Becoming Lit AF

Rasia Pouncie | Plant Medicine & Healing

Ann Fancy Season 2 Episode 40

Rasia Pouncie has many titles: Priestess, Seer, Diviner (shells, tea, tarot), Crystal Therapist, Quantum Healer, Student and Practioner of Sacred Psychology, Plant Medicine enthusiast.

Her calling is in mentoring others in an effort to support them in reaching their highest timeline and frequency. Rasia’s goal is to fan your soul's desire to inspire you to be honest, real, fun, sexy, wise, and loving to yourself.

She was raised by her father who was a spiritualist and led the way for her to explore many mystical traditions. He also rooted her in her personal ancestry that has now led her to explore plant medicine on a regular basis.

This conversation spans wide. Rasia talks about her connection to the Church of Daime, her experiences with nearly weekly plant medicine, and how it has transformed her anxiety. We talk about cultural appropriation in the spiritual world and how to navigate these issues with sensitivity and awareness.

Church of Daime
Santo Daime

African Pantheon/Spiritual system

Find Rasia
Instagram: Mystical Healing Guide

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