Becoming Lit AF

Kacee Must | Citizen Yoga

Kacee Must Season 1 Episode 14

A conversation with Kacee Must is the founder of Citizen Yoga. In the five years since she opened the first Citizen Yoga studio she has worked tirelessly to hold steady to her original vision, an alignment based yoga studio that was rooted in a deep sense of mutual support, respect and community. 

What you might not know about Kacee is that she traveled the world in her twenties in an effort to train herself to be more independent. She described herself like a lost puppy and was deeply craving meaning, understanding and a bigger picture perspective on this seemingly meaningless thing called life.  Her sister's suicide brought her back home, for a while and was a major catalyst in her eventual decision to open a yoga studio. 

Kacee is open, honest and forthcoming as she looks back retrospectively at all the seemingly random and meaningless interactions, moments and experiences that now fit together perfectly to create the beautiful mosaic of her life and her dedication to contribute goodness in the world. 

Check out my Fall Retreat: