Becoming Lit AF

Rachel | What it means to be awake

Rachel Season 1 Episode 10

Rachel has been working as a light-worker now for many years, but the journey to get here did not prove to be easy. This conversation is inspiring, eye-opening and perhaps even challenging to the way you see the world. 

Our chatting spans the gamete on what it is to be human and spiritual.  You will learn of some of the manymilestones in Rachel's life that woke her up to her own divine purpose, the work she does now to support others doing the same as well as deep conversations on what it is to be human, awake, intuitive and so much more. 

This is likely the first of many conversations and I can't wait to hear what you think about it. 

Rachel is not only a light-worker, she is also a poet and a writer. You can learn more about her through the pages of her book "The Post Jerusalem Girl" found here:

"Post Jerusalem-Girl is a story, written in poems, of coming out of the darkness to walk in my own light. It is then that I realized that all the colors and shades of my rainbow are beautiful, and that the pain is my greatest ally."

All proceeds from her book go to support local animal shelters. 

To schedule a personal reading with Rachel you can connect with her by email:


Check out my Fall Retreat: