INGenius Podcast

CPA Influencers Series: Meagan Hayes on Sustaining a Firm's Marketing During Fast Growth

Ingenuity Marketing Group

Meagan Hayes is the marketing director for Haskell & White, one of the largest independently owned accounting firms in Southern California with offices in Orange County and San Diego. Meagan started her career in private industries before joining Haskell & White in 2008, and she brings her focus on analytics and results to the firm’s variety of marketing programs. 

Dawn begins the podcast by asking Meagan for a couple of tips on sustaining marketing even during a period of fast growth. Simply put, Meagan believes in focusing in the infrastructure of the marketing department, and making sure the firm's marketing priorities are in order. She brings up many good points about infrastructure and prioritizing and also delves into the importance of having a functional business development pipeline.

The podcast wraps up with Meagan sharing what she is loving right now, and she shares that it has been very enjoyable to have "in-person" events back and to be re-connecting with people face-to-face again!