The Eat for Endurance Podcast

Athlete Nutrition Profile: Recreational Ultrarunner Elise Mordos

Claire Shorenstein, MS RD CSSD CDN with Elise Mordos Season 5 Episode 62

Want to get in touch? Send Claire a message!

Welcome to Episode 62 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, featuring recreational ultrarunner, Elise Mordos. 

Elise is a New Yorker, born and raised, who works in finance and moved to Boulder, CO during the pandemic for a change of lifestyle. She started running in 2013, and has since run dozens of road marathons and ultras, including the Western States 100. Trail ultras are her main focus these days, and it turns out she’ll be running the Canyons 100k at the end of April, the same race I’m doing (but double the distance)! 

Elise has had her share of nutrition struggles. We cover some of the challenges she has faced with her everyday nutrition, especially relating to her Ferritin and B12 levels and how she got them up with the help of a dietitian. We also dive into all the work she has done on her performance nutrition, and what types of nutrition strategies work well for her during long runs and races. 

In case you’re wondering how I know Elise, I actually spoke to her for the first time in this episode! She reached out to me a couple years ago, suggesting that her good friend and pro-runner Hillary Allen come on the show - that’s episode 41 if you’d like to give it a listen - and we followed each other on Instagram ever since. When another podcast interview got rescheduled at the last minute, and I found out Elise was going to be at Canyons, I invited her to come on the show!

I have been meaning to reinstate my recreational athlete nutrition profile series for ages, and I knew she'd be a great guest to get that going again. What resulted was an episode that is part interview, part chit chat. We ended up going on more than a few tangents - about NYC food, training for ultras while living in NYC, my fear of all the river crossings in our upcoming race, and so much more.

Thanks Elise for stepping in at the last minute and helping me get an episode out this week! I had so much fun chatting with you.

I’d love to keep this series going, so if you have an interesting nutrition story to share and you’d like to be on my show, send me an email or DM on Instagram about yourself! I’d love to hear from you.

Lastly - please help me grow this show so I can keep it going! I'm really trying to stick to two episodes a month, but in order to do so, I eventually need to bring in some sponsors to offset some costs. So if you're enjoying all these episodes, be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already,  please share my show with your friends, and rate/review the show wherever you listen to your podcasts. I truly appreciate your support!

Other Announcements:

  • Music Credit: Joseph McDade
  • Have nutrition questions, a guest or topic request, or any other feedback? Email me -
  • Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations

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