Becoming Lit AF

Get the F out of your head | Ann Fancy

Ann Fancy Season 2 Episode 37

This is something that has been heavy on my heart and mind over the last year. After decades of being completely disconnected from my body, I have realized the profound impact yoga has had on me. I spent my childhood & young adulthood struggling with severe anxiety and depression. I spent decades at war with my body, dieting, bingeing, loathing and obsessing over my form. I am certain I own every diet book, and self help book about food, body, emotional eating and the likes. 

Why does this matter? Because for one reason or another almost everyone I know is struggling to live in their human form. We all have come at this issue for a thousand different reasons, perhaps it's simply the culture of disconnect, it could be trauma, or ancestry, or any other multitudes of reasons. But we I know for sure, is that we MUST learn how to integrate in order to live out more meaningful, connected, purposeful and impactful lives. 

We as the collective must learn how to get out of our heads and into our bodies so we can reclaim our power and change this world. It is imperative that we do both. 


Check out my Fall Retreat: