The Eat for Endurance Podcast

Athlete Nutrition Profile - Recreational Ironman Triathlete, Kenny Brighton

June 18, 2021 Claire Shorenstein, MS RD CDN with Kenny Brighton Season 3 Episode 42

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Welcome to Episode 42 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, featuring recreational triathlete, Kenny Brighton. This is my first Recreational Athlete Nutrition Profile since Episode 16 (!!), and I’m excited to bring you more episodes like this one in the months to come.

Kenny and I first connected when he got in touch with me back in the Fall of 2019. He was training heavily at the time for an event called the EpicDeca, which is 10 140.6 distance triathlons (i.e. Ironman) on 10 unique courses in the Hawaiian Island in 10 days, and understandably needed some assistance with sports nutrition. I was extremely pregnant with my second daughter, so I referred him to a colleague, but we kept in touch as I wanted to hear how this certainly epic event would unfold for him!

Fast forward to early 2021, when Kenny and I finally got a chance to catch up. At this point, he had been training for 10 IM events in 10 days for two years straight, because the 2020 EpicDeca was cancelled and the 2021 August event was delayed, both due to Covid. Unfortunately, Kenny couldn't participate in the rescheduled 2021 event, but for a wonderful reason - he’s becoming a first time Dad this Summer, and wants to focus 100% on his daughter! 

But after all that training, he had to know - could he complete 10 Ironman events in 10 days? He created his own event on his own timeline near his home in Florida to find out. Have a listen to our pre- and post-event chat to learn all about Kenny, if he was able to complete his longtime goal, and the nutrition, training, and life lessons he learned along the way.  

Thank you so much Kenny for sharing your experiences with us so openly! It was such a pleasure chatting with you. Wishing you and your wife all the best with the birth of your daughter!

Learn more about Kenny:

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  • Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations. If you'd like to work with me for individualized nutrition support, please reach out!

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