The I Am [Dot. Dot. Dot.] Podcast

Ep#41 I Am... Transforming My Business with a 90-Day Strategic Plan

July 07, 2024 Kristen Werner & Mia Steel Season 1 Episode 41

What if you could eliminate the pressure of unmet goals and prevent the fear of failure in your business journey? Join us as we unveil the transformative power of 90-day business planning and how it can set you on a path to entrepreneurial success. Reflecting on our recent membership program's launch and closure, we share practical insights on structuring your next 90 days for maximum impact. Whether you're kickstarting your online venture or aiming to scale, our detailed strategies will help you stay on track and motivated.

We'll take you through the process of creating a clear and strategic 90-day plan, emphasizing the importance of focusing on specific objectives like email list growth, lead generation, sales, and social media expansion. Understanding your target audience and revisiting your vision and mission statements are key to breaking down larger goals into actionable tasks. We discuss how a focused approach not only maintains your motivation but also ensures you achieve tangible results. 

Additionally, we tackle the myth that a massive social media following is essential for business success. Sharing our own journey of managing a six-figure business with modest follower counts, we highlight the value of consistency over virality. From setting financial goals to leveraging TikTok ads for lead generation, we cover the emotional highs and lows of entrepreneurship and the impact of routines on productivity. Finally, discover the exclusive benefits of our Hive Hub Collective membership and how it can help you build a thriving digital business.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the I am dot dot dot podcast, the podcast for busy mums who want to consume useful shit for their biz and their life. Here we tackle the things we know are holding mums and women back in their business. We're not afraid to tackle the big shit, the bullshit and the good shit. We go from mum guilt to confidently learning how to kick ass in this digital space. We will discuss the world of digital marketing and share life's tips and tricks for getting it done. As six-figure business owners with over 10 years of digital marketing and brand experience, and mums to young kids, we get it, we share it and we own it. So buckle up and let's go. Let's go, let's go. I think we should just cut off the screen. I think we need to get out of the screen. Maybe, I don't know, that was really good. Fuck that. Let's go again. Welcome to the I Am Dot Dot Dot podcast, the podcast for busy creators who want to consume useful shit for their biz and their life. I'm Kristen Werner and I'm finally joined with Mia Steele. I feel like it's been a while since we've hung out on the potty pod pod, but it hasn't, but it has. We've hung out on the pod pod, but it hasn't, but it has. We've been busy. Yeah, when was our last one? I feel like it was ages ago. Have we got a lag? No, I just shut up and you kept talking, but you wait like three seconds. Yeah, I know. Well, I was just like what's she going to say next? What was I going to say? I was going to say, oh, what have we been doing? We've been launching and closing the doors to our membership. Yes, and we had a cracking, cracking time. We have welcomed so many new members to the membership and it's been absolutely just too fun, which we will do a full breakdown on the podcast in the coming weeks, around our numbers and what that looks like. If you are thinking of closing the doors to your membership or starting a membership or whatever that looks like for you, we will definitely run through those numbers, because it was numbers, don't lie, and I think Mia will share that. It's her new passion. I love numbers. I love maths. No, I hate maths, but I love business numbers. We'll drop some nuggets on all that stuff on a later date. Yes, interesting, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

But today, mia, we are not suited up. Today, we're all cashew met cash pants over here, which is weird because we don't mind putting the jackets on, but we well, it's absolutely freezing here and I was like I'm just so snuggly. If we can just do the podcast like this, this would be great. And if you don't watch the visuals, you'll never know. So if the energy feels different, it's because we are relaxed. We are, but the hoodies are pink. So we're still on brand, absolutely on brand.

Speaker 1:

Now, mia, tell us today, I am what I am feeling, what, how you feeling today? What's what's the guy I am? I am. I just had a mini stroke. I was looking at the sheet going what am I? I am. I am not here, call an ambulance. It's the hoodies. We're just so relaxed my brain's not even working.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm planning for the next 90 days of success and the next. Obviously, today doesn't day one day one mini stroke. No, that's not serious, but we are planning for the next 90 days of our business. And today we had a session inside our membership talking all things 90 day plan, because if you don't plan it, it ain't happening. No, and one thing that we did say inside the membership and one thing we want to talk to you about in the podcast today is if you are in business, or if you're in just starting online, or maybe you're looking to grow online and you're entrepreneur and you're ready to go. This is a perfect podcast for you because this will help you plan out, maybe, what your next 90 days looks like. And one thing that we did do is, obviously, when we first constructed it was your 90-day goal and then there was a big push.

Speaker 1:

You know, certainly personally for me, because I see a goal as that kind of that epitome, that high thing, and if we don't achieve our goals, sometimes we can feel like we've failed. And you know, if we're not hitting the goals, you know it's like Olympians they've got goals and they've got to hit them. They've got to achieve them. If they don't, you know, is there some part of your mind that sets into failure and imposter syndrome and I failed and I can't do this, and you know that self-taught that sabotages us as entrepreneurs each and every day.

Speaker 1:

So what we really want to do like a goal is a destination. It has an end result and you want to achieve that end result and there is always room for failure in that space and we don't need that as entrepreneurs, like we just said, where we've really put this out as a 90-day plan, because a plan is a beautiful roadmap that steps out each and every step along your destination and allows you to kind of get 10 steps in and be like, oh, I didn't quite get there, but that's okay, cause I know that, like I, can take the next steps in the next 90 days. And so we want you to think of this as a 90 day plan as we step through kind of what we did inside our membership and and what we spoke to our members about so that they could plan out their 90 days and what that looks like for them. So that's probably the most important thing to remember when you're doing this step. So if you've got a cheeky piece of paper lying around or you want to do this on the computer, or if you're driving, do it in your brain, doesn't matter, I'll come back to it and pause different sections and maybe work through it yourself. You're welcome to come along for the ride with us, but we want to make sure that by the end of this you've got an opportunity to look at maybe what you can focus on in the next 90 days to get you across the line and get you moving in the direction that you want to actually go in. So yeah, and we're just in July.

Speaker 1:

At the moment, like, generally, a lot of people say you know, this year I want to do this, but when you have it over a whole entire year it's really overwhelming and you've got a lot of time to procrastinate and not get things ticked off the list. But if you break it down to 90 days and look at your calendar in 90 day sections, everything seems a lot more achievable and you're like, oh, I've only got 90 days to do this. I better do it instead of 12 months. Yeah, one thing that we did do differently that you may not have done before is with the members. We went through something with them around their vision statement and their mission statement.

Speaker 1:

Now, this isn't vision statement or mission statement for your business in general. This is like for the next 90 days what is your vision, what is your mission within your business in the next 90 days? By doing that, we just thought that that's like this long-term, short-term plan for your business, because it allows you to see what things you might need to do differently in your business or what things that you might want to focus on. That if it's a vision and mission goal for your business. In general, they're very different. That's like paramount the foundations, the overarching, everything of your business and what you stand for. Let's do it for 90 days.

Speaker 1:

So, for example, like we said to them, in terms of looking at their business for 90 days, what's something that they want to grow? Is it an email list? Is it leads? Is it sales? Is it social media following? Is it that they want to make X amount? Do they want to get some UGC jobs? Like what is it for them that they wanted in the next 90 days? And I think that really helped anything, mia. In terms of just breaking it down from and giving people a real clear look at what that looks like for them yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And like making them aware that if you laser focus on a few core things that push the needle forward in your business and you start to see a tangible result that you've planned out and you've set for yourself, it can be kind of exciting to see that come to fruition instead of going well, I'm just in this business world and I just here to make money. I've got no timelines. I've got no you know real plan in place. I'm just going to see what happens. You can lose motivation and momentum when you're just sort of flapping about just waiting to see what happens. Flapping about Just flapping about your flaps out, flapping in the wind Just hoping for a breeze. It's a little fishy. Get some fem fresh. Oh, it's loose today. Guys, we're planning on doing another podcast that's just us talking about shit On the same channel just another day. So we'll just do two a week and one will just be us loose as fuck. It'll be good fun. What was I talking about? Flapping in the wind? Yeah, so having that laser focus in your business can really really help push the needle forward.

Speaker 1:

And I I never used to plan, I never used to do 90 days or any plan. Really, I'll just get on TikTok, post, whatever. See what happens had no real, no real goals. Even I just, just, you know, posted and hoped that someone would buy my stuff and it was, yeah, not a good, not a good way to do it. And I think, if nothing else, like what we've built in the business so far in the last 12 months, has shown us that when we've had a plan, we've executed so incredibly well and then we'd be able to look at the numbers and go back over it and certainly the last bootcamp that we just launched we've just done the numbers for that but we kind of clicked into that Okay, let's make this happen before the end of financial year, which was the end of Q2. So the end of that 90 days and we we took it up a level and we we followed a plan, we went through a plan and that in itself was enough to be like, okay, when you do actually create a plan and then you execute it wow, really good things do happen. So, and then you execute it wow, really good things do happen. So that's why we really wanted to push the members to do this and why we wanted to share that with you.

Speaker 1:

So, like a vision statement, for example, is that big overarching vision for your next 90 days? What does that look like? Where the mission part of this statement is, for example, like one of the prompts that we gave our community was to think of it like my business exists to provide what, what service or product are you providing to whom? So your target audience, in order to whatever that desired outcome is. So it's really getting you to think about this 90 days as what you really want to achieve. Like what does your business exist to do, to provide to whom and for what purpose? And if you can get that really clear to whom and for what purpose, and if you can get that really clear, then it's able to like. It might be that you don't have a paid product or service yet, that's okay, but it might mean that you need you know what you want to create, or you need to get clear on your target audience. And when you get clear on your target audience, you're able to then create more leads, which leads can generate more sales.

Speaker 1:

So if it's that you have this ultimate goal of growing your ideal target market and growing your email list, for example, well then that really means that you need to clarify who that target audience is, start really speaking to them on social media and get those call to actions to be joined up. For you know, whatever the lead magnet is, that helps you solve a problem, and so it's really understanding your target market audience and what they want. So it's just about re-deconstructing that ultimate goal, that ultimate plan because we're not using the word goal that ultimate plan, so that you've got a path in place to walk along and that's going to get you to that end result and it makes it easier when you wake up in the morning and you're like, okay, today I'm working on my business. If you don't have a plan, you're like, uh, what am I doing today? I'll just post random stuff on social media. See what happens. But if you wake up and you've got a plan, you're like okay, today I want to get 10 leads. That's my plan today. So my content needs to reflect that and point people towards my free lead magnet. That's my goal for today.

Speaker 1:

And having a plan like that is going to help you feel less overwhelmed, less frazzled, less shiny object syndrome where you're like, oh, that looks good, maybe I'll do that. Oh, no, no, I've got a plan actually for the next 90 days and this is what my plan is, and at the end of that 90 days I'm going to go and reflect on that and you know, if things worked well, then I can go and replicate it and do it again. So it's really going to help, especially even if you are in the start of your business and maybe you don't even know who your target audience is, or part of your 90 day plan should be figuring that out. Yeah, not skipping over the fundamentals, yeah, and that's right and that's certainly something that we said to the members. You know, if that is one of the things that you're not understanding your target audience, then go back to the ignite phase inside the hive and do that work, go back over that, get that really, really clear and then, once that's clear, you can kind of tick that off your plan and you go the next step. Okay, now I know that's clear. Now I need to figure out what do they want? Okay, I'm going to create content that's going to start conversations that's going to get help me understand what they want. So therefore, I can create.

Speaker 1:

Tell the people what's happened. I'm dog sitting and it just dropped. The worst part this is what happens when we do podcasts in booties, because we're just loose. I can taste it. If you are just joining our podcast for the very first time, you're welcome. Never a dull moment around here. Guys, we were talking about, if you remember oh, no, I don't, we're just talking about having a 90-day plan in our business. No, well, look, I don't really remember, but that's okay Cause we're going to come back to it if you remember. But basically we'd kind of gone across.

Speaker 1:

The most important part for you doing that is just understanding. When it comes to a vision and a mission statement. We're saying this for the 90 days. So whatever it is you envision, envisage yep, that's a word is your business. So if you're thinking, okay, cool, this sounds great, I need. I can't make 20 grand in my business because I only have 200 email leads, cool, you might say right next 90 days, I want 500 email leads. Awesome, how the fuck are you going to get that? Now, we get to break that down. Now we get to go okay, 500 leads.

Speaker 1:

And I think Mia did this inside the bootcamp so it's 500 leads. And then you go okay, that's over 90 days. So what's 500 divided by 90,? Mia, do you have your calculator in front of you? Let's whip it out, because then this is going to break it down to okay, how many leads do you need to get a day? Which means, okay, five, five. So you need five leads-ish a day.

Speaker 1:

Now, that is great, because that might mean that it's either a very achievable, or you go, okay, what if I can't do that, that's okay. You can create the lead magnet, you can build excitement around that lead magnet and then, when you drop the lead magnet, you might get 25 leads one day, and then the next day you might get three, and then the next day you might get 10, so on and so forth. So, but to look at that and go, okay, 500 leads, that's a big number. Five a day, that's achievable. That's a couple of TikToks, that's some reels, that's me getting really clear on my ideal customer, that's me using trending sound. So it becomes achievable because you can break down how you're going to get there and that's what we want you to do. All right, so that's it. And if you know that, you know I've got to get five leads every day.

Speaker 1:

Not, like Kristen said, it might not be five every single day it changes in epsom flows but if you know that's your goal for the next, or plan for the next 90 days, then you know that your content, you're going to be there to serve people. You want them to get your free lead magnet. So your call to actions are going to be very clear if that's part of your plan. Because if you don't have that plan, then how are you going to achieve that goal? And it's not as exciting to show up on social media if you don't really have a plan, because you're like well, that's why they call it a content strategy? Because it's a strategy when, if you're just showing up on social media, you're like, hey, just follow me and throw it to me. Where, if you've created it, you're like this is going to help my ideal customer Amazing, I know it works. What they want. It's so much easier to talk about it because you're saying, hey, grab it, it's in my link, or you're weaving it into your content. So content also becomes easier, so that's a win-win.

Speaker 1:

Now the other part that we talked about, and this goes back to the same thing. If we go from leads and we go to financial goals and we say, okay, it's not 500 leads you want, say you decide you want to have a 10K month, 10k 90 days, but whatever that is for you, then you go, okay, well, how do I do that? So one process that we did do is say to everybody cool, in this space, we've helped you diversify your income. So some people are UGC, some people are doing affiliate marketing, some people are selling other courses, some people are selling their own courses, some people are selling digital products. So they've got a diversified income. So we said, okay, write all that down so you can see that. Now, income. So we said, okay, write all that down so you can see that.

Speaker 1:

Now write down what your goal is if you want to call it a goal or what your plan is, that at the end of that 90 days you'd love to hit, let's say, $5,000. Let's say, $5,000 a month is your ideal goal and what you would love to achieve every month in the next 90 days. So then you go how can I do that? And you go all right, well, a UGC job round $400. Okay. Well, if I did 25 of them a month, I've made five grand.

Speaker 1:

Okay, how do I do that? Do I start a purely UGC focused account? So it's really, really razor sharp that that's what I'm heading towards. Or do I just make sure that each week I'm emailing 10 brands that I love and interacting with them? Or am I building my portfolio, like that's kind of what it looks like, or it might go okay if that's 25 UGC jobs. Oh, that's a lot of work for me. But you know what? I've got a digital product that's $47 right now. So if I can get 10 sales of that a week, I can get a UGC product, and I can also. I've got my affiliate marketing that seems to come in every month. Okay, now I'm starting to see what's possible.

Speaker 1:

Or you might do one-on-one coaching. Excuse me, it might be us. We've got one-on-one coaching. That's high ticket. We might look at that and go, okay, if we can get one one-to-one because that's what we do, one-to-one coaching this month that's amazing. That's a huge tick for us. And then what's coming in with the membership, as well as what we're doing with our UGC Accelerator course.

Speaker 1:

You know this is all starting to look really good, but it's about knowing what you provide to your audience as a service and then going how can I now make this work? For me and some people might be. You know, some of the things that you might look at is go, all right, I've decided that I'm really good at social media management and I'd like to offer those services, so I charge myself out at I don't know $85 an hour. What does that look like if I can get 50 hours of work a week or a month or a fortnight or whatever it looks like for you? Calculate that and then look at what that looks like for you and your business when it comes to that financial goal for this next 90 days. Yeah, and your outlook might be very different to someone else, even in the same niche.

Speaker 1:

Your goals might be to grow a huge social media following because you know in the future that's going to pay off. So you know your plan might be okay. I'm going to get 10,000 followers on TikTok in the next 90 days because I know that then I can increase my rates on my media kit, get more brand deals, you know, and that looks very different to someone who'd be like I really really need the cash this month or this next 90 days. I'm going to go hard on UGC and getting those UGC gigs because you don't need a big following for UGC, you don't need that audience. So that's going to be my plan and it's just going to be different If you're looking at these kind of goals because then we moved into the social media goals and lifestyle goals and lifestyle plans and things like that and the reason that we added this into this 90 day plan for everybody is is to again unpack it.

Speaker 1:

Like Mia just said, if it's that you want to grow 10,000 followers on TikTok so that you can get different bread of brand deals, whatever that looks like for you, then your plan is going to look very different to somebody that like for us. For example, we had an incredible launch with our last close of doors and only 2,000 Instagram followers. Launch with our last close of doors and only 2,000 Instagram followers. So you know, it doesn't mean that growing the following means you're going to get the financial reward, because you also need a plan around, okay. Well, if I'm going to grow my following to 10,000 followers to boost my media kit, how am I going to make it easier for brands to contact me? What does my funnel look like? Is that funnel clean and clear and can I get people on my email list?

Speaker 1:

So, really, by doing this 90 day process, what we're hoping to do for you is to help you see what's possible when you put a label on where you want to go and if that means and one of the things that you know we've kind of touched over a little bit we didn't talk about it so much in the session we just had with our membership but one of the things that I've kind of done in the past that I can put to you now it's the SMART criteria, as it's called, which is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. So it really means that, in terms of creating this plan that is effective for you, it always needs to be specific. If you can get specific and this goes for content as well the more specific the better. But if you can get specific on what it is that you want and whether that is I want 500 new leads, I want to make $50,000. I want to grow my Instagram by a thousand followers. Whatever it is for you, get specific.

Speaker 1:

Because when you get specific, then you can start to measure it, then you can start to train it, then you can start to understand what it looks like. And that might be that if it's social media plan, for example, and you want to make that increase on social media, then you might say, okay to measure, that I need to look at how much reach I get on my post, that I need to measure it by how many people click on my stand store link and how does that traffic come from Instagram or TikTok? If it's coming from TikTok, then what am I doing right there in my CTAs that I'm not doing in Instagram and vice versa? So then it becomes measurable. From there it becomes achievable. Is the A?

Speaker 1:

So this is where you are writing it down and breaking it down so that you can actually see what is achievable, which is like what we said if it's a $50,000 goal at the end of 90 days or it's a $10,000 a goal month that you're really looking to achieve, then break that down and write it out and see what's possible. And if it means that you know, mia made a great point to one of the members in our membership when we decided that her goal meant that she was looking at 12 UGC jobs for the whole 90 days and she'd reach her goal and that would make her really happy, which is amazing. And Mia came up with this great idea of just putting 12 post-it notes on the wall somewhere and every time yeah, every time you get a job, take it off and it's like this big win, or you know, maybe it's you start with none on the wall and every time you get one, you put one on the wall or you write on it, whatever it looks like for you, but that just shows that that is achievable because it's reachable. Then you're seeing that it's possible and you've written it all out and broken it down. And then the time bound is basically this 90 days and if you want to go even further, you go time bound by month, by week, by day, so you can break it down that way that you know that means that the time bound for this particular idea for you guys is a 90-day plan, and then you go go okay, well, what does that look like each month? Achievable, okay. What does that look like each week? Okay, each day. What five leads a day? Oh, that's easy. So that then becomes achievable.

Speaker 1:

So that's called the SMART method, if you want to look at it that way. So if we kind of just touch on that again, it's specific. That word is really tricky to say Specific, specific, specific, measurable. Say it for us, mia Measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. So if you can put something to each of those, if you can look at that vision and mission statement and see what that is and write that out, and then, if you need to, then just jump straight to the specific side of it, then go straight to there and go okay, if that's my main plan, that's what I ultimately want. Now I'm going to break it down into this smart method and really digest that and create that and see what that looks like. You're going to get closer and closer to a plan that actually works and I suppose, mia, the example that we can give now, going from our last 90 days or our last launch period to now knowing the numbers, what have we now learnt that we can take into our next 90-day plan with things like TikTok ads and stuff like that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I was about to say before, when you put time and measurability on it, you can really start to see some patterns and go, okay, it's just a numbers thing. Now I've done that, the numbers tell a story. Now all we need to do is replicate that and perhaps get more numbers. And how do we do that? We put a plan in place. You know, maybe it might be put more money into ads or create more content or whatever it is for you. And when there's a time limit on it, like for us, it was okay, the boot camp is on this date. Okay, we know, between now and that date, we need to get x amount of leads to get three percent of those people to convert into sales, and we did that. And then now, next time, we know we put a time on it, we can measure it. You know we break it down to achievable little goals throughout that 90 days and you just repeat it and repeat it and repeat it and ever since we've done that inside our business.

Speaker 1:

We can see the numbers, we can see the patterns. It's just going in the right direction, whereas before, you know, back when I was doing my other business stuff, it was just all up in the air. I didn't look at my numbers, I didn't have a plan, it was all airy-fairy and it didn't feel measurable. When Mia did the calculations for the numbers and we haven't sat down and done it properly but like to the full extent now the doors have closed. But you know, for example, we figured out that if we put about $3 into TikTok ads we get $25 back. So you know, that says to us okay, well, now if we can invest more money in ads, then the conversion rate is going to be higher and we just can grow it like that.

Speaker 1:

Where before we did that process, we kind of had an inkling but we were like we need to do this so that we can actually see what happens. So that was part of our 90-day plan, I suppose is to go okay, well, we're going to invest in some ads and see what happens and if it works then we're able to go okay, well, next time we can increase that number and we can therefore increase the return on investment and so on and so forth. So that's why doing this allows you then to reflect on it at the end and see what worked, what didn't work, what you can change and shift for next time. Before we kind of like we'll wrap it up, because we don't want it to be too long, I want to make sure that you can take action off this. So I suppose the biggest thing in terms of taking action off this is to look at these next 90 days and decide what you want.

Speaker 1:

So if you are very new to this space and you're like guys, I don't really have anything to sell, or I don't know UGC yet, or I don't know how I can do that, there's a few things that you can do Now. Inside the show notes, we've got a UGC accelerator course that is always there and that is for you to go and grab and learn UGC, because one of the things that we do talk about inside the membership was about the fact that if it's for you wanting to make sales and increase your income this next 90 days or this next month, then something like UGC is a great place to start, because one it's going to help you get better content and create better content and it's also going to get you paid for that content and brands are looking for you. If you're 40 plus and you want to create content, brands are looking for you. So you know that's a place that you can start and certainly scale in that space. But if it's more like, okay, I just I need to build in this space something, then it might be for the next 90 days. You are really doubling down on building your personal brand and showing up consistently and testing content and trying content and failing at content and seeing what works and building an audience. And if that's what that is for you, then that's fine. But make it that it becomes specific so you get really clear on what that is. It becomes measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Being that it's that 90 days. But that's where creating that vision and mission statement for the next 90 days is going to be paramount to how all of this unfolds for you. So hopefully that makes sense for you and you can go forth and start a little 90-day plan.

Speaker 1:

If you've got any questions, drop in the DMs. We'll be happy to help you out there. Be really keen to follow your success as well. If you do follow this and you do try this and you do kind of. You may never have done the 90-day plan. Like Mia said before, she never really did it before. You know, we kind of stepped into this space and so if you haven't done it before it can feel really daunting. But it doesn't have to be. It doesn't have to be these huge things where you know I need to get 50,000 followers on my Instagram before 90 days, because if it's not possible and you can't actually see how you get there, then you won't achieve it and then you'll be like this doesn't work for me. So let's go with the small, measurable, relevant, specific things that are going to help you grow in this space, so then you can look back after nine days and be like holy shit, I help you grow in this space, so that then you can look back after nine days and be like holy shit, I did the thing. I did that, yeah. And write it down. Put it on a thing on your wall a big planner or a Trello board or a notion board. Get it out there so you can go back and look at it all the time, and it's such a good feeling when you tick one of those little goals off and then you start to see, oh yeah, this is possible, this is achievable and it's starting to go in the right direction. Absolutely so, mia.

Speaker 1:

I suppose, before we wrap up today's little 90-day plan, we haven't done a Love Don't Love for a while. So, other than the dog fart, what don't you love? Yeah, don't love that. I do love getting paid to look after dogs, though. Oh, yes, my love I don't love this week.

Speaker 1:

We've been having lots of conversations about this lately and it's the pressure on social media posting, how much you've got to post, and, oh, you've got to get the views. You've got to go viral. You need the numbers, and we've just proved that you can run and hit a six-figure business with 2,000 Instagram followers. Yeah, what have you got on TikTok, 14,000? I've got 20, but that's taken me nearly three years to get to 20,000. And my other TikTok account that is at 50-something thousand.

Speaker 1:

I'm not really monetizing that in a big way, so it just goes to show there's so many reels courses and so many oh, do this to grow, and it depends on what your goal is. Maybe your goal is to go viral and have a really huge social media following but don't have to to do well in business, basically. And I just I get antsy and I feel the pressure when I see Instagram reels telling people that you know, I've got 600 leads and this is my formula and you have to do it like this to grow on social media. By my course, it's like, yeah, it's just another shiny object, but you know, we're proof that you don't need to pop off. I mean, it helps and it's great if you can figure it out, perfect. But don't feel like it's not possible and if you don't have those huge social media followings and it all comes back to just knowing what you're there for and knowing that those platforms are usually top of funnel. So have some fun with it. Lean in, you know. Yeah, enjoy it. Yeah, don't get too caught up and oh shit, I can't, you know, crack the code, but just be consistent.

Speaker 1:

And my love's business numbers. I got such a high out of going through all of our numbers. You did an ADHD hyperfixation, didn't you? Because I'm getting messages at 11 o'clock and I'm like, oh damn, she's in a hyperfix, this big breakdown of like all these numbers. And I'm like, oh damn, she's in a hyper fix, this big breakdown of like all these numbers, and I hate maths. I was terrible at maths, I've always got to use a calculator. But when it's your business and you can see the numbers and you start to see patterns, and then it's working, it's like holy shit.

Speaker 1:

I love numbers and I love looking at this stuff because now we know, keep plugging in what we're doing, because it's working, and especially in this entrepreneurial space, because it can get so emotional that if you allow the emotional part of you to go, oh, I didn't, I thought I'd get 50 sales and I only got 15, I'm shit, I'm terrible, my product's crap. And then you can kind of actually look at the numbers and go, oh, hang on, but only like that's pretty good, 50 people signed up, so the fact I got that is fucking unbelievable. So you know, and that's where the numbers don't lie and that's what is exciting. Like you say, when you actually figure it out, know your numbers, and we're going to talk about that inside the membership too. I won't even do a cheat podcast on it. You never know, guys, maybe All right, what are your loves?

Speaker 1:

Don't loves, don't love. So my don't love this week and like people can throw tomatoes at me. Whatever you want is that I'm out of routine in a bad way, so I haven't been getting up. I usually get up at like about 5 am, 5 30 am, which I like because, like with the launch, obviously, like I was doing that and really excited about that, and then door shut and I was like I'm just gonna take a little cheeky napperoonie. But now what's happened is I'm just consuming shit on netflix and scrolling my phone to like 11 12 usually, and then I'm like I can't go to bed. And then I go to bed and I can't get up, and then I'm just out of whack all day. And I don't. I'm a routine kid. It's my dad's genes. He's mad for a routine. That guy and I take it on board. You're coming into school holidays soon too. It's a blessing and a curse. So I'm yeah, I don't love not being out of routine, and it just shows that when you do change a habit, it can actually be the best thing for me. I absolutely love just having that, even if it's half an hour before the kids get up and I consider like I'm going to just kind of reset, I'm good to go. So, yeah, that's what I don't love.

Speaker 1:

My loves, however, has been seeing the power of our TikTok ads and the fact that when we had them running before the boot camp, literally on the reg, our phones were just like blung, blung, blung and we were like we're not even creating content. I know, and I didn't feel the pressure to create content. Yeah, and it was just a really nice feeling, and not that everyone needs to do ads, but I mean TikTok ads. We got a whole conversation about that because that was a fucking name changer and I think, just doing that and being at a space that we're excited to invest that money back into our business because we know it's working, our community's fucking unbelievable. We can just see that we're helping these women and some men in there and so it's no longer like this, this gross, like ads to sell my business. It's like if we can put money into ads, we can serve more people and we can help more people in space like this is it? This is what it's about and yeah, and it gives you more breathing time and less pressure, and sometimes we're walking around going.

Speaker 1:

I feel like we should be doing more like yeah, this is weird, all these leads are coming in and we're not really doing much. This is amazing but weird and we're going to keep doing it. So that's been my loves for the last little bit. So that's what's been crack-a-lackin' in our hood Cool, well, wait, no, okay, don't cut this. But also, I was just going to say because cause we always forget to say this guys, please subscribe to the podcast and please leave a cheeky wiki review, even if it's like guys, let's fart chat. I mean we won't stop that, let's fart chat.

Speaker 1:

Doing things like subscribing I know leaving reviews and stuff can be a bit tricky, so if you go out of the way to do that, we'd really appreciate it. But subscribing to the podcast means that you go that little button at the top of the thing there and you click the little flag I think it is and it just means that we'll send our podcast out every single Monday. We absolutely love doing this. It brings us joy to speak to you about what goes on in our business, what goes on in our membership, how we can help you if you subscribe to it. If nothing else, it shows us that what we're sharing with you is beneficial and helpful. Yeah, and therefore we'll keep doing it and we love doing it.

Speaker 1:

And it's very difficult in this medium, because you don't get any feedback other than us just chatter ratting at each other. So, yeah, if you, that's just a little something that I think we need to add to each podcast. Mia, it's just a little memory. Yes, really appreciate and and any podcasts that you love. It's just a little memory. Yes, really appreciate it, and any podcast that you love. It's just a way to show you know thanks for, yeah, doing what you do, and it means more to a podcaster than anything else to just hit that subscribe button and leave a little review. It really helps.

Speaker 1:

Yep, and we did, through the boot camp, without knowing I haven't shared this on the socials hit 5,000 downloads. So, no, I haven't shared this on the socials hit 5 000 downloads. So, guys, thank you, jesus, and we're up to episode 41. I know, I think. I think I saw a tiktok at one point saying only one percent of podcasters get past episode 21. Maybe correct. So if you can get past 50, you're good to go usually. So let's, let's go, let's go.

Speaker 1:

And unfortunately, our, our call to action today is not to come and join the membership, because the doors are currently closed if you're listening to this, on July 4th, but we have our UGC course. We have a wait list if you're keen to jump into the membership when we open the doors Don't know when yet, but you'll hear it on socials. But yeah, yep, that's us in a nutshell, in a casual pink hoodie-bound nutshell Very cash today. Very cash, quite enjoying it, though, yeah, we're in closed doors session at the moment. All right legends. Well, we shall catch you next week.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, if you have been thinking, geez, the Hive Hub Collective sounds like the place that you want to be, well, let me tell you our members absolutely love it. And inside the membership, we help them each and every day to build a business that we know is possible for them and create content that gets them paid online. And right now you can join the waitlist. If you are on on that wait list, you will not miss out when our next stores open. If you're wondering how to get on this wait list, just head to our socials at hivehub collective and pop your name inside the wait list email capture there and you'll be notified when we're getting ready to open the doors again.

Speaker 1:

And inside the membership, we are sharing each and every day with our members how they can build a digital business, how they can start ugC user generated content and grow their brand and their business. We are teaching them how to build their personal brands, their business brands, launch products through our back it before you build it process, so that if you are interested in creating something you are truly passionate about and having the longevity being online so that you don't have to go back to work, then this is the membership for you. So, like Mia said, jump on that wait list. You'll be the first to find out when those doors fly open and then you can buzz on inside. Do you like that? Can't wait to see you. Okay, bye.