Advice from a Call Center Geek!

Call Center Management Equation- True Story (Best Podcast we have done!)

Thomas Laird Season 1 Episode 36

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This is our favorite podcast!  In this episode, we talk about a true "coming of age" management story that many of you call center supervisors and management can relate to.

We think this will help all supervisors and managmers become better at thir job buy being able to incorporate the TRUST equation.

Trust= Character+Competence+Motivation

There is so much that this entails that it really is a lifelong progression with no true ending point. It starts when you are very young in a management position with the basics of making sure you are on time, dressed appropriately and care about doing a good job. As you get more experienced it gets more complex. You turn from looking out for yourself to developing and looking out for those that work for you. It’s much more than not backstabbing, not using bad language or not lying, all things we associate with character. It boils down to doing the right thing for those around you no matter how tough it may be.

Being competent in your job is vital. So many managers equate competence in knowing more than everyone. They think it is about being the smartest person in the room; in fact, it’s probably more the opposite of that.

In its truest form Competence is the ability to make more good decisions than bad ones.

It’s putting in the time and effort, listening to your team, taking suggestions and putting together the best answer to a solution. When I first started my Type A personality felt threatened when someone else had an idea no matter how good it was! I had a lot to learn.

This is VITAL. Now I understand it is not everyone’s personality to rah rah and high five people. That’s ok. All this really means is that you need to be POSITIVE in dealing with people. You need to be more of a positive influence than a negative one.

This does not mean that if you are taking some kind of corrective action (I hate that term by the way) that you need to have two nice things for every “negative” thing you say to them. That ridiculous in my mind, every situation is different and I’m not going to make up nice things to say if they are not warranted at that time. I believe that weakens your message

What I am saying is that if you asked yourself :

Would my employees truly think I am a positive person, one that motivates more than demeans, one that lifts a room more then makes people uncomfortable?

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