Becoming Lit AF

Carly Lozdoski | Astrology for the July 16th Full Moon

Carly Lozdoski and Ann Fancy Season 1 Episode 25

Join Carly and I as we discuss the upcoming full moon this month. Carly continues to educate us on how astrology can impact our day to day life, what makes people seemingly lose their mind around the full moon and who is impacted most deeply by the moon this July. 

From Carly:
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn July 16 - Full Moons are all about releasing. On Tuesday incorporate time into your day to release what no longer serves. This specific Full Moon is asking us to step toward our personal truth & give a deep bow to the structures in your life that have gotten you to this point. 

Journal Prompts include:
• Celebrations & Successes - write out all of your societal successes. Ex: graduating from college
• Graditude - write out all the things/people/jobs that have allowed you to accomplish your achievements. Ex: grateful for my Mom for babysitting so I could focus on my job to receive my big raise. 
• List out the blocks & stories that stop you from pursuing new areas of your life, new areas of interest, new life directions 

If you feel compelled, burn the list & make sure the ashes go back into the earth. 

Full Moon Blessings! Happy releasing & creating space for new energy to flow in. 

Book a session with Carly:

Check out my Fall Retreat: