Becoming Lit AF

Linda Taliaferro | Walking in uncomfortable shoes: rising up together against racism.

Linda Taliaferro Episode 44

Linda T. exudes strength, poise, and power. She is an incredible human being and someone I am grateful to call a friend. Linda gives us a heartbreaking and inspiring snapshot of what it means to be a black woman in America.

Just wait until you hear the cafeteria story. It will blow your mind and break your heart.

This conversation is honest, raw, and eye-opening. I hope that this conversation calls you to listen, to seek to understand, to look at the bigger picture, and find hope in our ability to create actionable change.

Follow Linda:

Resources Linda recommends:

How To Be A Strong White Ally:

It Does Not Matter If You Are Good:

Professionalism in the Age of Black Death:

Talking About Racism in the Workplace with Black Friends:

Check out my Fall Retreat: