The Power Up Podcast

7. Productivity Powerhouse – Get stuff done and stay on track

Martin Coburn Season 1 Episode 7

Do you ever find yourself caught in the whirlwind of life's endless tasks, bombarded by distractions from every direction? If you are one of the many people who experience the constant struggle for time, leaving you feeling unproductive and disheartened, you're not alone. 

Dealing with the disappointment of a less than productive day and the exhaustion that comes with tackling an ever-growing to-do list can be tough. With demands on our attention piling up, it only makes sense to bring some friendly discipline into how we organize our daily lives.

Fear not! In this episode, we're diving deep into the world of focus and efficiency, sharing insights to keep you on track and guide you towards a more purposeful and productive life.

We're here to help you navigate through the chaos, providing you with the tools to triumph over the challenges of a demanding schedule. It's time to rewrite the story and start a journey toward a more intentional and accomplished version of yourself. Tune in for a friendly chat and some practical advice.

In this episode we explore topics such as:

  • Why multitasking doesn't actually work and what to do instead
  • How to navigate the demands of a “contactable society”
  • How nature offers us a natural rhythm conducive to productivity and how to use it
  • Focussing your attention so that more time doesn’t end up making you less productive
  • The evening disciplines that lead to a productive morning
  • How to use routine, discipline and decluttering to set yourself free
  • How to avoid the temptation of “productivity porn”
  • Why the (authentic) use of AI can work wonders for productivity

“Because we get a dopamine hit every time we tick something off of our to do list, the temptation is to, get the easy things done first”

“Place your focus on the things you will do and be clear on the things you will not do. Because as Parkinson's law states, we can always fill the time.”

“Get up, move away from the task, change your physiology and come back to it.”

“Know what your natural Circadian Rhythms are and work within them”

“Be flexible with your team - look at the results rather than the activity and when it's taking place. Look at the output.”
 “Find the one or two tools that really work for you and be consistent, and really be disciplined in using them”

“Are your family or your loved ones getting the best of you or are they getting the rest of you?”

Useful links to books and resources on this topic or mentioned in this episode:

 ·       Dan Pink - When

·       Dr Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Flow

·       Dr Stephen Covey – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

·       Neil Pasricha – The Happiness Equation

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