At Home with Kelly + Tiffany

Ep 60: Supplements for Women's Health

July 13, 2020 Wine & Gyn

Episode 60: Supplements for Women's Health

Download your FREE Guide to Women's Health Supplements

The world of nutrition and supplementation is confusing! Can we get everything we need from our diet, and if not, what is missing? Then, once you decide what to take, how do you find the right one?

Wine & Gyn midwives have got you covered! We'll share a simple explanation for each recommendation and get you on track and empowered in this area of your health.

Each lady is going to have different needs, but in this episode we break down 3 categories of supplements for women's general health:
1. 4 supplements every women should be taking now.
2. 4 more supplements every women should consider taking.
3. 4 supplements to have on hand for special circumstances.

Visit this page to get direct links to our favorite brands and quality supplements:

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