Farm Food Facts

Meal Kit Mania, Zippy Duvall, Chip Bowling

January 07, 2019 USFRA Episode 10

Our Thought leader is is Zippy Duvall, the President of the American Farm Bureau Federation and member of the White House Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. 

Supermarket Guru Phil Lempert’s news roundup of the week’s top stories in food/agriculture include: 

•Here is What Retailers and Restaurants can Learn from Farmers 
•The Salvation Army is starting to Sell Groceries •Meal Kit Mania: Consumers Love this modern Innovative Offering 
•Amazon commits approximately $22 billion in future Food Purchases as it proliferates Whole Foods. 
•Consumers are a bit Happier with Supermarkets recently

Farmer of the week: Charles “Chip” Bowling, Jr. USFRA Chairman.