321Go Podcast

Ep 55 | Content Marketing - Build the Base of Your Strategy

May 31, 2016 321GoProject
321Go Podcast
Ep 55 | Content Marketing - Build the Base of Your Strategy
Show Notes
All this month we'll be talking about Content Marketing and how - when used as part of a holistic strategy - can yield incredible results in your business. I open the show dissecting CrossFit.com as the clear example of a company that began simply as a high-value content engine and later turned into a company with a tangible product. This brings our first rule of Content Marketing (well, marketing in general) - Audience First, Product (Sales) Second. A strong Content Strategy also begins with understanding people - who are they and what are they looking for? Our research has shown that consumer purchase behavior is initiated by multiple inputs and market validations. Here are some examples: Referrals Reviews Events Email Marketing Social Media It's tempting to believe that if we just put out the right video or initiate the best email campaign that it will yield more members. That's missing the mark. We want to be front-of-mind when our customers are ready to make a decision. We can't make a decision for them. This is our 2nd rule of Content Marketing: No single input yields an output; only consistent execution over time. So, how do we start? Here's your homework: - Identify your ideal members (personas) - Research what they want - Start speaking to them Tools: AdWords Keyword Planner