Business Origin Stories for Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Leaders
Business Origin Stories is the podcast for leadership, life, and business. This show features coaching calls and heart-to-heart conversations with successful entrepreneurs, leaders, authors, and experts.
Join your host, Amy Schutte, a business coach and brand strategist, as she dives into ways to create stand-out brands and aligned businesses through storytelling and proven business frameworks.
At its core, Business Origin Stories is a recognition that the stories we tell are our greatest currency.
Business Origin Stories for Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Leaders
The CANDID Content Framework™: Redefining Authenticity in Content Creation with Social Media Expert Tami Enfield
In today's crowded digital marketplace, standing out from the crowd is no longer optional—it's imperative.
This interview with Tami Enfield, a highly sought-after brand strategist, social media expert, and creator of the CANDID Content Framework™, explores how authenticity can be your greatest asset in building meaningful connections with your audience, fostering trust, and ultimately driving sales. From sharing personal anecdotes to showcasing behind-the-scenes moments, authenticity is the secret sauce that transforms ordinary content into extraordinary experiences.
But authenticity isn't just about being real—it's also about being strategic.
Tami's insights into content creation provides practical tips and actionable advice that you can immediately apply to captivate and convert your audience.
Learn how to craft compelling, genuine narratives, master the art of storytelling, and create content that resonates on a deep, emotional level using the CANDID Content Framework.
To learn more about Tami, her social media marketing agency, or to get your copy of the CANDID workbook, visit
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