One True Podcast

Mark I. Lurie on Lewis Galantière and Rufus Hickok on Guy Hickok

May 30, 2022 Mark Cirino, Michael Von Cannon, Mark I. Lurie, and Rufus Hickok

Today’s episode investigates two largely forgotten figures from Hemingway’s past: Lewis Galantière and Guy Hickok. Galantière was a critic who befriended Hemingway in the early Paris years, and they maintained a friendship and correspondence for many years. Hickok was Hemingway’s journalist buddy who accompanied him through Italy for the notorious March 1927 trip that spawned “Che Ti Dice La Patria?” 

To discuss these men and their respective relationships to Hemingway, we welcome their descendants and chroniclers: Mark I. Lurie, author of Galantière: The Lost Generation’s Forgotten Man, and Rufus Hickok, author of The Paris Bureau: How a Brooklyn Journalist Survived Jazz Age Paris with Help from Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound and his Family.

Join us for our two conversations as we learn more about these friends of Hemingway and the relationships they fostered through the formative years of the 1920s.