Becoming Lit AF

Juliet Tang | Conscious Business

October 30, 2019 Juliet Tang Season 2 Episode 32

Juliet Tang is a feminine business mentor for conscious and ambitious women service-based entrepreneurs – coaches, consultants, holistic doctors, therapists, practitioners, and transformational leaders

After being raised in communist China, Juliet found her way to liberation and had many awakenings and breakthroughs along the way that has led her to her current work. We talk about life, the common hang ups and pitfalls spiritually driven women face when trying to launch into their unique soul's purpose. 

Juliet is a powerful, intuitive, heart centered woman whose mission it is to inspire other women to step forward into their passions & purpose by learning to harness masculine energy in a positive way that allows us to boldly do the change-making work we are called to. 

This conversation was important for me and I will be listening several more times in an effort to really embody these powerful reminders. 

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