Community College Marketing Master Class

The Power of Authentic Storytelling: How to Connect with Prospective Students and Build Pride

May 26, 2020 Gary Elwood, marketing director at Kaua’i Community College and Cheryl Broom, president of Interact Season 2 Episode 8

Kaua’i Community College Marketing Director Gary Ellwood has over 25 years of experience in all facets of media production. Prior to joining community colleges, Gary traveled all over the world to film events like the Super Bowl and Olympics and tell stories through video. Now, in his current role, Gary is in charge of building pride around the college through marketing and outreach. 
 In this episode, Gary and Cheryl Broom of Interact discuss the challenges of marketing a community college, especially to a rural community that thinks it already knows the college. Gary also shares his storytelling secrets and offers advice on what colleges can do to form stronger connections with prospective students and welcome them to your college community. 

***This podcast was recorded in November 2019***