Becoming Lit AF

David Bedrick | Insatiable hunger and the wisdom held within it

David Bedrick Episode 48

David Bedrick is a psychologist, speaker, teacher, and attorney, and author, but that does not sum up the heart of David and his work. He is a deeply gentle, thoughtful, and compassionate human being who shares an insatiable curiosity to both understanding human beings and advocating for those who are oppressed. 

Together we share stories, deep questions, and a loving look a the world of body shame,  and the expansive world of diet and body obsession masquerading as wellness. He has written a beautiful book of women's stories through the lens of a compassionate witness. Not only are the stories he shares relatable, but they also hold the wisdom of looking into our own hunger to find the answer to what it is we really crave. 

I have worked diligently to lean away from conversations on body, diet, and weight-loss because I do not want to give more energy to what has consumed so many of us. However, this conversation is different, it is deeper, more radical, and an invitation to look beneath the story for your own body's innate wisdom.

Pre-order his book "You Can't Judge A Body By Its Cover" at your favorite bookseller. 

Check out my Fall Retreat: