Becoming Lit AF

Ann Fancy | Traffic jam on your purpose superhighway?

May 08, 2019 Ann Fancy Season 1 Episode 16

Purpose. It can be exciting and illuminating for some of us, and for others it feels illusive, misleading and empty. So often we are lead to believe that our purpose is this divine revelation, a destination and place to arrive it, often purpose is simply in the micro-moments of your life that you choose you. 

Purpose is an unraveling, a dissolution of the fog that clouds your vision. In listening to the expansion and contraction of your being, you learn to decipher between ego, outside noise and your own intuition. 

Does everyone have a huge overarching purpose to become the next Oprah, Bill Gates, or Brene Brown? No. For many of us purpose is a steady stream of micro-choices that lead us to find deep alignment within our soul. 

Your purpose is to evolve, grow, heal and expand. How do you do that? What does that even look like? What does it feel like? 

I reference an awesome book by neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza called:

I also referenced the podcast with Lori Lipten here:

In all of us the song that keeps playing in my head...Sheryl Crow, "Every Day is a Winding Road."

Check out my Fall Retreat: