Drop In From There

Episode 14 - Celtic Mist

February 19, 2024 Clelia Murphy; Dean Jones; John Gildea Season 1 Episode 14
Episode 14 - Celtic Mist
Drop In From There
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Drop In From There
Episode 14 - Celtic Mist
Feb 19, 2024 Season 1 Episode 14
Clelia Murphy; Dean Jones; John Gildea

Clelia discusses the Catch 22 of which to prioritise - immaculate face or an immaculate home? John admits to face blindness greeting everyone with a jaunty 'mate'. And Dean considers a new business venture...'Scimitar Shave'. So wherever you are, drop in from there.

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Show Notes Transcript

Clelia discusses the Catch 22 of which to prioritise - immaculate face or an immaculate home? John admits to face blindness greeting everyone with a jaunty 'mate'. And Dean considers a new business venture...'Scimitar Shave'. So wherever you are, drop in from there.

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So, meeting somebody from your teenage years, and you're able to go, Oh my god, I recognise you. Is it really a bad sign that they don't recognise you back? Have I aged that much? Don't answer that question, I'm gonna let that hang. No, no, no, because I don't recognise people I meet a week ago. I have that thing, the face recognition thing, which I can't do. Is that, has a name, has it? Yes, it does. What's it called? Face blindness. It's a very long name. No, that's a very, very easy name. No, I think that's up there with one of, it's one of the, um, isms. It's an ism, isn't it? Yeah, some kind of ism. It's very bad in my job, which is to know, to know people. But you're great with names though, are you? And form relationships. No, I'm the opposite. So, I generically call everyone mate. Yeah, to be safe. I thought you were You called me mate a lot. A long time. Can I just say something to you? Yeah. Hello, my name is Clellia. Yeah. Murphy. Does that help you? I Had we got to a point in our relationship where we were kind of going, Oh, it's too late to ask her her name. Oh, I probably did at one point, definitely. Oh, John. Yeah. Are you poor pedal? Yeah. Never be afraid. Hello, I'm Clélia Murphy, visionary artist. Welcome to our podcast, Drop In From There. Mixed by eagle eared master Dean Jones of Scimitar Sound and composed by the steady hand of John Gilday. Wherever you are, drop in from there. My mother does have a great one, right? And it's really polite. And she says, I'm so sorry, you have me at a disadvantage. Oh, that's very nice. Isn't that lovely? That's very polite. Isn't that lovely? Yeah. I'm so sorry you have me at a disadvantage. I'm going to use that one. It's good, isn't it? It's well phrased. Yeah. And it makes the other person feel not forgotten about or lost, which I think is really important. I think it's about investing in other people. It compliments the person. Yeah. It puts it back. Your memory is marvellous. You have me at an absolute disadvantage. My life has brought me in such a way that I can't remember your name or face, and it's my fault. I think it's quite sweet, isn't it? It's definitely better than my approach, which is to just avoid the topic forever. Especially in those terrifying moments where you're all talking Oh my god it's terrible And you're like, I can't remember his name so I'm not going to say anything I have no problem doing it I can't introduce you to this person because I've forgotten their name Yeah Yeah Um Terrible for that I'm going to let the whole world into one Right Myself and Claudia or myself and Neil have a thing that if I go, this is Neil If I don't say, this is John, Neil, John, John, Neil It's shorthand for Introduce yourself. Ask them. Yeah, it's for him to go, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Yes. Ah, that's good. But my mother's is nicer. Oh, I should teach Clare that. That would be really good. It's called, yeah, it's good, isn't it? Yeah. Anyhoo. Hmm. What are we doing today? What are we doing today? We're doing an unbranded brand, Dean. Yes. Brand with no name. But there's a lot of slipping. But our listeners know that we're making up ads though, don't they? Cause some, some, some fool never titled the script. Oh. Some amateur. Some He's literally yawning with boredom. He usually does that for me. He looked a lot like, there? He looked a lot like a lion on a rock. Ah, yeah. He's just sunning himself. On a hot sun rock. Yeah. After having a big feed. Yeah. You don't get to be that happy. King of the jungle. I'm having a real issue. Um, and it's funny that we're Because I'm looking at the ad now and the ad is about deodorant. Right? Is that correct? Well Even though you haven't titled it. No, it's more about, um What do you call those? Room spray odor. Oh, odor killer. An odor killer. Oh, so it's not about deodorant? Not specifically, no. Again, just to remind the listeners, as a voiceover artist, I literally can hand the script when I walk in, so I'm not quite, I would have an A a, I would normally have an idea of what the brand is. Air freshener. That'd be the best description. Yeah. Ner? Yeah. Odor killers. Very aggressive. Very aggressive. It's more shoe product. Um. So we've just done an answer. So it's one character. Radio. 30 seconds. Um, I want to talk to the room about something though. Um, I did ask earlier on. I find that I'm not, I look, I'm making a decision today guys. I'm going to not clean the kitchen. I'm going to spend my hair, my time instead on my hair and makeup. My question is, when does the other peoples on the planet find time for grooming? I haven't found time for a groom. I don't pry. Now, I'm washed. I do not smell. I am clean. But I don't feel very Just for our lessons at home, I can confirm in the booth that it is not smelly. It's clean. Thank you, John. Airfreshener. Celtic mist in there. No Celtic mist required here, my friend. Oh, that's what it's called. Um, uh, Grooming. When do you do your hair and makeup, listeners? Claire, I'll speak, I can only speak from one perspective. My wife finds about eight minutes in the morning. Right. Which is post kids breakfast. Right. Pre. Running out the door. Running out the door, screaming at people because they haven't done the stuff they needed to do. I've actually, that's pretty much my life as well. But I don't even do the make up. I know, I know, you're missing out. And I have no features. I'm a ginger. So from a distance, all you can see is eyeballs. You just won't. I need eyebrows. You need a bit of foundation. Yeah. Foundation. A bit of Concealer. Yeah, a bit of concealer. He's pointing under his eyeballs, listeners. I wouldn't go with the mascara. Bit too much, I think, for Monday to Friday. I think you're wrong there, John. John. We have no idea what we're talking about. This is a question for the listener. I don't think that way. That's not the way my brain works. So, that's unsanitary. That's fundamentally unfair. I have to just get out the house as quick as I can and And I can see all your features. And wash my face. You have eyebrows. Do your jobs and get out the house. What job? But he Look, we've established the fact that all he does is the random cleaning of a window. This is true. Twice a year. Twice a year. Yeah. So he spends all his time grooming, I suggest. No, hang on. Lunchboxes for the kids. Yeah, Gwen does that. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. John! He has no excuses. The only excuse he has is a long commute. He's running his own business. Yeah, I'm an entrepreneur. He's an entrepreneur. I can never say that. I'm an entrepreneur. Entrepreneur. He's an entrepreneur. Did you ever consider combining your grooming skills with your barista skills? Me? To make a truly unique service proposition. A coffee barbershop? Yes. Well, every, every barbershop has, has upped their game on coffee. They have really, yeah. But to your level, Dean? Are you talking about scimitar haircuts? I'm thinking, I'm thinking scimitar shave. Oh, scimitar, scimitar shave. That's very good. That's why you're the ideas man. Yeah. We've started 15 potential businesses. No, no, it's worse than that. We've talked about it and done nothing about it. If we could just get on Dragon's Den with no figures and no research, we'd be flying it. Flying it. We could do like our own merchandise of curved shaving. Oh, God, you're a legend. And concealer. And concealer. I think we'd have to go for eyebrows and eyelashes, because once I throw them on Sorry, sorry, sorry, I have to interject. Oh. We were just discussing a fantasy there, a really nice idea. Yeah, and I ruined it for the reality. Well, you brought it back to you about mascara. I'm part of the team! I'm not here for the crack! You can We are not doing scimitar wax. It's OK. Yeah, exactly. Well, you're too hairy to do that. What do you know about a wax? Absolutely nothing. Yeah. Pain, and, yeah, pain. Yeah. But we can't do, it's also waxing people's bodies. Can't be that much fun for a living. Um, let's look at the ad. That was a close scimitar shave. That's a close shave. We hear the VO sniffing into the microphone. Like that? Yeah. One of them? And then some. Maybe a bit slower. One that's, okay. Yeah. That's your note. Okay. Any more notes? No, keep going. Just floral. Did you see what I did there? Hey! Cheap gags. I can't do that. What? I can't hold a coffee near when you're doing that in case You splutter? Yep. There's nothing worse than a splutter. We hear the VO take another few sniffs. It could be the latent smell of your baby playing with the milk. Oh, I have to say, do you smell that? I didn't say that. So Do you, do you smell that? It could be the latent smell of your baby playing with the milk on your carpet with some paint. Or that wonderful teenager of yours who enjoys curry chips and cheesy enchiladas mixed together in the car's passenger seat. Maybe it's your penchant for unfinished takeaway lattes that ferment for days before ending in the compost bin. Oh dear. Odo, I can't say it. Odor. Oh, dear Odo, how'd you do that though? It's, I know what you're trying to do there. D um, John? Yep. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Dear, dear. Oh dear. Oh, dear. Yeah. Uh, it was, look, I was going. Thank you. Deep. Yeah, o good reference,. Oh Dear Odo, whatever the smell, Celtic you able to breathe a little easier. That's pretty good, John. It's good, yeah. Oh dear. Oh dear. Odour. Do you know what I mean though? Would you get the odour? Oh yeah, yeah. Is it a bit too much? Odour. Odour. Odour. Oh dear. Odour. Oh dear. Odour. Odour. We could try flipping it. Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear. Very good. You know when you say the word, um, too often? Do you find this? Yeah. Especially within a voiceover capacity. It loses all the meaning. You know how, but you know how you, you know how you should say it. Your brain knows how to say it. And then there's a little disconnect between your brain and your mouth. Is that spelled right? Yeah. Yes. Yeah. That's, my name does that to a lot of people. Yes it does. And it spells wrong every time I type it. So that's a really straightforward one. Are you happy with that? Do you want me to change the tone, John? I don't think so. Yeah, I think let's hear it again. It's smiley and tongue in cheek, isn't it? Maybe it's your penchant for unfinished takeaway lattes that ferment for days before ending in the compost beer. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Whatever the smell, Celtic mist will vanish it away, leaving you able to breathe a little easier. I can hear you breathing really loud now, Tom. Yeah, and I was, yeah, I, halfway through I was very good. Not letting that emanate. Can I say something to you? Yeah. You'll pass out if you don't breathe. Yeah. But you don't have to breathe towards the microphone, you can turn away. Yeah, I could just move away. You'll still hear. Aren't you lucky you've got that window between you? Uh, that's mean! I was listening to you. Yeah. And I was thinking, um The play in the penchant earns the odeur, doesn't it? The You can't do that in bad accent. Baby playing with the milk. Yeah. Playing should be quite sarcastic. It is in inverted commas, guys. Playing! Uh, I really like the way you did, uh, the enchiladas mixed together. So there is a touch of being passive aggressive in this. Yeah. I'm very good at passive aggression, aren't I? And, uh, and I thought the French accent flourish was very impressive. Do you know why it works? You knew this already? Mm, yeah. It's the . Yeah, earns the ur. I also think, oh, no, he's, he's getting it. No, I just wonder if Ur, UR, should it be that French? No.'cause it's we're, but it's a lean towards Oh, dear. Oh, oh dear. Oh dear. Oh, oh, dear. I think we should try flipping them. Odour. Odour. Oh dear. Okay, flip them, flip them, flip them. I think you go low on odour. What about that wonderfully fragrant teenager of yours? Are you fucking copywriting now? Yeah. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. I just, you know, it just It just feels like Bolsters. It just feels like You're adding a little You're adding it to wonderfully fragrant. It just feels like there's a boundary being crossed here. Are we not all on the same team? Oh, very much not. Oh. Well, that's where I was going wrong. That's obviously where I was going wrong. I live with two teenagers. That wonderfully, what, fragrant. I just thought, is it time to throw in An extra smell. My only wonder on that is, I quite like the idea of the listener imagining the smells. And then when I put in the word fragrant for teenager, I start imagining what a teenager smells like. Do you know what? Do you not want that? It's a very valid point. Here's a question for you. Do you know teenagers yet? Yeah. Do you remember how you smelled as a teenager? Probably not. This goes into my question. Yeah, I'd, I'd, I'd, yeah. You've got teenagers, Din. Yes. No. Yes. I'm gonna, I'm gonna expand that thought. Yes. I too have had, like, Clarabelle's 25 now. Yeah. She has time to groom, by the way. She looks great. So she's learned to talk to somebody else. Yeah, but I'm 25 and a half, and I'm still not finding time to groom. I look like a wildebeest, with yesterday's make up on, even though I'm washed. Hawkeye the Gnu. What? What? Hawkeye the Gnu? Is that what you just called me? A Gnu is another name for a wildebeest. A Hawkeye the Gnu? And, there's a lovely children's rhyming book, and it teaches you where all the animals have to sit. Right. And canoes sit on canoes. They do, yeah. Frogs, frogs sit on logs. My child! Dogs sit on frogs. It's a brilliant book. Cats sit on nets. We're having a very lovely cup of coffee in the market in Glastonhaven. In the market? In the market. on a Saturday morning glass and oven, and I feel her little finger coming over to play with a very long eyelash, eyebrow lash. Yes. And she called me Count Olaf. Oh. From a series of unfortunate events. Yes. She wasn't wrong. Well. I think I need to, we need to talk about my grooming again. Let's talk about the teenagers grooming first and then bring it back to me. Okay. Uh. So, my point is. Girls, teenagers, don't smell the way boy teenagers smell. There's something really, and my boys are great, and they're very clean. Yes. But there's something happens to them. Yeah. There is a funk. Yeah. There's a general funk. There is. Not just off these two. No. I think it's off boys. There is, yeah, yeah, and they're not aware of it. And then you'll have some boys that just aren't aware of it. No, the two guys are spotless. Then there's other lads that will Compensate with cheap They overcompensate Deodorants Yeah And cheap aftershaves And you get it into your head that if you spray yourself 8 times a day Yes You'll be fine That can't be good for your pores though But the other bit, I had to live with 60 teenagers 60. Yeah. Boarding school. Six zero. Ah yeah. We had that. My school was half boys, so there was kind of a funk that just hung around a heavy cloud. Yeah. With it being boarding school, didn't you just get the smell bait out of you? Ah. You know, he's much younger than us. Don't forget corporate police, which is probably well gone by that. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. And early two thousands. Yes. It's more psychological. Yeah. But I do remember. The, the teenage, the, because our school was half boarding school, I was a day pupil. And you knew you were approaching the dorms by the waft of deodorant. Yeah. Proper waft. There was a thing. And the boy, of course they were separated, so you had to get through the cloud of lynx or whatever. I mean, what was the, the, the Yeah, lynx. Oh, in Meredith it was, uh, probably brute. Oh, for us it was Lynx. We had a range of Lynx options. Lynx Africa. No. Lynx Africa came in late and we rejected it. It was the next generation that took that one. But there's a couple of Lynx Africas in our house still. Yeah, that really took off after us. St. Claude's really loves bringing them. Yeah. We should read an ad. Do you, do you smell? Why are you laughing? What did I do? What did I do? Why are you laughing at? Why am I never getting the joke? Why am I always the joke? Why do I never get the joke? What are you laughing at? It was just the way that Oh, we're all back in school now. It was He just He just He kind of said, I think we should read an ad. And then fair play, you started reading. And then he did a lovely little powerflex of, I'm in charge. Ha ha ha! Oh, that's Yeah, we should do an ad. Okay, you keep thinking you're in charge, Dean. Yes, I will. I'm going to sit back here. Yeah. Are you ready? Don't breathe, John. Do you Do you smell that? Do you want a little, um, more of a, to end it up? What's the timing on that, Dean? It's not in the script. Do you want a little, a little easier? It was about 34. Oh, so I have to act faster. A little bit faster, which you could do with, because it's kind of, the pace, uh, I have a problem with, do you, do you smell that, should it be, do you, do you smell that? Or just, do. Do you smell that? Yep. Go straight in. Yeah, not do you. So, no, so don't So, either, either Do you, Charles? Did you smell that? Or Do you love someone else? Do you, do you, do you? Do you, Charles? Do you? I have to stop doing her impression. Um, so go straight in. Do you smell that after the sniffs? Either just do a, do you smell that? Or, do you, starting with, do you? Do you smell that? Doesn't sound right. Oh, you're taking I'm afraid not. That's fair, that's fair. Okay, so I'll go straight in. No dot, dot, dots. He's doing it again. I can see your body. Just because I can't see over the mic, the telephone, or the screen, doesn't mean I can't see your Right, are you ready? Yep. Do you Do you smell that? I'm getting high from sniffing. Hold on. I need to go on a, I need to do a deep breath, because it's, I'm running out of breath. And then you're going, do you, do you smell that? So it's a do ya? Do ya? Yeah, okay, sorry. Yeah. Yeah? Do ya, do ya smell that? Oh, I did it again. That was wrong, wasn't it? No, that was good. Okay. That was good. Okay, okay, hold on. I'm, I'm hyperventilating. Don't. Don't. Don't do that. Don't pass out. Okay, you ready? Yep. Do you, do you smell that? I thought it was very good. Yeah, okay. What? No, he wants a little bit more power. Come on then, off with you. I still think you went, do you, do you smell that at the start? I think it was a do, do you? Okay, give me that. I think you did it, I think you did it where you didn't sniff at the very start. And he just went, do you, do you smell that? Oh, that's good. Okay, do that, do that again, Dean. So just, no steps to begin with. Oh, very good. And just come in, do you, do you smell that? Sorry, sorry, my, I misunderstood your direction. Your really good direction. He's an excellent director. You are too, John. He directs lovely. Thank you. He does lovely direction. He directs all his positive energy, aren't we? Yeah. Yep, I'm a fountain of energy. Hmm. Ready? Gushing. Overflowing. Oh my God. Ready? Yep. Odour. Oh dear. Whatever the smell, Celtic Mist will vanish it away, leaving you able to breathe a little easier. That's very good. Did I give Celtic Mist enough of a, of, you know, because it's, it is the brand and it's very important. I think it's lovely. I think it's a very good read. Are you happy with that? Very happy. I would like Yes? the opening line done again. Yes? Fuck me. Because you keep fucking doing do ya, and I've made it very clear now Oh, I'm on tape, quite a few times Okay. that the do you, as opposed to do ya, is what I'm looking for, and I keep getting do you. Do you? I do. Do you remember, um, do you remember we said, um, we should do this for a bit of fun? Yeah. Bit of crack. That was a bit scary now, I'm gonna be honest with you. And I've kind of reached, you know, A level. The level now. So you want to do it? And I'm just wondering why. I'm not getting what I'm asking for. Just to be clear, Dean. Right? And I need a whippin cup of coffee. Okay, just to be clear. What are you asking for? So, here's what I'm asking for. Yeah, I'm listening. I'm paying full attention now, right? So it's this. You ready? Do you smell that? What you're giving me. Do you? Do you smell that? Is that what you're hearing? That's what I'm getting. I've got it on tape. Okay. I want the deeyas. Deeya? I don't want, because what you're doing is, do you, sometimes then you're going, do you smell that? You want the deeya? Can I have deeyas twice, please? Okay, ready? Right. Do you want the whole ad? No, just the opening line, please. Okay. Why don't you give me three in a row? Three in a row? Drop in from there. I've got a joke. Okay, ready? Yeah. Do you Do you smell that? Do you Do you smell that? Do you Do you smell that? Perfect. Which one do you like the best there now? I think maybe the first one. Number one. Yeah, number one. It's mad that, isn't it? It's always the first one. No, but that's good. Sometimes, dear listener, when it comes to doing the, a certain line like this or even the end line or the tag lines. We would do the body of the ad, and then come back and fix certain lines. Sometimes it has to be a series of fixes. Oh. Yeah. Really? Oh yes. Do we think we have an ad now? Okay. And can I just confirm that the next time you see me, I'm going to be fully made up, with eyelashes, Yep. eyebrows, I'm going to have features. And I'm going to get my hair done. And there's going to be a new thing going forward, that I'm going to be groomed all the time. The house, my house is spotless, but I'm a mess. Right. Like, I always smell good. We're never close enough to each other for you to actually Can you achieve both? I don't know, John. This is my worry. My concern is you, you create a beautiful Home. Outward looking Clelia. But you return home to this shithole of odour and mess, and it slowly brings you down psychologically to the point where you can't leave the house, because you're just hurt by all the detritus. You're saying that, but you're actually quite true, because I really do believe with the notion of that a tidy house is a tidy mind. That's my point. So, that's what I'm saying too. I think you have to aim for both. But why can't I have it all? Why can't you get up earlier? I think, I think that's, I think that might be the key. I can't get up any earlier. I, I don't, yeah, I'm not sure I have much earlier much getting up the day before. Do you know what, Dean's the lad, who in the Sunday Times they go, Write your typical fucking Monday.

He's like, I wake up at 4:

00 AM having gone to bed at 3 45. Five. Totally. Yeah. I do an hour in the gym. I do an hour in gym. Have a moody. Yeah. Then approaching shake. I meditate. Yeah. I look at the windows and say, I must do those in May., , . I say, good morning, world. Wait. I'll clean you in me whenever I see daylight in this house. Do you smell that? It could be the latent smell of your baby playing with the milk on your carpet with some paint. Or that wonderful teenager of yours who enjoys curry chips and cheesy enchiladas mixed together in the car's passenger seat. Maybe it's your penchant for unfinished takeaway lattes that ferment for days before ending in the compost bin. Odour. Oh dear. Whatever the smell, Celtic mist will vanish it away, leaving you able to breathe a little easier. Thanks for listening. We have a fresh episode dropping every Monday, and you'll find it wherever you get your podcasts. Or you can find us on the Tinternet. Visit dropinfromthere. com Follow us on the Tickety Tok, the Instagram, or the X, formerly known as the Twitter. And drop in from there. This episode was recorded at Scimitar Sound and produced by Dean Jones with editing support from The Young People, the lovely Alex Darby and Jordan Mullan. Theme music created by Alex Darby.