The Harvest Growth Podcast

Think & Grow Rich for Inventors

Jon LaClare Season 1 Episode 59

Can you make money from a patent on an existing technology?  Ron Brown patented his idea for an upside down ketchup bottle and sold it for $13mm, even though he had no experience developing plastic bottles.  John Rizvi, “The Patent Professor,” shares this inspiring story and many more as he teaches how to profit from inventions. 

 In today’s episode of the Harvest Growth Podcast, we’ll cover: 

  • Simple ways to protect your product idea from copycats 
  • Why today is the “golden age of inventing” 
  • How an inexpensive test launch can help you secure a more profitable license deal 

Learn more about how to protect and profit from your ideas at, or for a Free Consultation, call John at 866-330-8442. 

If you have a product you are looking to launch or grow and you would like some help from a partner that has helped successfully launch hundreds of products that now total over $2 Billion in revenues, visit and set up a free consultation with one of our Product Launch Experts.