Drop In From There

Episode 8 - LMD Insurance

January 07, 2024 Clelia Murphy; Dean Jones; John Gildea Season 1 Episode 8
Episode 8 - LMD Insurance
Drop In From There
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Drop In From There
Episode 8 - LMD Insurance
Jan 07, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8
Clelia Murphy; Dean Jones; John Gildea

In this episode John asks Clelia whether she is an #actor or a #thespian while Dean muses on the need for sound engineers to listen to the wild #unplugged . The ad this week is for LMD Insurance and is all about turning facts into savings. Clelia attempts whimsy before channelling her inner Stephen Fry.  So wherever you are...drop in from there.

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode John asks Clelia whether she is an #actor or a #thespian while Dean muses on the need for sound engineers to listen to the wild #unplugged . The ad this week is for LMD Insurance and is all about turning facts into savings. Clelia attempts whimsy before channelling her inner Stephen Fry.  So wherever you are...drop in from there.

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John Hegarty, the advertising guru, has something similar, where he says your whole, if you're creating work for people, you need to be an observer of people, so the idea of just plugging in and switching off wherever you go is really bad for that, because you're not observing what's going on around you. I love people watching. Yeah, I like that. I went to the theatre last night with Neil and he said People watching or people judging? No, I wouldn't be judgy. I'm not. What are you all humming at? You bastards. No, that was judgy. Well, I'm judging you. Yeah, we're both judging. Yeah. No, I wouldn't be judgy. That felt like a false claim. Yeah. Oh, my God. It's alright to be judgy. Let me finish my story. Okay. Okay. So Neil said to me, What's wrong with you? Are you alright? And I went, Yeah, I'm listening to everybody's conversation. Yeah. He hasn't played record. No, I did, but I just accidentally Jesus Christ. Lent on the stop button. Did you just press the stop button? No. How much of it did you stop at? Nothin Nothin Plain record. Just all your story? Pfft. Or really, is it gone? No. Tell me. It's that time again. Welcome to the podcast where we make an ad, but you get to hear all the fun bits in between. So join me, Clellia Murphy, voiceover artist, actor, and secret love child of Elvis Presley and Rita Hamers, as I catch up with the gleaming Dean Jones of Scimitar Sound and Adelaide's dark horse, John Gilday. So wherever you are, join us. Drop in from there. John, let me hear you. Hello. You still sound Keep talking, John. Okay. This morning I woke up and I was tired. I wake up tired every day. Every day feels the same. But it's not. Here's the young person. I think we should keep him around to ask him things about the present. Let's ask him why the other mic doesn't work. Yeah, why doesn't the other mic work? Oh, he can't hear me. So, I don't know why I'm talking. I've won a jumper in here, that's a big fucking mistake. Oh yeah. Can you take it off? Nah, it'll be good, I'll lose more weight. You'll lose your wee? Weight. Did you hear wee as well? I did hear wee. What's that? Tea's fine, yeah, yeah, yeah. Is he giving you a cheek? Fine line, fine line. Listen, he's just jealous because we're going for pints in 40 minutes. Where are we going by the way? Smiths. Surround sound. He is going for it. Because it's the nearest place. Are you coming from one? Because you're only allowed to have one. Because you're 12. I can't hear you. You can have a pint of shandy. Can you not hear me? No, because it's turned down because of the microphones. Oh, it's in your head. Yeah, you look like you sound great though. Are we recording? Is the mic working? Yeah, we're good. I'm saying fuck, because we have to go in 32 minutes. That's great, because it means I have less to, um, Okay, so, LMD insurance. You love giving me loads of letters. That are hard to say in one. They're called words, Claire. Now it's called English. You only have the one LMD insurance. Facts title, facts, media, radio length. I've read script 30 seconds script. I've just read the script. I haven't read it. I've just read this script. I'm about to read now. Yeah. Is it? Is it good? Well, it's not 30 seconds, I can tell you that. If there was going to be someone buying tickets to come and see us, it's off the back of something like this. Wow. Yeah. Bar set. This is my first read. Yes. Take one. Take one. Did you know that giraffes are thirsty? No. No. No. No. Well, they probably are. They are. They do need water. Hold on, I got new glasses as well actually. Hold on. Try and leave your shades off. I got them with, no I got a two for one deal. I got new glasses as well. This isn't, hey we're not promoting that are we? Are they the same shape as the glasses? Well, let's show you now. Do you know what these are? Beaded Very, very focals. They're not very focals, they're not bifocals, they're the, they're the trainers for bifocals. Very, gotta be very. Is that what they're called? Yeah. No, no, no, they're called something else, these are ace and tate. They are the same shape as the sunglasses. Yeah, I have a really awkward head. I've only got one shape that actually suits me. Have you seen the craze? Look at John looking down his nose at my new face. Yeah, I remember it well. Do you mean the Tom Hardy one? Or the original one? I think I mean the Tom Hardy one. I've pretty much watched that film exclusively on TikTok clips. I think I have too. I love a TikTok clip film. I think I've watched the entire series of Friends. Wow. That's recently. That's a lot. Subconsciously, because I'd never watched it. But hold on a minute. Is that because you couldn't relate to the concept of having friends? Yes. That's really mean. That's a bit shocking. See, it's not always you. No, it's a triangulation of hatred. Triangulation? Come here, um. I'm not offended though. Facts don't offend me. I'm not offended by the truth. Um, did you not tell me you were going off the TikTok? I went off the TikTok and then I went back on the TikTok. I flowed the TikToks I could have been sending into the group when you And I didn't because I thought you weren't watching. Anyway. There's no methadone for TikTok yet, is there? I went off, it was too much. There was too much TikTok. I found a great program called Mr. Inbetween. This is a TV program? It's a TV Australian program. Right. And you almost watch it. It's probably the best television I've ever seen. Do you, do you say that quite frequently? No. I'm really, I'm really judgy when it comes to television. Mr. Inbetween. And it's about a really essentially decent guy that had no other choice but to be a hitman. Don't all hitmen say that? There's quite a lot of things that have to happen for you to have no remaining choice. Yeah, he had a tough life. And he's really good at it. It's the only thing he's really good at. So, like, so, I You know how I'm average? So, I can't be a bus driver, because I don't have any peripheral vision, but I've got laser like, long distance vision. Oh, yeah, so you could, yeah, so you're a hitman. I'm just trying to work out how you're knocking out Yeah. infinite career possibilities. So, yeah, the only thing you can be is a good hitman. Yeah. Hit person. Hit person. Don't tell me that somebody is out there listening to this right now going, that was my journey. It was a series of events that led me to Do you think there's people we know? Yeah. Do you think we know someone that's killed someone? I, yeah. Not that scary. But do we think we know somebody that like, can see ghosts? Do we think we know somebody that has, that pees in the shower? We all have those kind of little secrets. Does everybody has a secret? I know two people who pee in the shower, but it's their instincts. No, I see ghosts. I see ghosts. I see dead people. There are three of them behind you right now. I see dead people. Yeah. Yeah. Chances are, we're bound to have met someone that's killed someone. Oh God, this is terrible. Between the three of us. Do you think it's that In our lifetimes. Is it that likely? I know there was Do you know what would be good, Dean? It would be if there was a fact about that. I think he's not Now In a script. Okay, I'll read it now. Did you know that giraffes are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than humans? Or that the Earth's rotation is changing speed? It's actually slowing down. Speaking of changes of pace, did you know that lizards experience time more slowly than cats and dogs? How about the fact that chainsaws were originally created in Scotland to aid childbirth? Have those facts made you any wiser? Perhaps. But the fact you can save up to 20 percent on your car insurance by switching to LMD certainty Certainly does. LMD insurance. Making insurance savings a matter of fact. I'm going to take off my glasses for effect. You duffed your glasses? I duffed my glasses at you. My, my Do you, have you LMD LM Dean, I haven't had abbreviation for, I haven't, uh, lots more. DI haven't, I be, and do you know why? Why? Uh, I recently was involved in a pitch for an insurance. Uh, company. And what I realised was there's lots of insurance companies with initials and people don't know what the initials stand for. Oh yeah. And it doesn't matter when you do find out. No, because your only focus is A, have I heard of them, and B, what are they offering? This is true. This is very true. Yeah. It's a very good point. Lots more Dash insurance. Yeah. So, I think, um, read wise, Um. It could probably be slightly pacier. Yes. And, um, I'd like it to be a little bit whimsical. Whimsy. Yeah, a little bit of whimsy. I love a little bit of whimsy. Yes. Um, when you say whimsical Yeah. Give us a, a, give me the world of whimsy you're talking about. I think it's, um, uh, that wonderful period when You're going through the day and someone just decides to engage you on something completely irrelevant, but utterly entertaining. It just makes you feel a bit lighter. Yep, perfect. That's, that's quite a good direction, but I'm, but so good I'm still trying to figure it out. So, in my mind, it's, um, Did you know? It's as if you're chatting to a man in a bar. Where, I was going to say, where are we? Yeah, you're chatting to a man in a bar, and he starts hitting you with random facts, because you've gotten to that stage in the night where it's like, you know, we've run out of chat, but we're so pissed, we're just going to keep it going. Okay. And, I heard. And you start countering. Okay. So, but you don't want me to do a Pissed? Just Whimsy? Yes, please. And I'm not a man. I'm a woman. That's entirely your choice, and I respect that. Okay. And if you chose something else tomorrow, I would respect that too. You can be gender fluid. Yeah. Especially in our age, you know. Did you know that you're after 30 months? What? Neil, um, you're all, I can't, I'm at the point of the day where I'm calling everybody everybody else's name but, except, like, Neil, Neil, Neil. John was looking at me there and it just made me laugh. Because it was totally the wrong, um, It sounded like you tried to sound like a child. We didn't say child, we didn't say age fluid. See, I've gone past whimsy. I can't get past whimsy. Yeah, you've gone to the age of innocence. I really have, yeah. Whimsy. Whimsy. Especially when you say it. Whimsy. See? Totally different. Got it. Yeah, Whimsy sounds a bit Whimsy. Yeah, Whimsy. Whimsy. Flimsy. Whimsy sounds like one of the mates. Sorry, Whimsy. No, that one sounds like one of his mates. Yeah. But it sounds like a party you've been at. Yeah. Whimsy! There was Nesbo, Bodger and Whimsy. Yeah. Whimsy. But they're definitely Scottish. They're not your mates. No, no. They weren't in your school. He'd be Wimper. Wimpsies. Wimpo. Wimpo. Wimpty. Oh. That's my good friend Wimpty. Wimpty. A wimpy burger. Terrific croquet player. Terrific. He's a terrific tobogganist. We're back to that. Did you know that giraffes are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than humans? Or that the Earth's rotation is changing speed, it's actually slowing down. Speaking of changes of pace, did you know that lizards experience time more slowly than cats and dogs? Is that it? No. No. Do you know, do you know what's happening there? I'm acting. Yeah. It's just about to hit you with that. Stop acting. So? So just read it and you will blow your own mind. Okay. But the fact you can save up to 20 percent on your car insurance by switching to LMD certainly does. LMD Insurance. Making insurance savings a matter of fact. And no whimsical. Yeah. Did you know that giraffes are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than humans? Or that the Earth's rotation is changing speed? It's actually You need to find another word that doesn't know what whimsical is. Yeah. I fucking do know what whimsy means. It's not whimsy. Well, I'm Googling that now. Yeah. What's whimsy in your head? Don't know. John will direct you with a better I don't know if he is now. Hold on. I don't know if he is. Yeah. Because he looks confused in here. Whimsy. Whimsical. Because I actually quite like the straight read then. Oh, well what was that then? Am I whimsical? That was quite conversational, wasn't it? Yeah, conversational is right. Whimsical. Googling this now. Playful, quaint, or fanciful. Especially in an appealing and amusing way. Oh, that's where we've gone wrong. A whimsical sense of humour. Okay, so I'll do a whimsical. I'll do whimsical, by the very definition, and while I'm doing that, right, I want you to come up with the right word. Okay. The correct direction. Alright. Have those facts made you any wiser? Perhaps. But the fact you can save up to 20 percent on your car insurance by switching to LMD certainly does. LMD Insurance. Making insurance savings a matter of fact. That's getting there. It's a great strapline. It's very good. There's a lot of good lines in it. It's a very good line. You should think maybe of doing this. Professionally. Mm. Mm. There's money to be made in this. I think so. Mm. That was good. I thought that was getting there. That's whimsical. But it was getting interesting. Um, do you want an accent? No. Do you want a character? Where am I? What if you were Stephen Fry? Ooh, now. Yeah. He loses a lot of his face when he talks. You know the way he does, he loves doing the bit where he shows his knowledge during QI. Okay, I'll do that now. Yeah, that's good. Did you know that giraffes are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than humans? Or that the Earth's rotation is changing speed? It's actually slowing down. Speaking of changes of pace, did you know that lizards experience time more slowly than cats and dogs? How about the fact that chainsaws were originally created in Scotland to aid childbirth? Have those facts made you any wiser? Perhaps. But the fact you can save up to 20 percent on your car insurance by switching to LMD certainly does. LMD insurance. Making insurance savings a matter of fact. That's pretty damn good. That is pretty damn good. Yeah, yeah. Now I wasn't doing an impression of him, I was just using his cadence. It kind of worked. Kind of worked. What if you tried to do an impression of him, without the accent? But I'd be able to do an impression of Stephen Fry. He does a lot of inhaling. Yeah. Okay, ready? Did you know that giraffes are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than humans or that the Earth's rotation is changing speed? It's actually slowing down. Speaking of changes of pace, did you know that lizards experience time more slowly than cats and dogs? Or how about the fact that chainsaws were originally created in Scotland to aid childbirth? Have those facts made you any wiser? Perhaps. But the fact you can save up to 20 percent on your car insurance by switching to LMD certainly does. LMD insurance. Making insurance saving a matter of fact. Eh, preferred the one before. Okay. But that's his, he, and he's also quite, is he more close to the microphone? Eh, don't know. Imagine, imagine. I did a big slurp there. How long, how long must it have taken him to record those audio books of Harry Potter? I listen to him a lot. I'm listening to his book at the moment, Secrets. It's a long time, but it's the edit. Oh, here we go. Let's talk about the real heroes. The real hero is Dean. Unspoken, unseen, unheard heroes. Well, somebody's giving somebody voice now. Okay, why is that, Dean? Is that due to continuity? Is that the issue? Tell us the hardship your life is when it comes to editing this podcast, for example. I'll give you Give you, no, this is okay because someone's doing a lot of the groundwork on the edit process, but it's, yeah, uh, it takes, voiceovers reading a book will make many, many mistakes. Yeah, of course. Those all need to be fixed by somebody. Right. Have you found, I found a couple of, I love it when it happens, I found a few mistakes. while listening to an audiobook. I'm not surprised. Miriam Margulies, she makes a little bit of a fluff in one of hers, her second book, I found that. But as in, do you think they've left it in or is it an edit that's been forgotten about? I'm gonna have to go, I'd say it's an edit that was forgotten about. And an Agatha Christie book read by, what's her name? I mean it happens in books. Yes it does. Do you know what I mean? In books there's typos that become legendary. Yeah. So the process of Cleaning it up and editing down days worth of recordings takes time. Here's a question for you. So no one can ever afford that bit of it. The edit. So people come to you and say, oh, I'm making this book, I've no budget. And they go, but I'll only be in with you for like, you know, five hours max. Yeah. And you go, yeah, but that could be three days of edit. Really? And they go, oh yeah, I told you I had no budget, did I tell you that? Yeah. Here's a question for you. You know when we do the ordinary 30 second ad? Yeah. What's the turnaround time on that? Depends on the ad. Depends on loads of things. No, for you. Just you. Not even having to go through clients and all the rest of it. Be careful, Dean. Yeah, I could cut off my business model. Because you know, there's the sound mix, and then there's the output, the mp3, then a web file. Well, I want to say that I'm bookable by the hour. Mm hmm. So it'll either take me one hour, or two hours, or three hours, That's how you break it down. Yeah. I'm bookable by the hour. I'm bookable on an annual retainer. Fair. I'd love a retainer! Anyone who's out there. I'd love a retainer. What, like, for your teeth? Oh, no, I was looking, I've got some teeth. Sorry, that's Owen's DDB. What's your email address? I'd love to put that in there as well. Mad Hatter Productions. Mad Hatter Productions. Talentedbastard. com Here, I've just realised that you're based, you have offices in Dublin, New York, Paris and Munich. Yeah. I need to go to Munich. I've just been to all the other places. Oh really? You haven't ticked off Munich? No, not yet, no. I got that from that. What's that disco song? Anyway, that's the chorus. Oh. Is it really? Everybody talk about new pop music. Are you talking about the locations? Yeah. Yeah. So it's like my Twitter handle. What's your Twitter handle? I haven't changed it since Well, it's not even Twitter anymore. Like, it's X. X Man. I've been to Georgia and California And any place I can run I don't know. I've been to paradise But I've never been to mead Yeah, that's all I have. No, it's not. I didn't make that up now. I've been to Meath. Yeah, I lived in Meath. That was the irony. I remember. Have those facts made you any wiser? Perhaps. But the fact you can save up to 20 percent on your car insurance by switching to LMD certainly does. LMD insurance. Making insurance savings a matter of fact. Oh, that was very good. Oh, OK. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. You're not buying that? No, he's scratching the beard off himself. But he's very good at this, though. So let him just percolate. Yeah, but it's just, time is ticking. It's eating into drinking time, drinking time, drinking time. It's eating into drinking time, da da! Has my new glasses made me any better, do you think? I still read the script wrong. I still thought the giraffes were thirsty. If I wear my glasses, I can't hear my mixes right. Because they're getting away with your I just have to take them off because I can't hear right. I believe that because don't they say blind people have better hearing? Yeah, I think that's a myth. Well, you're focusing on one thing. Yeah, yeah. Like in order for me to listen back to the ad, let's say. I can't look at the script either, I'll have to listen to it. If I look at the script, I hear it completely different. I inherited that from my old boss. He always used to close his eyes. Close your eyes. Yeah. And actually I do that now because you do focus better. You focus, well you can, well you're not going to, you're not going to be reading the script on the day, in the car. Do you do this? Listen to the radio. Do you do the thing, do you do the thing when you're lost and you have to turn the radio off because you can't see right? I always have it off. Don't you never listen to the radio? Very rarely. I love the radio. Say all that again! So if you're driving and you're trying to pay attention to where you're going or you're lost or you don't know where you are Oh yeah. You've got to fucking turn it off. Yeah, I would do that. No, I would do that. But I'm not the person, I have to have, not total silence to concentrate. Yeah. But I'm not, I was never one of those students that played music well. Yeah, I never got that. Didn't understand that. Never understood that. I can't do it. I thought it was a sensory thing. No. So like I probably give, saying too much, but I, I can't do that full stop. Why? I can't, I can't listen to music if it's got like lyrics in it and do anything else. Yeah. No, neither can I. But I can't, if I'm in the pub. Yes. And you're talking to me and it's very loud. I can't focus on you either. You're gone. And I've tried to work out what that is. Ooh. You can be quite close and you can be quite clear, but I can't, I can't single you out because of everything else that's going on. And I wondered if it's just because I use my ears all day or something. Yeah. It's very sensory. I like that. That's interesting. Yeah. That is interesting. There was a tutor of mine when I did all this malarkey. And it didn't go down very well with all the students. He was like, don't be walking around with your headphones on listening to music all day if you want to be a series sound engineer. Yeah. Because you're just literally, it's just traffic and you're not training your ears properly at all. If you are walking, doing all your day-to-day stuff, getting on the bus. Yeah, I agree with that. And you, your headphones on all the time. You're just, you're dumbing down your, your senses. Um, have we got an ad, do you reckon? Will I do it again? I would do it again.'cause yeah, I was struggling with the, the whimsy of that. But controversially John, we'd have liked it. So now I need to hear it again in the whimsy to, to work out what's gonna go behind you and Okay. And all that. Okay. John, you were gonna gimme another direction though. No, I was happy. Oh, yeah. Oh no. Nadine, you're gonna gimme a direction. Was you, if you, if it wasn't whimsy, what were you thinking? No, I was, I was stuck a couple of takes back where it was a little bit straighter. Okay, I don't know what I did. I think it was your first Stephen Fry one. Yeah, you didn't like that though. No, I did. I didn't like your second Ste No, sorry, I liked the one before Stephen Fry, sorry. That was just a straight read. It was quite That was, was that cadence? That was cadence, yeah. No, cadence was the Stephen Fry. Oh, using Stephen Fry as cadence when I was breathing. Yeah. Yes. But let's go back to, let's do what you did. Just using physicality. Do what you did a minute ago, which was the, which was the I'm actually an actor. I trained for this shit. I'm also trying to visualise what the flesh vessel actually is, but anyway. Yeah, um. Yep. We're, we're disgusting people. Do you, do you like, so I think Nicolas Cage has got life perfectly sussed. Like he has, he's, he's defined. What excites and engages him. He keeps snakes in his house. He likes cars. You know, he does films that are shit. He does films that are great. Yeah, but he's like, yeah, I like it. I'll do it. He's very good in the latest one, The Weight of Unbearable Talent. That was unbelievable. I haven't seen it. He's taking the piss out of himself. So I think, I think a day in his shoes would be quite good fun. Would it though? Would it though? You never know what goes on behind closed doors. Is that a bit Be in John Malkovich. No, I wouldn't want a little room that you have to creep into. Or is it just being not John Gilday? No, I mean, just What must a day like that, with that kind of sense of life is this. Whimsy. See, but I think, so I think having, imagine you've got that amount of money. Imagine you have that much money that people like him have. Yes. You're fucking, your day is whatever you want it to be. But if you have that much money, and you're spending that much money, you have to have that much money coming in all the time. Also. But you could literally do, so you wake up, so I wake up in the morning, I go, I gotta go into the studio, and I gotta Yeah. record a piano, I gotta make money, and I gotta do this. If I had loads of money, I'd just Do whatever I want. So hold on a minute. But I don't, I don't think, I don't, I don't think money is the answer because then you wouldn't have depressed millionaires and you do. I know, but I've always said this. So my premise is his sense of self has gotten him what he's gotten. I don't think he made a load of money and then went, Oh, now this is what I'm about. I think he was always fucking mental. You think he came fully formed? Yeah. Oh, hold on a minute. He, um, yeah, but like, is he, but like the bit, do you remember he, he somersaulted onto Tyree Logan? Yes. So right, there's another observation of him, which is, he's the only actor of his generation that's done anything different in terms of approach to Fame. No, acting. Acting. I don't know enough about him. I really don't know anything about him. He's that distinctive. Yeah, but I don't know his backstory. Like I was watching the Sylvester Stallone thing yesterday. Oh yeah? The backstory of that, of his. Is it good? It's worth a watch because he's, like that again, he kind of, he has kept, he was aware of, it's like Arnold Schwarzenegger. That's a terrible impression. That was really quite bad. That's a bum! I can't do his impression. I can do it if i can hear it. But Arnie, if you were to listen to their narrative Can you do I'm not a Swaz, and then I go, Here's a little Swaz, I'll be back. I'm surprised he's not Nordy. I've a set of particular skills, no, that's not him. This one is him. Hmm. Get to the chopper.. That's speed. Um, it was a dig that she could only do nordi accents I that very well to be, to be fair. Yeah. To be fair. Very well. No, no, no. To be sure there was a No, no, no. Not taking that. Anyway. Yeah, we've got the ad. We can prove it. Yeah, you did it. Uh, it's one of the ones that people listen to. Oh, it's the puppy. Happy . Uh, no. The point that I was gonna say to you is this, they. Arnie and Sly were very aware of their own creation. They did it deliberately like, like, he has kept archives of his own creation, Sly. And so has Arnie. And both of their parents were quite narcissistic. So it's, I'd love to know what Nicolas Cage's, Nicolas Cage's background, Nicolas Cage's. I'm a professional voiceover. I'm a professional voiceover and English is my first language. Languages. And I'm sober. I'm very tired today. I woke up with a headache for two days. I'll ask you if you have a headache is do you need to do a poo? Do you need to drink more water? That's the go to in our house. Is it? Yeah. And the answer is, oh, I haven't drank enough water. Yeah, I do need to do a poo. That's where a lot of headaches come from. Really? Yeah. Think about this. I want you to think about your homework for the next week is to go away and think about if you've had a headache, you wake up with a headache, have you drank enough water the day before, what do you need to do to poo? It's not the first thing that enters my head when I wake up, I must admit. No. No, I'm talking about if you have a headache. Ah, yeah. Okay, I'll have a think about that. Instead of going to pop a pill, drink some more water. Would be my, my, my medical suggestion. Don't do drugs, kids. Yep. Make you poo quicker, though. Yep. Allegedly. Oh. Relaxes everything. I didn't know that. I would never. I was too busy breastfeeding. I didn't do any of that shit. Took LMD. He's delighted. That's another fist pump. He's on for a hat trick. He's on for a hat trick. Like it's nearly worth continuing to record just to see what Dean comes out with next. What is, have we made an ad? Yes. No, no, we're gonna do, we're uptempo one again. The whimsical bright one again. Are you like this with clients? Yes. Like if they're happy, do you go, no, no. No, let's go again. He's very good at direction though. I know he's very good at direction. Not every engineer is good at direction. You're very good at directions again, that's all. Not to take it away from you. It's not really much. You're all great. There's not really much direction involved in mine. Just the word whimsical. Whimsical. Just fucking read and go. That's not true. Um, what did you say? Just one more whimsical. Because even if we did like the whimsical one, we only got one read of it. Yeah, well, or whatever the last one was. It was bright, it was upbeat, it was whimsical. Okay. LMT insurance. Making insurance savings a matter of fact. Really good. Now, do you know what? One more. I think that's the first time I've said it, make insurance savings a matter of fact. Now you've got it full. Um, but use, see how some of them are nice, they're flowing into each other. Yes. But maybe do a version without that. Okay. Just, because my brain is always waiting for the sort of question. Okay. To just Humans? Okay. Or like, have those facts made you any wiser? Perhaps. Perhaps. Yeah. Okay, very good. Good direction. Good delivery. So, just do all the question marks. Like, read the script is what you're saying. No, but I think you going to go back to the original? No, I think you got it. That was Read the script. That was the original note. Sorry. That was nice. That was lovely. Yeah. But it was good to hear them kind of flowing into each other just as one approach. But I think a little beat in between each one is nice. Well, it is. It's allowing your brain to catch up with the information that it's receiving. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes the flowing of sentences all together like that are what broadcasters do because they don't know what they're saying. Really? What do you think? I know this. Ooh. They're so used to putting inflection because they're reading an autocue and there's someone in their ear that they're just putting emphasis on things they don't really need any emphasis on. Oh, that's the newsreader thing? It's all sort of broadcasters. Some of them are amazing. Some of them, I've known broadcasters that will come in. And you can play them the guide and they'll read along with the guide, but give it all the bits that you need. So someone talking in their ear doesn't put them off in the slightest. Yeah, it's quite a skill. It is a skill. But they are kind of outputting information without really, you know, a bit Ron Burgundy. I don't really know what I'm saying here, but. Oh God. Yeah. I've had a bit of work like that. I've done a bit of that stuff. Have you? Yeah. But it does take a, um, certain. Getting used to. I did it live because I presented the Dancing with the Stars live tour. Right. Oh yeah. Yeah, do you remember that? I didn't know we did that. Do you remember the time you made me do Dancing with the Stars, Dean? I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. I did. So they asked me to present it. Changed her life. It totally did. It changed my life. Yep. That's how she met Neil. That's how I do. That's the effect I have on people. Mm hmm. I met Neil. I am a life changer. I'm above average. And I'm bookable by the hour. That's Scimitar Sound. Yes, Scimitar Sound. Scimitar Sound, life changing courses. Life changing courses, 100 Euro a minute. I think you should charge that, that's something to offer. That's how you get listeners. No. Well, they've been a life coach. Yeah. No, you've got to be. How do you get qualified to tell somebody else how to live their life? I haven't made it. I haven't made it. Go away. Is a life coach or got his life coached? Yeah, he's just, um, he's just branched into that. Life coaching? Yeah, and he did actually do a course. Does he have a life full of tragedy that he overcame and a wealth of experience of? He has had life experiences. Excellent. So, yes, he is not, he is not someone who is making a Does he do his own, um, does he take Sailed easily. Does he, does he do his, does he, does it, does it do as I say or do as I do? Does he take his own advice like? Oh, he would, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's, he's, he's made a lot of changes to his personal life. Oh, really? Mmm. See, I do, I do actually, I do sort of believe in that. I think you can partake your advice through some adversity. Yeah. Because all you're simply then doing is kind of going. I kinda help myself if I can help you coach you. I get that. I did some work with someone this year, but I would, I would, I . Yeah. I did some works. Yeah. And she was, what was really interesting to me was I'm brilliant at giving other people advice. Mm-Hmm. And not following my own advice. Yeah. I think that's a human condition though. That's what I'm saying to you. Yeah. So she was actually, do I say, do I do, she was excellent at you. You, you'd give her an anecdote about something that happened, Uhhuh and. She'd kind of lift the curtain and go, John, that's actually what you've done. And you go, oh, fuck it is. I did, didn't I? I swept it all up. Yeah, yeah. Um, it's really helpful. Yeah. Because, like, if you, if you Unfortunately I wasn't able to keep it going, but I do want to go back to it. I think when someone gives you a good perspective, and then a way to act on it going forward, you do just little marginal gains, and they just add up. I think they're little mini choices. Yeah, it's exactly what it is. It's kind of reprogramming. A little bit at a time. Because life is busy. Yeah. Life is hard, like. I have a therapist. Do you? I do, yeah. I see him once a week. Once a week? Yeah. That's a great idea. Yeah. I did therapy during lockdown. I've done it loads of times in my life. But I'm in a position now where I can kind of afford the frequency of it. I'm absolutely terrified by it. No, I think it's great. Yeah. I found a really good guy. Yeah. I hope he's listening. And it's, it's, I was with someone who. I knew wasn't quite right, but you just keep it going until eventually you go, this is not working. But this guy's fantastic. Yeah. I can totally see that. A good whinge is good for you. It is. Crying all the time is bad for you. It's balance. Life's all about achieving balance. Ah, but sure, I don't cry. I'm a man. Do you never have a whinge? A what? A whinge. Ah, that was close, wasn't it? Yeah. No, I'm sorry, it just wasn't close. It's not close to anything. It's not close to anything in my mind. My brain went to two places. Yeah. No, whinge. One of them rhymes with whinge. Yeah, our 15 year old brain. Yeah, exactly. Sorry. Sorry for being the adult in the room. Doesn't happen very often, but Jesus Christ, I said whinge. Don't keep saying it. Whinge. Whinge. A tinge of sadness is what was going across Dean's mind there. A tinge and a whinge. A tinge and a whinge. What was we saying though? I don't know. Moving on, skip to the end. Did you know that giraffes are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than humans? Or that the Earth's rotation is changing speed? It's actually slowing down. Speaking of changes of pace, did you know that lizards experience time more slowly than cats and dogs? How about the fact that chainsaws were originally created in Scotland to aid childbirth? Have those facts made you any wiser? Perhaps, but the fact you can save up to 20% on your car insurance by switching to LMD certainly does LMD insurance, making insurance savings a matter of fact. Thanks for listening. We have a fresh episode dropping every Monday, and you'll find it wherever you get your podcasts. Or you can find us on the Chinet visit, drop in from there.com. Follow us on the tickety talk, the Instagram for the X for me, known as. And drop in from there. This episode was recorded at Scimitar Sound and produced by Dean Jones with editing support from the young people, the lovely Alex Darby and Jordan Mullan. Theme music created by Alex Darby.