Accelerate Your Performance

Innovation is Easier than Changing the World

Studer Education Season 2 Episode 85

Times of disruption bring opportunities to innovate. And innovation is easier than you may think. The reality is, it’s a matter of looking at doing things effectively and more efficiently. In this pandemic, Quint Studer says this is an ample opportunity to innovate that leaders should not miss. We often get paralyzed by thinking innovation needs to change the world. Listen as Quint shares his perspective on playing small ball and the innovative thinking that leads to the creation of a sense of place and a vibrant community. 

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What can we do to have a creative breakthrough when we feel stuck?
  • What kinds of questions can we ask to help spark innovation?
  • How can we tackle solving upcoming challenges creatively?

To obtain a copy of Building a Vibrant Community you can contact Quint directly at

Recommended Resources: Building a Vibrant Community, Questioning for the Positive, Improvement & Innovation, & Busting Through Barriers

Related Podcasts: Turn Ideas into Action, Move Forward by Doing the Next Right Thing, Be Bold About Action, Reinvent the Organization: Increase Efficiency While Reducing Costs, & The Middle is Hard but it Doesn’t Have to Be