The Harvest Growth Podcast

Your Business Can Overcome COVID 19 – Jana Danielson

March 31, 2020 Jon LaClare Season 1 Episode 52

Did you know that 30% of small businesses not only survived but flourished in the decade after the Great Depression?  How can we transform our businesses to thrive during these unprecedented economic times?  

Jana Danielson is the owner of Lead Pilates and Metta District, both of which are location-based businesses with a total of 47 employees.  When her entire Canadian province was ordered to shelter in place, Jana pivoted her entire business to sell online content and services, and she was able to save 90% of her memberships.  As she shares her inspirational story, you’ll learn ways in which you can pivot your business to continue to bring in revenues even if your business has been completely turned on its head.

In today’s episode of the Harvest Growth Podcast, we’ll cover:

•How to react and respond to the changing times driven by the Coronavirus outbreak.
•How to keep your superfans, even when you aren’t able to see them in person.
•Ways to connect with like-minded people to help each other climb out of any mess you may be facing.

To learn more about the online businesses Jana discussed during this interview, visit, and to check out the brand-new Cooch Ball product that Jana launched, visit  

If you have a product you are looking to launch or grow and you would like some help from a partner that has helped successfully launch hundreds of products that now total over $2 Billion in revenues, visit and set up a free consultation with one of our Product Launch Experts.