Mastering Visibility & Influence as an Introvert with Crissy Conner

November 02, 2023 Danielle Nicole La Rose Episode 18
Mastering Visibility & Influence as an Introvert with Crissy Conner
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Mastering Visibility & Influence as an Introvert with Crissy Conner
Nov 02, 2023 Episode 18
Danielle Nicole La Rose

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Have you ever shied away from the spotlight, nervous to make your voice heard and your face seen? This episode's POWERHOUSE guest, Crissy Conner is an expert visibility strategist and introvert who takes us through her journey - transforming from a woman who hid from the camera to becoming an entrepreneur who teaches other entrepreneurs how to confidently be on camera!

Crissy gets REAL about her unique strategies for gaining confidence on video, the secret sauce to achieving digital marketing success, and the power of the right mindset. She also lets us in on her ‘cheater Facebook lives’ method of testing out her videos in private before making them public - a game-changer for anyone still reluctant to hit that record button. But it's not all business tips and marketing strategies! Crissy dishes out some powerful advice for making the changes you want to see in your life. After all, she's not just an expert at making others visible, she's a master at helping them shine too.

Tune in, learn visibility strategies, and take your confidence to the next level!

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Have you ever shied away from the spotlight, nervous to make your voice heard and your face seen? This episode's POWERHOUSE guest, Crissy Conner is an expert visibility strategist and introvert who takes us through her journey - transforming from a woman who hid from the camera to becoming an entrepreneur who teaches other entrepreneurs how to confidently be on camera!

Crissy gets REAL about her unique strategies for gaining confidence on video, the secret sauce to achieving digital marketing success, and the power of the right mindset. She also lets us in on her ‘cheater Facebook lives’ method of testing out her videos in private before making them public - a game-changer for anyone still reluctant to hit that record button. But it's not all business tips and marketing strategies! Crissy dishes out some powerful advice for making the changes you want to see in your life. After all, she's not just an expert at making others visible, she's a master at helping them shine too.

Tune in, learn visibility strategies, and take your confidence to the next level!

Connect with Crissy!
The Introverts Guide to Getting Visible:  

Let's Be Social Media Besties:
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Let's Connect - Website:

Crissy Conner:

We, as women, will typically do something for someone else way before we will do it for ourselves. So once I shifted that belief that, okay, this isn't about me, it's not about my fears, it's not about my struggles, not about how I look, it's not about what I say like or how I say it. It's about how can I serve and support the person on the other end of the screen that's gonna be watching this today.

Danielle La Rose:

You and I have known each other for so long and we started back in I don't even know what like 2014 or something like that Like with you helping me with my social media and me getting visible, and then I watched you go through this whole crazy fun journey that we're gonna talk about today. So I'm so freaking excited and honored to have the Chrissy Conner in the house and I'm gonna let her introduce herself here in a second. But what you need to know is she's an expert visibility strategist. Transforms your audience into raving fans or captivating content that converts. But, more importantly, her belief is that you blend strategy, emotional intelligence, responsibility and uncomfortable actions to create your freedom-based business and who doesn't want a freedom-based business? And also, obviously, chrissy, as I know, you define yourself as an introvert and yet you are all over the social media and everywhere, and yet you do it so confidently. So we're gonna get into that. So, chrissy, welcome to the show. How are you?

Crissy Conner:

I'm good. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be on.

Danielle La Rose:

Yeah, okay, so I did the little spiel, but tell us more like the fun stuff about who Chrissy is and how you kind of got to becoming like the visibility expert.

Crissy Conner:

Well, I don't know if it's fun stuff, but I'll tell you. See, this is the hard stuff for me. Okay, so, as Danielle said, I am an introvert. I never had the desire to get on video. That's fun, right? So in my first business I'm not gonna go down that whole rabbit hole.

Crissy Conner:

My first business, I prayed to God every night. Please, god, do not let Shark Tank or any of these new stations except my. I had a business partner, except her proposal to put us on TV. I will die. That was pretty much my prayer every single night, praying to God. You know I can't handle this. Don't do this to me.

Crissy Conner:

So from that business to this business where I literally teach people how to get visible as an introvert, it's like a 180, right. Like here went the little Chrissy who prayed. Chrissy had no confidence back then. Chrissy liked hiding in her basement and making skincare products. To the Chrissy today that shows up. Now I will be clear on this. I can show up on video, I can show up on a stage as long as I'm talking about my business. But don't sing happy birthday to me or I'm gonna revert into my introverted hole, because I don't wanna be the center of attention for any other reason than if I get to serve and support you. So if we go back to being about me, it's off the table. It's always about you. So if I can spin it to make it about you, I'm good, but if I can't, I'm gonna struggle.

Danielle La Rose:

Oh my gosh, I love that so much. That's so funny, so okay, but okay. So at what point did you? You said, like you prayed to God, like don't let this happen because I will die. How did you go from that Like where was the turning point where you're like no, I'm going to do video, I'm going to do this, and like what was the reason behind wanting to shift that?

Crissy Conner:

Well, after that, business failed for multiple reasons, namely, probably because I didn't wanna get visible, I learned how to do everything on social media and I learned how to do all the right things. And so I kind of shifted into that business model because all my friends were like can you help us? Can you help us? Can you help us? I was like sure, and then what ended up happening was you get a lot of clients and you realize, okay, how can I make more money? How can I scale this? How can I scale this? I can't. If I need to take a week off, my business has to take a week off because there's only one of me.

Crissy Conner:

And so I realized I wanted to create a program and I did, and it was like the most dirt cheap program ever. It was $10 a month and I could not sell it because nobody knew who I was. And I think that was like a big eye opener because I got referrals from people who knew me right or people that knew other people, and that's how I built my whole business up to that point. But because I wanted to sell something that was representative of me, right Of me, only it was harder. It was harder and no one knew who I was and so I knew I had to make a decision Are you willing to get on video? Are you willing to get visible?

Crissy Conner:

And it was this whole like metamorphosis, I guess, that I went through to get myself like to come out the other end as the butterfly, because I was in a cocoon for a really long time, because I rejected it, I resisted it.

Crissy Conner:

I didn't want video to be any part of my business, because I wanted to be the behind the scenes girl and so really to get my confidence on video, I had to shift it, because we as women will typically do something for someone else way before we will do it for ourselves. So once I shifted that belief that, okay, this isn't about me, it's not about my fears, it's not about my struggles, it's not about how I look, it's not about what I say like or how I say it. It's about how can I serve and support the person on the other end of the screen that's gonna be watching this today. And I'm not gonna say it was like instant, like whoo, I'm a superstar now. It still took time, but it was a lot easier to get myself on board with it once I made that decision that it wasn't about me.

Danielle La Rose:

Yeah, I love it. The first thing that came to my mind when you said superstar remember that movie Was it called superstar? Where she puts her hands under her armpits? Oh yeah, it's that way, yeah, isn't it? And then she goes superstar or whatever. Oh yeah, so sorry, that was totally. Yeah, that's okay, but that's what I imagined. Now I'm always gonna imagine you like before you do a video like superstar.

Crissy Conner:

So I'm gonna do a video like that now.

Danielle La Rose:

Okay, so what do you? How do you define visibility?

Crissy Conner:

I define visibility as being seen and heard, and I think there's multiple different ways that you can do that. I think the most effective medium is always gonna be video. You can't get away from video and if you wanna cut through the noise, video is a huge way to be seen. But I do believe that there are people who are seen but not heard, or let me preface this they're seen but they're not using their voice right, they're doing trends and things like that, so they're not using their voice to get their message across, which makes me really sad. So I think you can be visible in multiple ways, but I think you're gonna build trust with people much quicker through video.

Danielle La Rose:

Yeah. So what would you say to the person who you mentioned before? Like, you wanted to be the behind the scenes girl, and I can totally relate to that. So for people who are listening, who are like I am that person, I'm the behind the scenes, but again, I have something to sell, or I have something to say. Like what is like the first thing that they should do? To like, try to get into more of that visibility and confidence. To like, do the video.

Crissy Conner:

Honestly I would. I say this all the time because it would have been amazing 2016, 2017, it would have been an option. But stories are really amazing. Not everybody sees them and they disappear in 24 hours and then, if you like it, you can turn it into a reel or a TikTok. So I would do that because it's almost like my cheater Facebook lives, which is where I went live. Only me then decided, after I watched it 50 times, was it good enough to post and then turn it to friends or public? But I think, wait a second wait a second.

Danielle La Rose:

Was that your first?

Crissy Conner:

so that was the first video you ever did Like the first 10 Facebook lives 100%. I did cheater Facebook lives and by cheater.

Danielle La Rose:

Facebook lives. So just so I'm clear, you went private and did the live, so no one could see it except for you.

Crissy Conner:

Nope, I did. But when I went and made it public it said Chrissy Conner was live. You were probably one of those people back in the day who said, oh my God, you went live and I missed it. Do you know how many messages I got? And I was like I sure did. I was not telling them my secret because I was so mortified that I was too chicken to do it.

Danielle La Rose:

And I think that's a really good reminder. Though, like you, you practiced right. You didn't just click the go live for everybody. You were like, okay, I am still nervous, I am still this introvert, I'm still like struggling to be confident, to be on video. So let me just try this for myself and then eventually, like I'll work up the nerve essentially to like get to that point. So I think that's like a crucial thing to know here and kind of like you're saying with stories, it's, it's a practice until you get to that point. So I love that. Like your first 10 were practices and also let me just be clear.

Crissy Conner:

Instagram caught on and they actually made that an option. So when you go Instagram live, you can do a test live. Oh, I did not know that. Yes, you can test live and nobody will be notified. So you can literally do a test live on Instagram now. So another thing I could have done back then was create my own Facebook group and go live in my own Facebook group.

Crissy Conner:

But again, it did take the nerves off and I think I know it was a confidence issue because I was worried about what people would think. I was worried about what people would say about me. I was worried about like, what are they going to say behind my back? I was worried about saying too much. I was worried about my major hives that crawl up my neck onto my face and it's like this red rash that just shows up as I'm doing. Video sometimes still shows up.

Crissy Conner:

So I had all this confidence issues right and honestly, it was funny because my first real live video that I didn't cheat on was me making jealous shots and although I was a nervous wreck, I had zero fears that anybody would make fun of me, because all my friends knew that I had the jealous shot recipe down pat. I didn't need to look at a recipe. I had to bring all the jealous shots to all the girls night out. So I knew I was actually going to save money by creating this Facebook live, because now they knew how to make them because I was showing them. So literally I was the expert, so I was not concerned about that video and I just had to honestly bring that confidence into everything I do and realize if somebody knows more than me, they're not my person, so it doesn't matter, right? If they say, oh, that's not how you do it, it's not how I would do it, and so I had to really shift all of that. But jealous shots taught me a lot.

Danielle La Rose:

That needs to go on a sweatshirt. Jell-o shots taught me a lot.

Crissy Conner:

It's like a poem. It does. It's so good.

Danielle La Rose:

But I think that's also a teaching moment for all of us is that whether you're going live or you're making a TikTok or whatever you're doing, make sure it's something that, if it's one of your first ones, especially do something that you know that you're excited to talk about. That helps you be a little bit more confident and in your zone until you're ready to talk about the other things. So what would you say as an introvert and as someone who works with lots of introverts, what is like? I don't want to say the first step, because that's kind of what I just asked you, but like what do you find a lot of introverts struggle with? Do you feel, okay, let me just say this Can introverts be wildly successful or do you really have to be like a super extrovert to be like all over the?

Crissy Conner:

place. Every one of my mentors are introverts Every single one of them, which is a really funny thing. I think it's very interesting, and so, no, you do not have to be all over the place and be an extrovert to make money. And it's funny because I do attract extroverts, because there are some extroverts that are okay speaking in front of people, but they don't do well when it comes to live video because they don't have that instant. I don't want to say gratification, but they don't see, like they don't see your face, so they don't know. Like they don't get that instant response, so they don't know to keep going. You know, because a lot of speakers read faces and you can't do that on live video, right? If you're on zoom, that's one thing, but on live video you can't, and so so, yeah, I think that when it comes to being an introvert, it's just one of those things that we get to push through and take up a little space, right, just like, I think, being around people, in a room of people, like at a networking event or something like that, we get very exhausted.

Crissy Conner:

As introverts, video can probably wear us out a little faster than an extrovert. However, again, it's just like when you pull in the passion of what you love and what you want to talk about, it makes it seem less like work. It makes it seem less like this is uncomfortable for me. So when you can pull in that passion, I think it always supersedes the hard stuff. It might still be a little hard but or uncomfortable, but you can do it.

Danielle La Rose:

Yeah, and what I, what I heard is that we might have the upper hand when it comes to video, because what you just said was that extroverts have a harder time because they can't see people's faces. Where I know, for me, I'm like I'll talk to a screen all day long, you know, like I don't have to, I don't need your face, like I'm just going to assume that you're like smiling and happy and excited and like I'll just talk to the screen all day, like that makes me more comfortable, I guess, than like being in a room full of people, absolutely 100%. So I love that, so okay. So Chrissy said it here first that it's actually a benefit to being an introvert. Okay, so what would?

Danielle La Rose:

What is the thing? You ask this all the time, so I'm going to ask it of you. What is something I was going to say this to the end, but we're going to use it now what is something that you think in your head every day when you see you can think of someone specific don't give me a name but like you could think of someone specific or just in general, of like oh my gosh, if they would just stop doing that or they'd start doing that, like they would be so much more successful. Like what is that thought in your head every day?

Crissy Conner:

Every day. It's people who put out really good, honestly, really good typed content and I want them just to say that. I want to hear it out of their mouth. I want to hear the passion behind it. And this is crazy because when I read a piece of content, right, it depends on my mood, it depends on what kind of mind shift like mind frame I'm in right in that moment and but if you show up on video and you're talking to me, I see right there, I see your passion.

Crissy Conner:

You can literally shift my day, you can shift my moment, like you can shift my life, depending on what message it is that you are bringing through that video, the way you show up, how passionate you are about it, how certain you are about it, and like it's just, it's a different. I feel like it's a different game. It's a totally different ballgame than if I read that post and I take it the way I want to take it, which we do. When there's a written word, we can all take it differently, but when somebody with full passion and tension shows up on video, you are magnetized towards that and I just there are so many people that I wish would do more of that.

Danielle La Rose:

So what I'm hearing is that you open up social media and you read a post and you're like why did you just not make a video of this? Like you should have talked this out.

Crissy Conner:

Yeah, and I think, and I think there's a time and place for both. But there are some people that I never see on video and I yearn to see them on video because their words are powerful and I just know that they would be so much more powerful if they were spoken versus just typed on a screen.

Danielle La Rose:

Do you ever have? Have you ever? I've experienced this, but have you ever had someone or some? You write a post and you're like, okay, this is great. And then you make a video of the same exact thing and people are like, oh my God, that's amazing. But like on the on the text post, you got like nothing and you're like I literally just said that, like last week, the same exact thing, just not on video.

Crissy Conner:

Yes, I actually did a test of this and do tell. So I did a. I did a long form post. It was really long and then I took the post and broke it up by paragraph and posted each paragraph and then I did a video which ended up being turned into a podcast and somebody said I saw what you posted and I kind of got it, but when you explained it like when I heard you explaining it, I really got it. And video I don't know what the stat is right off, but there is a stat that we actually consume and take in video. Remember it better than we do actually reading something.

Danielle La Rose:

Interesting. Yeah, yeah, so many good ideas. Like you took one post, broke it into different pieces, and then look at this content strategy we're giving you people right here. Make a post, break it apart, make a video so good. And again, like you said, it depends on people's different, where they're at and what's going on, because I know some majority of the time for me, I don't have volume on, so it is sometimes better for me to read something, or at least read the text, over the video. But then other times, if it looks good enough, I'm like, okay, I'm going to save this. And then when I'm in my quiet space where I can watch something, like then I want to hear them like, talk it out.

Danielle La Rose:

So, again, everything that Chrissy preaches to us every single day in visibility, but yeah, so what? Okay, get real with us here. Okay, every day. I mean you're being real already, but every day, if there's one thing where you're like, uh, I, you know, like you're the visibility queen, so you're everywhere all the time, that's what we all know is you're everywhere. Yeah, what is the one thing where you're like, uh, like I struggle with either being confident to do that or like it's just not my thing, like I'd rather focus everywhere else, but you do it anyways. But like what is that thing for you?

Crissy Conner:

Is cleaning my house a good answer, or laundry, because that's my favorite answer of all time, that's a good answer. My husband said one day. He said what would you do if your client saw our house? I said, well, if they've watched any of my videos, they know how bad I hate cleaning and doing laundry, so they would not be surprised. So that's my answer.

Danielle La Rose:

I will take that answer and I actually really appreciate that a lot, because my house is a disaster and I'm like you know what I always tell people. I'm like I have priorities. Perfect house put together is not one of them. So we're good. Nope, that's right. Um, okay, but let's go to social media. Let's go to visibility, but do you have one where you're like that's my least favorite thing to do?

Crissy Conner:

My least favorite thing to do. That's hard, I don't know, because I really don't do stuff I don't like doing.

Danielle La Rose:

I mean, I guess I do.

Crissy Conner:

I do, I just like I think I'm, so maybe I don't know if I want to say conditioned, I just do it. I mean, sometimes I don't want to send an email, some days I don't want to. I mean there are some don't get me wrong there are some days I don't want to get on video. It's not every day, but yesterday I even said this. I did three trainings. I was on video, not publicly, but like to my containers, and I'm doing 100 videos this month and I even said in the group. I was like I didn't get, I didn't do any videos today, like not public videos, which is the only thing I'm counting. I was like I'm tired, I'm exhausted. The last thing I want to do is get on video again today. I'm done, I've had enough and I was just like give yourself grace, right? So I don't know that there's anything that I literally dread everything. Oh yeah, there is one thing Okay, this is.

Crissy Conner:

This can change and it can vary, but when things don't work and this is very broad when things don't work, I hate going and trying to do it again, like I got my texting thing got rejected and I'm avoiding it. I don't want to do it. That's why I had to pay somebody to do my app, because I couldn't figure it out, and so I just avoided it. So when I can't figure something out, I do avoid it because I am spoiled and I figure everything out. That's the truth. But if I can't figure it out, I will absolutely avoid it until, probably, I pay somebody to do it. So, matter of fact, I'm thinking about switching text platforms, because somebody in our circle uses one and I was like I was asking her all these questions. I'd rather switch than go through all this craziness for just to get rejected again. It's rejection, that's what it is. Let's just figure it out. It's rejection. I don't want to be rejected by technology.

Danielle La Rose:

And you're so good at technology, though, so I love this admittance here.

Crissy Conner:

Yeah, so I'm good at it until I'm not, and then I avoid it. But I mean some things I've overcame like that, like the funnel software I use, like I've never loved funnel software, hated all of it. But I told myself you have a weekend, you are going to figure this out. Literally, do not leave your desk until you figure it out, because you like stuff really fast. Nobody can keep up with you. You're the only one that can do this. And so I did and I did. I know enough to be dangerous and I can turn around a landing page, a thank you page and an email sequence in about an hour and that's pretty darn good. So yeah, that's impressive.

Danielle La Rose:

That's pretty powerful, yeah, and everyone would love that ability. Who's in business?

Crissy Conner:

Yeah, yeah, I just don't want to do it for everybody else, I just feel right for me. So I'm going to train my husband to do it, so I don't have to do it anymore either.

Danielle La Rose:

But so smart of you, look at you, so resourceful yeah.

Crissy Conner:

I know.

Danielle La Rose:

Oh, I love it. Okay, so why should someone focus on visibility? Like what is the? You know, like it sounds great, like, yeah, be visible, and you said, be seen and heard. But why should someone especially if they're like, let's just say, someone's new getting into business or they've been in business but they really want to take it to the next level Like why should that be their number one focus over everything else?

Crissy Conner:

Here's what I tell people when they come to me and they say I'm going to start a business. I don't know what it is yet. What would you recommend? I do? I say two things. Get on video. I don't care if you don't know what you're going to do or what you're going to sell. Get on video and build relationships. And the reason I would say that is because we create relationships, even if it's one sided.

Crissy Conner:

When we get on video, people either are very attracted to us or they're very repelled by us. It's a very good thing. It's hard to imagine, as a newbie, business owner or somebody who's never been visible, and a lot of people have this huge fear of even TikTok, of all platforms, which I've never been hated on on TikTok. Maybe I'm not doing something right, but you know like people have such a fear of being hated on, but like it's a, I mean, it's a good thing. I know this is horrible to say and people don't want to hear this, but it's a good thing. Number one we grow through that kind of stuff when people reject us, but we also attract a lot of people too, and so I believe that we start building our network. We start building our community. I'm not talking about a Facebook group, but our actual online community through a showing up on video, whether you know what you're going to sell or not like, start doing that, because that builds relationships with your audience.

Crissy Conner:

We call these one-sided relationships. They're typically called a parasocial relationship. But think about you and Britney Spears. Britney Spears has been your best friend for how long? A long time.

Danielle La Rose:

A long time, Except for right now. We're having some issues.

Crissy Conner:

But for years Britney Spears was your best friend and you knew everything about her. Right, that is a parasocial relationship.

Danielle La Rose:

What she didn't know about me.

Crissy Conner:

I mean she met you once. She met you once, but she didn't know how good a friend you were until she met you. You just broke my soul.

Danielle La Rose:

I'm just kidding, sorry, continue.

Crissy Conner:

But the other thing is is that I know we also think okay, compared to 2020, everybody is on video, but they're still not. How many people have commented on my TikToks, on my YouTube videos that I go look at their profile and there's no video?

Danielle La Rose:

Not one video.

Crissy Conner:

True. So there is still this fear of showing up on video and being yourself and being authentic and as many people who have become millionaires doing it, there's still so many people that are holding back. And whether you're a business owner or not, if video scares you, I say do it. And here's why Because when you do scary things, you build confidence. That is one of the major ways to build confidence. Do the things that are very uncomfortable for you, because it's gonna make everything else in your life easier to deal with. And I know that's crazy, but we're gonna come up. We can purposely put ourselves in comfortable situations, which I love doing, but there are gonna be uncomfortable situations we don't purposely put ourselves in, but we're gonna be able to navigate that so much more confidently by stretching and pushing ourselves every opportunity we get on our own.

Danielle La Rose:

Sure, okay. So final question, and then we'll go into our fun rapid fire. So if again someone's getting started, you already told them just start making videos and just start building those relationships, regardless of what your business is or what. You have no idea what it is just start there. Let's say someone has been in business, what is your top two three content strategy? Listen, I'm in your programs so I know there's like a bajillion things and so many tools and resources and I've learned so much from you that, like you can't cover and wouldn't cover everything right here. But like, if you were to say like two or three top things, like one, two, three, what someone should do to really start growing their business online, what would that be Other than that? I mean obviously video, but like, if it's, you know you should be, you should be on TikTok or you should, I don't know. You know what I mean. Like your top three things. Got it Okay?

Crissy Conner:

Number one you're going to post content with passion, purpose and potency. One of the three. Always those are the P's. Number two be consistent in everything you do, because if you are not consistent, you're not always planting seeds, which meaning you won't reap the harvest right. But if you are consistent and is 99% of the time, is what I hear people struggle with is being consistent. So be consistent, and I don't have to say video right, cause we already talked about that, is that right? Okay, yeah, the third thing is get your mind in check your mind, just like working out, just like everything else, your mind will give up on you before your body does. Your mind will give up on you before your bank account does Like it's insane how much like we, our mean girl, our inner mean girl, will push us like out of doing what we love, because you know, our brain does try to protect us.

Crissy Conner:

Thank you, brain. However, we're not always in fight or flight and everything that happens, and so I think having a really good emotional intelligence, like working on that, working on what's the truth, you know how this, you know how people say to truce and a lie, like everything you say to yourself, like is this, is this the truth? Is this the truth? Like, is this really true? And then this might be weird, but have conversations with yourself. Like, really dig deep, voice, memo yourself, journal on it.

Crissy Conner:

Like I feel like our mind again is owning a business is the biggest personal development journey you will ever go on. It is the biggest thing that will literally trip you up and make you feel unworthy, unconfident. Is that a word? But it will, it does. And if we're not constantly working on a personal development, working on our mindset, it's going to hurt us in the long run. So I can't just say it's all about visibility, because guess what? If you're not working on your mind, you're going to have a lot harder time being consistent, putting out content with passion, purpose and potency. You're going to be so concerned about all of that stuff if you're not also working on your mind. So work on your mind. Those are my three. I love that.

Danielle La Rose:

Because I do notice when I'm not working on myself. I'm not showing up as much Again because you get in your head, so I love that, which leads us into perfectly, into a rapid fire. So let's start with this, okay, best book that you've read for your mindset in business.

Crissy Conner:

The two I gave you this morning. Compound Effect was my favorite for years, but the four agreements might be better than the Compound Effect, but the Compound Effect has been my favorite for like 10 years, so I can't like knock it. But the four agreements is really good, okay, and it's a very fast read if you're a reader.

Danielle La Rose:

So good to know what are the main things on your for you page Like. What are the topics that you see the most like when you open your social media?

Crissy Conner:

Mindset, coaching, marketing. Oh, and puppies, little puppies that get on top of turtles or little puppies that get on top of chickens it's probably because I send these to Ava all the time, but they're so cute. And then in the chicken or the turtle walks around and the puppies just like riding on it.

Danielle La Rose:

It's just so you guys are getting a turtle, so your puppies.

Crissy Conner:

I just think it's cute and it's just like aw, I just love it, so I watch it over and over and over.

Danielle La Rose:

I love that. That's like thrown in with, like the marketing and all that kind of stuff. So good, yeah, I know you can only have one treat meal for the rest of your life. What do you choose? One treat meal, yeah, like if it was your last meal on this planet. Like, what do you want?

Crissy Conner:

Honey truffle chicken at Cheesecake Factory with the birthday celebration cheesecake.

Danielle La Rose:

So specific, I'm obsessed with it.

Crissy Conner:

You said treat meal Like that's my when I think of food. That's my favorite meal. It's fried chicken with honey and truffle sauce, drizzled over it with mashed potatoes, and then the cheesecake yeah.

Danielle La Rose:

I'm obsessed with this, mainly because this is why we're friends and this is why you're my mentor, because so many other people I've asked and they're like I don't know, like what do you mean? I'm like what you don't have a go to, like favorite meal, like I know exactly what I'm ordering. If it's my last meal, I know. So yeah, thank you. Thank you for knowing. Now me too. All right, so kind of keeping along the same lines. What's one movement or exercise you enjoy doing that makes you feel powerful?

Crissy Conner:

Eating weights, which I do not do enough of, but I'm hoping I get to do this with 75 healthy. But yes, when and here's the thing I didn't ever know it was my thing until it was, and I think it's where you can always constantly see improvement. I'm not a runner, don't ask me to run, I'm not doing it, but like you can see the weights go up and then when people like notice they're like look at your arms. I'm like what I have arms, like I didn't know that was a thing and so, yeah, it's just. It just makes you feel strong. I think it also makes me feel very, very confident when I do it too. So I feel confident when I go on a walk, but I feel like a bad when I'm lifting weights.

Danielle La Rose:

Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, so you can only use one form of social media for the rest of your life? Which one do you choose, you?

Crissy Conner:

mean platform? Yes, instagram. Why? Because it has everything Video, stories, carousels, pictures and threads. It has all of the above and all my favorite people. I follow on there too, so in Gary.

Danielle La Rose:


Crissy Conner:

Gary V on Instagram.

Danielle La Rose:

Is that the first social media app that you open each day? Yeah, absolutely. If you just want to scroll for fun, that's your go-to.

Crissy Conner:

Yeah, I would say Instagram first, facebook second.

Danielle La Rose:

Talks. Third, got it. Who is one powerful woman that has inspired you in your life?

Crissy Conner:

Oh my gosh, I don't know if there's just one, there's so many. You said these were easy, by the way. Thank you, you're welcome. So probably right now, I'm really really paying attention to one of my mentors, who is Hailey Forbes, and she lives in Scotland. I just love everything about her life and her business. That's not like a girl crush. I also love that. All that she's been through I love the way she teaches. Yeah, that's a great answer, but also I also really am obsessed with Taylor Swift's Instagram right now too. So there's also that.

Danielle La Rose:

Oh, okay, so not just the Taylor, but the Instagram of Taylor. Yeah.

Crissy Conner:

Okay, did you see her and Beyonce were on there this morning together? No, I heard.

Danielle La Rose:

Premier. No, I don't follow Taylor. That's why I said all her Instagram is good, because I don't know.

Crissy Conner:

Yeah, but she has the comments turned off. You can't comment, you can only like. If I was her.

Danielle La Rose:

That's what I would do too. Yeah, that's a lot of. I mean, brittany does that too. So she was with Beyonce. I saw she went to someone because the the the Premier of her thing just came out right, and so I saw she like went to one of the cinemas and like stopped it and like talked to them, so that's cool. Oh, I didn't see Beyonce. That's really cool. Look at that girl power happening.

Crissy Conner:

I know, and I think everybody thinks that they're like this right, because they both are like trying like they're both. One of them is going to gross the highest tour, right, it's so neck and neck, but I think they all, I think the public pits them against each other, and there she went and showed up, so for sure.

Danielle La Rose:

I love that and, like you, you and so many people always say, right, like there's, we don't have to have a scarcity mindset. Like there is enough for everyone to go around. And so, yes, one of them is going to pull ahead, but like is the other one going to be upset that she made a few thousand. Like you know what I mean.

Crissy Conner:

Like you're still living your best life Like come on, there's so an overflow, it doesn't really matter at this point. We're talking, we're not talking, like nobody's missing out, nobody's hurting. Yeah.

Danielle La Rose:

No, they are so good. Okay, cool, I love it. One song that makes you feel powerful.

Crissy Conner:

One song that makes me feel really powerful. I'm on again. I'm on a Taylor Swift kick right now. So I'm really into cruel summer and I'm sad that summer is over. So I had the bridge, I can sing really good and I know all the words. So it just like hits me and I love it when my Jeep top is off and I'm like screaming it. It's just so good.

Danielle La Rose:

So good, now we can all go listen to that. Okay, so last one. If there was one powerful piece of advice you could leave for your daughter, what would it be?

Crissy Conner:

Do the things that bring you joy, like, seriously. Do the things that bring you joy. She actually. It was funny. She asked me if she had to keep following somebody on social media and I said, listen, if they don't bring you joy and follow them, like I. If it makes you feel weird on social media or it doesn't make you feel good about yourself, unfollow them, like and that's you know. If it doesn't bring you joy, don't do it. I mean, obviously there's some things we have to do, but you know what I'm saying. Like you, can you have a lot of options in life where we can say yes and no to things and say yes to the things that bring you joy.

Danielle La Rose:

I love it. I have two more things. Number one where can people find you get more? Whatever? You have your amazing like visibility for introverts. So where would you like people?

Danielle La Rose:

I know Instagram's your thing, but where would you like people to come hang out with you and like learn all the awesomeness? Cause if you guys don't follow Chrissy yet, like homegirl puts out so much content every single day and I literally it's the first thing in my feed when I open up Instagram and it's all the things of like, tips and like all in your, all in your feels. You're like Chrissy, like stop, number one, stop being in my head. Number two like why are you yelling at me? Like in the best way possible. I'm like okay, yes, you're, you're right, I will go do that. Fine, chrissy. So it's like it's like the best, it's the best. Like I get motivated, but also like what do you always say activated? I always get motivated and activated, but also a little frustrated with myself. Like all in the best way to be like okay, I can do this. Anyways, that was my little spiel. So where would you like people to come and find you and hang out with you? And I'll add all the links so you don't have to get those.

Crissy Conner:

Yeah, definitely Instagram, and then anything about what's going on is at the visibilityqueencom.

Danielle La Rose:

Yes, so go find, get all the Chrissy in your life. Any last words that you would like to leave for our friends that maybe we didn't touch on your like I should have said this, or I wish Danielle would have asked me that. Or here's my last motivational piece to make people go do the things to live their best lives. Any last words for our friends before we say goodbye?

Crissy Conner:

All I think is on the top of my mind, there are no rules, like, especially as a business owner, and the way you run your life. I think so many of us have been conditioned to think we have to do things a certain way. So again, like the advice that we give my daughter, like find your joy, find what is for you and consume as much of the things that you're passionate about as you possibly can.

Danielle La Rose:

Mmm Mike drop. And with that, thank you, chrissy, for being here. You are so freaking amazing. I just love you to pieces and I'm so grateful for everything that you've done for me and my mindset and my business, and so it has been a joy being here with you, and now I'm going to go listen to Taylor Swift. Thank you for having me. Yes, bye, friend, bye.

Overcoming Visibility Challenges as an Introvert
Overcoming Introversion, Gaining Confidence on Video
The Importance of Visibility in Business
Building Confidence, Growing Business Online
Favorite Things
Living Your Best Life With Motivation