The Eat for Endurance Podcast

Athlete Nutrition Profile - Ali on the Run Show Host, Ali Feller, on life with Crohn's disease

Claire Shorenstein, MS RD CDN with Ali Feller Season 2 Episode 27

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Welcome to Episode 27 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, featuring Ali Feller, host of the Ali on the Run Show.

I’m embarrassed to say that it’s taken me over two months to edit and publish this episode! The joys of working and parenting in these crazy times, that’s all I can say. Podcasting has had to take a bit of a backseat to everything else unfortunately, but I’m still recording episodes whenever I can!

You probably know Ali from her podcast - and if you don’t, check it out! She has interviewed so many incredible athletes and other guests. Ali grew up dancing, and found running after college while living in NYC. Like many running stories (mine included), she quickly became hooked, and started training for her first of many marathons! What makes her story different is that she was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease at the age of 7. The disease did not seem to affect her too much when she was younger, but her symptoms have become much worse in recent years. Runners and other athletes have enough GI concerns as it is - adding Irritable Bowel Disease to the mix makes sports nutrition (and life, generally speaking) extra challenging, as you can imagine. It’s something that she has discussed at length on her own show, but I wanted to dig further into her experiences, specifically to see how Crohn’s has affected her nutrition and training. Ali also is a (relatively) new Mom, so we of course chatted about motherhood and how she has coped with Crohn’s flares while caring for her daughter. 

I hope you enjoy this episode! Ali was so much fun to talk to - not a surprise at all, if you’re familiar with her show. As you will hear her say, energy is not something she usually is lacking!

More info on Ali:


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  • Music Credit: Joseph McDade
  • Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations.

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