Your family's watching you, your friends are watching you and they're cheering you on, wanting the best for you, and I'm here as your coach saying, homegirl, it's time for you to get into the game. I Don't care what you got to do, but you got to get on to the field, and so this pregame ritual, I hope, will help you feel the motivation to jump up off the bench and step out onto the field, no matter how funny it feels, no matter how different it is. I want you to try it and Come to me in a couple months and let me know how it's working, because I promise you, I Almost promised you I haven't had anybody yet come to me and say I did this for a couple months and actually I feel less motivated, less confident, less energized. So give it a try, get into the game, let's go.

Danielle La Rose :

The other thing that I want to add it's not based on your senses. It could be, I guess, touch, maybe had some movement. You're watching one of these, the videos, whatever. Do some dancing, do some jumping jacks, like just Just, I mean, throw your. You can't see me right now, but I'm like moving, like a crazy person. Like throw your arms around, do some squats, just move your body a little bit to get the blood flow, and that also helps too. So, anyways, okay, I'm gonna shut up now because I want you to get into the game.

Danielle La Rose :

The game starts now. The countdown is on in the next hour. I want you to list out your five things that you're gonna try today or tomorrow or soon. That are is going to be a pregame ritual, and nothing has to be perfect. You get to evaluate if this works for you and Switch things around. If it doesn't, after you give it a shot. Are you ready? We are no longer waiting until we wake up motivated. We're no longer waiting for someone to say here, I'm gonna push you onto the field. We are saying I am worth it, to take control, to take action, to push myself To be more motivated, because I have a great life to live and it's up to me to live it.

Danielle La Rose :

All right, sister, I hope that this served you. I hope that you found this useful and beneficial. If so, please share it with your friends, tag me on social when you do these things, even if you're like you know this is crazy. I'm okay with that. I'm totally okay with that as long as it works. So I can't wait to hear from you. And again, if this also benefited you and you want to leave a five star review and drop some Comments here for that too. I love you, sister. You are pretty powerful. Never freakin forget that. Now. Go get on. Now, go get Now. Go get ready for the game. You.

Creating a Pregame Confidence Ritual
Creating Motivation
The 5 Step Confidence Hack
Creating Motivation and Confidence