The Eat for Endurance Podcast

Athlete Nutrition Profile - Elite Vegan Ultra-Runner and Coach, Yassine Diboun

Claire Shorenstein, MS RD CDN with Yassine Diboun Season 3 Episode 34

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Welcome to Episode 34 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, featuring elite vegan ultra-runner and coach, Yassine Diboun.

Yassine has a really inspirational story, and I’m so grateful that we were able to have such a long and in-depth discussion, including how he was able to overcome years of substance abuse and overhaul his entire life to become the amazing athlete and role model that he is today. He’s also an all-around awesome person - we had many laughs in this episode and I admire him greatly for all the important work that he is doing in his community out in Portland through his company, Wy’East Wolfpack.

In case you’re not familiar with Yassine and his many athletic accomplishments, he has been competing consistently as a high-level ultra-runner since 2007, and has won or reached the podium of tons of races since then. Some career highlights include four finishes of the Western States 100 miler including top ten in 2013, 3rd place in the HURT 100 in 2016, representing the USA in the IAU World Trail Championships in 2015, and finishing the Ultra-Trail Du Mont-Blanc in 2019. Yassine has also set several Fastest Known Times, including the 483-mile Oregon Pacific Crest Trail in 2016. 

We cover SO much in this episode that I can’t list them all, but here are some highlights:

  • Yassine’s recent Movement Through Darkness running project in Portland to raise funds and awareness for programs benefiting others who are in recovery. In Yassine’s words, this year has been “next-level-challenging” and "we must find ways to see the light, and hope for better days ahead.”
  • His work to diversify the sport of trail running, though Wy'East Wolfpack programs
  • Becoming Vegan in 2008 - why he changed his diet, how it affected his training and racing, and what a typical day of fueling looks like
  • Challenges he faced as a kid, and his years of struggle with substance abuse
  • Rediscovering his athletic self after becoming sober in 2004, and how he got into trail running and ultras 
  • His general sports nutrition as well as what his nutrition looked like during some of his race career highlights

Yassine, thanks again for your time and for sharing your story. It was so much fun chatting with you and I really do hope we get a chance to meet in person some day and hit the trails together!

And to my listeners, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Thank you so much for supporting the show!

Learn more about Yassine and his company:


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  • Music Credit: Joseph McDade
  • Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is i

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