For the Record, An AACRAO Podcast

Episode 10: FERPA in the 21st Century

July 26, 2019 Doug McKenna / Helen Garrett, University Registrar and Chief Officer, Enrollment Information Services Office of the University Registrar, University of Washington Season 1 Episode 10

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was enacted in 1974 in a completely different technological paradigm than we find ourselves in today. What are the ways these technological advances affect how we interpret and apply FERPA? What role should the registrar play at an institution with regard to FERPA training and compliance? Helen Garrett from the University of Washington shares her insights and expertise in this FERPA-focused conversation.


Helen Garrett, University Registrar and Chief Officer, Enrollment Information Services
Office of the University Registrar, University of Washington
Enrollment Information Services
Key Takeaways

  • Don’t be afraid of FERPA! 
  • Do outreach to your campus community about FERPA early and often, *before* there’s a problem (whenever possible). 
  • Be involved with your purchasing department for any systems that touch student data.
  • AACRAO and the AACRAO membership are here to help if you have questions.


References and Additional Reading:

Public Law 93-380, August 21, 1974

Legislative history of major FERPA revisons 

Unintentional FERPA Violations are Still FERPA Violations 

Beyond Compliance: Students and FERPA in the Age of Big Data