The CHAARG Podcast

#25] Cat Aldana: Ayurveda -- The Oldest Medicine System In The World

July 10, 2018 CHAARG

Ever heard of Ayurveda? Ayurveda is the oldest medicine system in the world, ++ we are bringing on Cat Aldana on the podcast again to discuss all things Ayurveda. Elisabeth + Cat chat about doshas, dry brushing, tongue scraping, marma points, + more! ALSO, they talk about Cat's newest MasterClass to gain more energy, be hyper focus, + increase productivity. Get your journal out for this podcast -- lots of incredible info : ).

-- Cat's MasterClass
-- Dosha Quiz
-- Cat's Fav Aryuveda Books
-- @iamsahararose, Book: Aryuveda (Idiot's Guide)
-- Sat Nam's Friday Community Healing Circle
-- Kumare

spk_0:   0:02
Mmm. Hey, guys. And welcome back to the charge podcast. You day, I have a cat with me again. I'm so excited. I'm so happy you asked me to come back. Oh, I'm gonna have you back. Like he's like,

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every three months. I not more. Maybe everybody. I'm

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scheduling it right now. You guys haven't

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listened. Thio, our podcast, That cat, I think it was definitely was one of the first ones. I think it was like number three. Yeah. So please go back and listen to it. We talked all about so travel and a little bit about your business. Eat, stretch nap. And I remember we listening to the pod casts a few days ago and we were talking about you wanting a summer intern and talking about manifestation. And now

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you have a summer intern. We actually shared intern Kelly Kelly. I love her. I want to ask

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you about like, how is that going? Oh, it's it's so great. And actually, you let the fire under me because you asked me. I think on that podcast up. So you're like, Well, if you ever need an intern like, let us know when I was like I never even thought about having an intern. And

spk_0:   1:13
now I d'oh and it's so great and it's just so

spk_1:   1:16
cool. Thio here it's It's Kelly and then this other girl, Lisa, and just hearing their dreams and their visions and than being sophomores and juniors and me doing my best to help them get a job after they graduate or be able to create something of their own. So it's so inspiring to be around, like about around them. I know. I completely agree. Do you work with virtually, or do you work with them in person? What does that look like? So Kelly is in Chicago, so we do a combination of meeting in person and on Zoom, which I love. Zoom is basically Skype, but more like there's more business tool aspects. Like I can record the screen and share screen things like that. Yeah, and then ELISA and I are pure virtual. So we just meet online and, uh, we coordinate stuff via email. That's cool. So what is she? What is her position? Lisa's ELISA. Yeah, they both share a lot of tax. I put the job description out there and was like I want a creative type in turn and analytical type intern. But actually, Kelly nearly so just happened to be very similar. So I recreated the rolls around them and their personalities. I think that's a much better way to go about it anyway. So there's a lot of overlap and you d Oh, yeah. So what is their description? How would you describe the main projects that they're working on together? Is each direction app, social media strategy? So I'm super excited about that, because it's nothing that I've ever really had the time or energy to really think through. It's just been very like when I feel I get and it's something that they're gonna create a structure thio and have scheduled out and a strategy and then coming up with how to track it. I was like, You guys are so lucky because you'll be able to see like, um, I like 700 followers

spk_0:   3:13
and like see how much it grows and companies

spk_1:   3:15
care about that. So that's cool, and then they each have their own unique projects that they're working on. The lease is really helping me with the newsletter. Kelly is she's doing a little bit of everything. She's helping me at it and modify a lot of content for my online program and the master class and things like that. So that's awesome. Lab would be a perfect time to dive into the master class because I really wanted to talk about that. I saw when you launch I'm like, That is so cool. I know master classes are now. I feel like the next big thing. So can you talk about that? Yeah. So, actually, on the first podcast we were on, I mentioned that I was working on something and I was really scared about it, and I wasn't ready to share. But

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now it's officially out there and it's

spk_1:   4:06
out. And, uh, the master class is all about how to be more focused and more productive and have more energy. It's targeted towards entrepreneurs, but anyone will really benefit from it. The reason I chose entrepreneurs is because it's just so close to home for me. You know, when someone like you who runs her own company and a super passionate about what they dio sometimes it does get hard, too. Focus on one thing when there so many

spk_0:   4:33
things going on

spk_1:   4:35
all the time. So over the years I've learned how to use yoga, meditation and our veda on all these other techniques that are more in the spiritual world. Thio help with that. What would you say is your best piece of advice that you give in that master class? That's a good one. It's also good. I'll just go with the 1st 1 because that one is just really super simple. But I think a lot of people have a hard time with it. So one of the questions I ask in there and I'll ask you so that you can kind of see how it works. So if I asked you what is the most important thing you have in your life? What would you say? I would say, I want to say to Connecting to is the only one I would say definitely my spirituality, my faith and then both friends and family relationships. And I would say that both of those air no, uh, the truth is that none of those things would exist without your attention. Zero ability to pay attention is actually your greatest like thing about yourself. You know, like it's what it's what makes your spirituality exists. It's what makes your family and friends exist. Like these relationships wouldn't be there unless you are actually paying attention to them. So being able to control and harness your attention is the number one thing that people need to work on and be aware of. And that is so true. Did you ever had a breeding the master key system? Know

spk_0:   6:15
what you told me about still

spk_1:   6:17
working through? Obviously read a chapter each Monday, and it's all about the law of Attraction. That's where documentary the Secret was based from. But the chapter actually that I read yesterday was all about concentration, and they talk about how, like I mean and this book was written, I don't even know what, like 19 fifties. Maybe, but just like our ability to concentrate and focus on one thing really well, define a person success, and when you really think about it, I was like, Oh, my gosh, that's true. But you never think about it, just like what? You right? It's like, you know, you think about the other areas that are really important, but it's like, what's the root like off each area? Yeah, it is. Yeah, your thoughts and attention. Yeah, because like some, like a great example, using relationships as an example is like You can be in the same room with someone but, like, not be paying attention. And then it's like but none of it even matters. You know where if I know my grandma's really sick right now. And so she she doesn't have that attention like she doesn't She doesn't really talk anymore, you know, it's just gone. And so it's really hard to be around her because that's like not there. So that's how that's how I see it. And that's what I think is so important to develop as you're like as a skill, because it is something you can like build like a muscle. All right, so how do you develop that so

spk_0:   7:48
many ways? Well, first of

spk_1:   7:50
all, people will have to watch the master class to figure that out, too. But one of the main tricks and tips that I think work super well is is meditation, of course, because that's just like a really obvious way of working with your mind and what's in your head. So that's just one way and just, you know, work out. Yeah, about for your mind, right? Your training yourself, Thio, be able to put your attention on whatever you want. What do you say to people who don't like meditating? I say that maybe they just haven't tried a technique that works for them because they're so many different styles and ways of meditating that Yeah, they should just try different kinds. And then do you offer different types of medication in that program? Yes. Yeah, totally. I like to break it down into kind of like five main types of meditation. This is just the way that I've understood it. I feel like there are meditations that really focus on your body. So, like, yoga is a form of meditation where you're focusing on your body, Then there's breath. A lot of meditations. Have you focus on your breath? Um, there's what I'll just call mindfulness where you're just being I considered meditation where you're just being more present to your surroundings. So, like maybe going on a walk and just like, really paying attention to nature. Um, and then sound meditation. So I don't know if you've ever done like a gum back they're gone, wash or chanting. A lot of people chant to meditate or pray. Or even like I would consider that sound. And then the last one. I kind of call like Woo because there's no it's when people can. I ask you to visualize something are a little more creative. Or maybe it's like picturing you're covered in like a cloud of rose quartz. You know, it's just very It's a lot more descriptive or creative. So those are like five different styles, and I feel like try all five of them and see what works for you. What is your favorite? My favourite used to be more body based, and then now I'm leaning more towards the like loose stuff. As you know, from our last conversation, I think it's because I have a hard time visualize ing things like seeing things. Even when I was younger, I used to dance, and I don't know if you ever did this, but I had to, like, visualize yourself doing the routine or something. I think a lot of athletes do that where they, like, see themselves shooting the basketball like getting it in, and we stopped to visualize us doing the dance, and I have such a hard time. And so I think that's why that type of meditation is really fun for me now. Because when someone asks me to visualize my future self or to see myself in, like, a field or a garden or in my happy place, I'm like, Okay, like I think I can do that like I try so hard and it's so fun. Yeah, that's funny that you mention visualization because I also have such off you d'oh! Behind with you. I don't know why I'm like, Why is it so hard for me, too? You

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know, Imagine green coming from my heart, right? I'm like, so hard. It's impossible because I think I'm I'm visually true. I like really close, my eyes so hard trying to

spk_1:   11:06
look for green and I don't see anything. It's like, No, you're not using your eyes right. You're using a different part of your mind. You and I just think you need to lock that little bit more because that is such a powerful tool. Visualization is huge, and they're, of course, many times when I have been really able to visualize. But I definitely wanted about that skill? Absolutely. Yeah. And I think what helps me Maybe if if someone listening is also dealing with the same thing is just noticing what you do feel even if you don't see anything. So I'm very like kinesthetic. Like the body stuff is always easier for me. So using your example of, like, green around your heart or something. Sometimes I just feel my heart area a little

spk_0:   11:53
bit feeling so yeah, but other people are probably like no CEO. I

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like that. It's like, just use what works for you on. The biggest thing is just don't be like, worried that you're doing it wrong. Yeah, nothing is wrong. I know. And then that stops you, and you start to think that it's not working, but yeah, well, that's awesome. I definitely wanted to you master class.

spk_0:   12:18
Especially now that I got called out to our attention, which is that is incredible. Like that really is my amazing And I will definitely

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like that up in the show. Notes. Oh, great. Girls can hopefully joining us as well. Yeah, I think it'll it'll really help, Even though it says like this is for business owners it'll definitely help. Yeah, And is it still free? Yeah. Was that? Yeah, Yeah, it's pretty good. Why would you not want to do that? Right? And the comfort of your own home? Yeah. And cats. Incredible. You're so everyone to do with me. The main reason I really wanted to have you on this podcast is because I wanted to talk about are you Veda? And actually remember the first time I heard about Kameda was at your tree. I had never heard about it. And I remember saying, Well, Chinese medicine is to China as an invader is to India. I was like, How I never heard about that like that is such a huge part of the yoga world. And I was shocked. And so I remember I bought the cookbook they buy and I loved it. And I have definitely sense died a lot deeper into our Eve Ada. But there's still so much more that I want to learn. And I know you are really knowledgeable about that. So first, for all of the people listening, what is our veda? And how did you get into it? Yeah, So are you. Veda is It's

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basically the best way you can

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explain it. It is like you are a representation of nature outside of you. So it's all about aligning yourself with nature. So what I love about it the most is that everything you learn about it is like, really intuitive. So I don't know if you agree, but it's like everything you find out you're like, Oh, you know, that seems right. That feels right. It's all about getting yourself in alignment with nature, so all of the elements and the qualities that exist in the world around us are also within you. So it's about seeing yourself as a like a mini universe and a lot of our tomatoes about digestion, but not just of food, but like also experiences. And so that's kind of my best way to explain our evade and also what you said that a great way to think about it is how people view Chinese medicine. THIO China Ari Veda is to India. It's like one of those really old, old old forms of like, ancient healing practices. I think, actually is the oldest. Yeah, yeah, I have read that. It's like I

spk_0:   14:49
feel like no matter what year it is, it says, over 5000 years old. I'm like every book says that. So I'm like, Well, when was this book written? Maybe it's gotta be at least like 5000 and one years old or something. Yeah, so it's super

spk_1:   15:03
old And the way that I felt into it. Waas in college? Well, actually, after college, when I decided to do a yoga teacher training, I did my training through this company called Pure Yoga and the two instructors was Alison English. Jim Colakovski, Who's my teacher now? Jim brought in and talked about Ari Veda a lot, and I was just instantly drawn to it because it

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was the first thing I

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learned where I felt like I was like, uncovering things that I already knew about myself but like someone was creating a language around it. If that makes sense, isn't it? Yeah. Oh my gosh, there's so much to talk about with our Veda and it really is. It's not just to die at all completely a lifestyle. Everything know where to begin, I guess. Let's begin by you sharing. How do you practice beta in everyday life like what are you Vedic would you say, is that our Vedic practices or Dada practices? That's what I would say. Are you Vedek practices? So the first thing to the first and like most popular thing that people talk about when one discussing our Ubeda are the doses. So there's three doses. There's vodka, Pitta, coppa and those three doses within them have all the elements in them. So again it's all about okay. Those doses exists in nature, and they exist within you. So Votto qualities all have to do with, like air and space and pitta qualities air, fire and water. And then coppa is earth and water, and so everyone has those qualities within them. So if you're talking like daily routine, you want to do things that help balance the doses, and everyone has all three. But some people are more Votto are more pitter or copper, or there's a very rare where all three like very evenly and so just to use myself as an example, I'm very bottom pitta. I think you are Thio and so the routines that really helped me or the practices that really helped me, our cop things, grounding things. I think I don't know if it was on the podcast or just a conversation we had. But you're like cat, like I could have

spk_0:   17:27
sworn your Kotla. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and it's

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because I recognize that's what I need to do to be more balanced. So just some examples I cop a practice would be like taking sesame oil and like rubbing it all over your body because that if if copper is like earth and water that oil, it is very grounding. But it makes you feel like, Oh, I'm like here and present. This is my body. It's very like solid. So that's a cop type practice, doing yoga or like working out. So I do like lifting weights

spk_0:   18:07
now, because that's what I think. I've never

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been able to do them right. Like I've done yoga style push ups. I can do hundreds of those, but when you're just doing the lake, the push ups where you're just isolating the right push up muscles. Oh, man, it's hard.

spk_0:   18:28
So much so That's an example

spk_1:   18:32
of, like something I do to build coppa and my body because I'm so Fatah, which is like airy and light, and so pinto, which is really fiery. The copper practice, like strength training really helps me ground my energy. So I'm not, like, all over the place. Yeah. So for each category, what does a balanced Bata looked like? And then what? Doesn't imbalance that? Yeah. So for Bata, someone who's imbalanced would be, like, very creative, like a visionary, super connected to, like, the spiritual world And just really able thio see possibility and everything and just, uh, like when you like. Let's just say I was like, Elizabeth, you have to meet this girl like she's super airy and light. What do you imagine she would be like? Yeah. I mean exactly what you said. Blink. Read it. But also, I feel like I guess this is an imbalance. It's like someone who's almost like a space cadet.

spk_0:   19:37
My very airy, you know? Yeah. Everything is just

spk_1:   19:40
flowing in and out through the person. They aren't really grounded. Yeah, And then I remember reading the physical qualities because Sarah is definitely, like, extremely Batta. Yeah, in terms of her body shaped like, very angular. And I remember it's just, like, very like a thin bone structure and very bony. Yeah. Yeah. So, like if we're talking imbalances like about a person would be very

spk_0:   20:10
I mean, it sounds like bad, but it's just imbalanced, you know, just being

spk_1:   20:13
very like fly tier, flaky, someone who just kind of, like isn't very reliable, Just like, kind of all over the place. I always picture someone who travels a lot, you know, is just tryingto, like, always be a bunch of different places all the time. So when we're talking like body type of a bottle, Yeah, you're exactly right, Sarah. Super bata. Um, like a celebrity like to celebrities, because I think I mean, people know them. So here is someone any, like supermodel, you know, like just very long, thin, angular body. So I'm blanking on examples right now, but any supermodel? Yeah. What about skin types? Skin for Votto is very dry, so because that's like the air quality is just like wind and dryness. So that's what I suffer from when I have, like, a bottom. Balances like my lips get really dry anywhere. I have, like a crease, like my elbows, my neck, the back of my knees. Yeah, because that somewhere there's a lot of moisture, and then it kind of dries out. I'm in balance. So and then would oil every cop hit would be. If you're talking skin, it's more like you break out like I get breakouts when I'm like it out of balance. Pitta wise because it's just like too much heat in the body. It's like trying to escape. Yeah, I'm trying to think of copper what it would look like for skin. Probably oily. Yeah, like too much density. Yeah, because I'm definitely very oily skin. But when I had the punch, do you and if you No, no, I have. Yeah. He said I was battle pitta. Okay, but I'm like, but oily skin.

spk_0:   21:56
That's good. You're probably

spk_1:   21:57
imbalance like I should be, Really, you know, like that. Like a normal amount. Yeah. Yeah, it's true. So let's have it. Yeah. So pitchers are when they're in balance, they're the people that get shit done. Like they're the ones that are usually really entrepreneurial, like they're They're the CEOs, the managers, the people who get turned on by, like, checking things off the list. And they are all about fire and transformation and making things happen When they're out of balance, they get aggravated super easily like you're super irritable, annoyed, like, really difficult to be around. Get very angry. Like if they don't eat or anything like that because their digestion is so their metabolism so high because it's so much fire that if they're like, out of balance because of not eating like they're just, like, furious and

spk_0:   22:50
angry. Yeah, for

spk_1:   22:53
sure, Yeah. Then body types for Pitta are more, Um, they're

spk_0:   22:58
just the people

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who look very mean. They're just very like, intense, like think of like George Clooney. Or like Jennifer Lopez, a good example of like a pit imbalances like Donald

spk_0:   23:11
Trump. Just just very bad. But you see the colors, even his hair. I don't know if that's real, but just the color is like so fiery red s Oh, yeah,

spk_1:   23:22
that's like an example imbalanced. The cop coppa is when you're in balance, these are the people that you just gravitate towards cause they're so motherly. They're so earth. Leaders of ground And I think of my husband. Mike is definitely really cop on. He's the one who, like, has friends from, like every stage of his life, you know, just able to like, really keep people around like they just want to be around him. Yeah, and they're the ones that you can really rely on their the rocks that you know, keep families together when they're out of balance. They can be pretty like stagnant, like it's hard to get them to do anything

spk_0:   24:07
new or like try new things are

spk_1:   24:12
yeah, they need. They don't have very much pitter bata. So there's like they don't see the possibility, You know, it's like when you tell someone to do something and then they just do that exact thing. But they don't do any more, you know, it's like, Okay, that's like That was it right? Yeah, So they can be very She's kind of slow. Yeah, if they're off. So in terms of working with these different socialize, is there a diet that you should follow for each dosha? Yes, I think an easier way to understand it is to First

spk_0:   24:50
of all, take a

spk_1:   24:50
quiz, and I contend you the link to my favorite quiz from that this website, it's called like map E and my p I. It's they sell like a lot of herbs and stuff. That's my favorite quiz on lines you would take the quiz and then just figure out which dosha you are and try to answer as honestly as possible

spk_0:   25:07
some of the questions really stuck. Or like you know, that you feel like you're picking like the worst answer where it's like are your nails

spk_1:   25:16
like Are you like slim or you thin and dry? Are you like Here's your poop,

spk_0:   25:23
like small or large like it's just very hard questions, but there's answer them honestly. And then,

spk_1:   25:31
based on the the dosha, that seems like the most out of balance for you. That's what I would base your routine on. So that's kind of the the best way to go about that. Yeah, that makes sense because I'm trying to think in terms of movements, it makes sense that coppa it's like they're stagnant, you know, they should be running or doing high into exact guys pit. Uh, would that be more grounding? Meditating?

spk_0:   26:02
Yeah, doing something

spk_1:   26:03
that's more chill. What would you say for Bata? Bata would be more like strength training or something. Doing something that's more grounded. Yeah, yeah, like bottles usually love to run and which is fine, but like to help balance that, like building muscle are doing something where you're more grounded as a little bit better or floor like a yin yoga class. You know where you're not moving very much.

spk_0:   26:29
I do. I love you. Good. Yeah. So but just

spk_1:   26:35
go. Because your question was about things you could do. Tow, balance, balance. Yeah. So box for sure. Doing more like in yoga or like strength training for pitta. Anything that helps chill them out. So So, like, meditating. They're gonna want a strength train. They're gonna want to run and do stuff that's more like energy building and super hot. But I would say that's where you just need to go, like swimming or something. You know, something more cooling would be better. And then if you're feeling like a cop imbalance that you don't really want to move or you're just feeling like, really stuck, that's when, like a morning workout is like gonna be your best bet. You know, they're the ones that want to, like, lay in bed and just, like, go slowly about their day. But no, they have to get up early and then just like, run or like do something kind of hard superfast so that it gets them out of that That, like, I call it like this nor lack space. Yeah. How do you know if you are balanced in your dosha? I like to describe it as when it just feels like life is kind of just giving you all green lights, right When you just kind of float through life. And like when something bad happens, it's like you're you're able to respond and not feel like thrown. I think that's when you know you're in balance, you wake up and you feel energized and you stay energized throughout the day and you go to bed and you sleep well, so yeah, yeah. And what are some other? Are you getting practices that are now becoming, like, really big? Yeah, I love I love them. I think they're so great. It's so funny to me that they're so popular now because they're

spk_0:   28:20
so cheap to like they're not, like,

spk_1:   28:22
super fancy. So tongue scraping is yeah, So I have, I recommend, like a stainless steel U shaped thing. I know they come in different materials, but I think stainless steel is the best. And then you just basically take it to the back of your mouth and you put on your tongue and you just scrape it off like not super hard or anything. But if you look in the mirror and your tongue as white, it usually just means there's a lot of, like stuff that needs to be detoxed or cleanse. And then also, if you think about your tongue, is the first point of contact for actual like food digestion. So your tongue communicates with your gut in terms of what the food is and like how to process it. So the cleaner and fresher your tongue is, the better you're able to digest. So it's

spk_0:   29:11
a cool and it feels good. It's so gross, like spit out. So you're like, Yeah, this is great. You're so clean. So tongue

spk_1:   29:19
Sprick Scraping is cool in the morning. I love dry brushing. I think I said that on the last podcast, but that was so easy and it feels so good. I like dry brushing before a shower. Then do you talk straight before brushing your D there after I do it before, Yeah, I do before, and then I dry brush before shower and dry brushing. You want to do you like, long strokes towards your heart to help with circulation and on the joints you do circular motions and then what? You don't your face because your skins really sensitive on your face? I do mind. Yeah, but would you go down since that's your heart? Yeah, and another practice that I mentioned is a young go, which is that oil massage. So I do that in the fall in the spring a lot because those are transitional seasons. And so in our Evita, that's the best time to do a cleanse or something if you are wanting to do something like that and the oil massage really helps, like, get you back into balance. So it's literally I mean, it's the silliest thing, but I love it. You just take sesame oil or you can use coconut oil. Smells better. Sesame oil is Lee

spk_0:   30:30
don't weird. Weird smell. Yeah,

spk_1:   30:34
you just rub it all over your body literally everywhere. You can even put on your face if you want. You don't have to. If it makes you break out, some people, they break out with oil and you just lay a towel down or something. You just lay in Bosnia like I set a timer. I do like 20 minutes. If people think that's long, you could do like five. But I just lay. Sometimes I listen to music or meditated, but it's just a really nice, like peaceful time. How often do you do that? In the spring? In the fall, I do it for like every day for a week, and then I stop. Yeah, it's not something I do all the time. Some people do like you could do it like every Sunday if you wanted, but yeah, I'm going to do that. Yeah, you mentioned a cleanse, and I remember that you did. And are you baited? Cleanse? How was that? Yeah, so my yoga teacher, Jim Colakovski, has this clans. It's called the base cleanse, and it's two weeks, so it's 14 days, and you do it in the fall or the spring again, because that's when nature's changing the most. And so you want thio, adjust your body thio, whatever is going on. So in the winter there's all this, you know, it's like you put on winter weight and it's just natural. I think people give themselves a hard time, but then it turns to spring. So you want to like, let it go and this cleanse the cleanse helps you do that on same with the fall. Turning Thio by messing up those the seasons doesn't matter. You guys get the point, but what you do is you eat a mono diet, which just means it's the only thing you really eat of. Chetry on DK Witchery is just It's a full like protein. It's really easily digestible. It's basically giving your digestive system a break. So you eat kid Cherie, and there's an approved list of vegetables that you could steam and just have, like lemon and salt pepper of an easy way to kind of think of what vegetables it would be is. Just think of what's in season during the cleanse. So in the fall, it's a lot of like sweet potatoes and like root vegetables. And in the spring it's more like leafy greens and things like that. So you you're not just eating Kittery. You could have vegetables, too, but they're steamed and they're cooked. So that's another thing, and Arya baited there. Everything should be cooked like that's kind of there, uh, mentality there thought So you do that for six days, which is pretty long. I mean, to eat the same thing for for six days is is tough. And so you do that. But then on day six, it's the best. I call it poop Day. But you take castor oil pills and, um, you you want to have the day off and you basically take these castor oil pills and you just poop everything out. So you all know

spk_0:   33:33
you D'oh, d'oh, d'oh d'oh! But chances

spk_1:   33:37
are it won't be normal because of like what you're eating on. There's also just other practices that are happening. Thio like the tongue scraping the dry brushing there's in the cleanse itself. There's like certain yoga poses that help with digestion. Also, Marma points. That's a huge thing of Ari Veda that I love. I love that even more than everything we're talking about that I'm surprised I haven't mentioned. Yeah, but you do. Marma therapy points that you massage different meditations journaling exercises you like clear your mind your brain. Um so, yeah, all of that is happening And then after day six, it's basically all about implementing normal food back in slowly so you don't actually add new foods until day nine. But it's just about like getting things back into balance. So are you really hungry during that time? Well,

spk_0:   34:32
that's the thing you can

spk_1:   34:33
eat however much you want. You just want to eat at the meal time, so like morning, noon and night. But if you are hungry throughout, you can like snack on countries. But you're not hungry. And that's what I liked about it, because you could definitely eat until you know you're satiated. You had enough? Yeah, some interesting. So do you do that? Every season? I tried. It is here. I do it once a year. Usually, yeah, hardcore people do it twice a year, I think. But I I just It's It is a commitment because it's like for that two weeks. It also asks that you wake up at 6 a.m. every day, go to bed at 10 and, like, if there's like family parties or things like that, you just kind of have to, like, not eat or, you know, bring your own food. So you do have to be, um, kind of self disciplined. But I think that's also part of why it's so strong, or why it works is because it really forces you to, like, put yourself above all else. And that's something I used to struggle with. I don't know if you can relate, but I remember thinking like, Oh, I'll never be vegan because it's just, like, so annoying when people are like like, really picky about the menu at, like, restaurants. And I'm just like, No, like you what you want, do what you want, Like the cleanse really forces you to do that. And I think you feel like you have more permission to do that because you're like a monarch lens. Yeah, that's a really interesting perspective. I definitely want to do it. So is it through your coach? Did you say Yeah, through dream? I can send you the link to that info to Yeah, and, um, yes, let's do it in the fall. Yeah, that sounds like an interesting experience. Yeah, it's It's so worth it. And it's like a full mind body spirit. Cleanse like it's not just like doing a juice cleanse. I did a juice cleanse to be able to compare it because people asked me about it and I was like, No, this is so different. The juice cleanse did nothing for me. Yeah, and I like how you said There's journaling. Prom? Yeah, And it's also about that those other aspects of self care, like the dry brushing Yeah, everything, all of that. Oh my gosh, that sounds awesome. But, um, do you practice like an articulated diet? Would you say, like, how do you eat? I would say the main thing I follow when it comes to argue, Veda is just always preferring warm cooked foods over anything. And I do in the morning drink hot water that's also really popular. One play with lemon or just yeah, people do hot water with lemon. I just like hot water on its own. But you can do it with lemon, too, and just preference ing warm liquids and warm foods makes a huge difference. It's like you're helping yourself out like your body temperature is already like 100 degrees. So if you're like putting in like a freezing cold, like smoothie or juice or something, like even though it's good for your taste, great, like there's other ways you can get those nutrients that are just easier on your digestion. So I would say That's the main thing I follow with Ari. Vader is just eating hot foods and then eating what's in season. So going on Farmer's market and just really knowing what is in season and eating those foods that you see there. That's a really good point in the summer, since it's hot. Wouldn't you want cooling food? Yes, still, so you can have some of these in somewhere? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So that that's a good point. Yeah, because we do live somewhere in Chicago where you have all four seasons, so that's really nice. And in the summer, yachts like, eat like raw everything as much as you want, because that's just what's around. And that's what's gonna cool you off. Especially when you have these, like, 90 degree days. We've been happy. So yeah, like watermelon. All that stuff is great. Awesome. Are there any no nose in the air. You vetted diet? No, not really. Because our give you two really sees things as like medicinal and tow. Like help you stay in balance. So even like meat is okay like, Um, that's one thing I think people like just choose to say is like bad or good or something. But with Arya Veda, it's like for certain purposes like meat, it's fine. Um, Deary's included Thio certain things. So yeah, there's nothing that's like no wheat, no. So no gluten, no

spk_0:   38:51
sugar. D'oh! Hey, no, it's yeah, it's just

spk_1:   38:57
like do what you need to do to keep yourself tried. Oh shik, which is, you know, having all three doses and balance. And it's about this season s so cool that we are in an area where it changes. And so our diets should change and that I feel like it's so much fun. Makes things interesting. Yeah, you don't feel like caged in like you have to follow a certain strict diet. I think in America we just love the word diet or like the idea of it. But it's so much simpler. That's why I love our beta because it's like, Well, don't make sense. Like in the summer, I'm gonna eat salads. And in the winter, maybe I want a steak or like bone broth. You know, like those are the things that feel nourishing at that time I still remember. I think it was on the last podcast, he said. I just eat what is pleasing to me, and that resonated with me so much. I'm like,

spk_0:   39:48
Oh, like everyone

spk_1:   39:50
needs to literally tattoo that on their arm and every single finger because it's true. Like just eat what is pleasing to you and notice how your body reacts, that it's probably going to react in a great way. Yeah, and that's actually like an arguably a tick like proverb or something. I definitely read that in like an Aura Vito book. And I was like, Yes, makes so much sense. Um, yeah, it's so much easier than we think and like to trust your body like it'll show you like I know when I'm feeling very like Bata and balance like, really like airy and I can't get things done. All I want is like chips and popcorn and like all

spk_0:   40:27
of the like, you know, like crunchy dry foods and, like, I really probably shouldn't do that. It's just gonna make

spk_1:   40:35
me feel more like out of my body. Yeah, good point. What is your favorite snack? Just out of curiosity. Oh, probably like chips and block e could just eat that all day. Just says I'm like for breakfast

spk_0:   40:50
this morning. I think this is from last night. I'm just gonna

spk_1:   40:54
have a light couple Couple bites here. Let's talk about Marma points. Yeah, so Marma points are marmot means sensitive in Sanskrit. So they're different areas in the body. Where there. It's kind of like, what if you've ever done acupuncture? It's those same points in the Chinese Meridian systems. Same thing. They're just very sensitive areas where parts of your body communicate with each other like your heart and your lungs. Like if you press this point, they, like, kind of communicate there, so it helps support that area. Um, like your liver and your gallbladder, like maybe there's somewhere you press, and then it helps bring that area a little more energy or whatever. Or one that I love using is this one that's on your hand between your thumb and your index finger is like this mushy part of your hand between that one's really great if you're feeling like anxious or like, really in your head. I do this a lot when I'm like nervous or if I'm about to do a speech or something, and I'm feeling really like Arian box in my head of that one helps bring balance, You so Yeah, they're just really amazing. And they work so fast. Like I'm always surprised. It was just instantly calming. And all you have to do is just, like massage and press on them. I use it a lot with my clients, and I just am very, like, intuitive with how I use it. And I was like, If you talk to someone else, they might have, like, the exact scientific reason as to why this marble point helps. But I just kind of try to read the body as much as I can and see what I think would be helpful based on the marvel points that I know. And I'm failure with so cool and it comes back to intention and tennis. And it's really just being intimate with your body. Because how often are we really paying attention to how we touch a body? Probably never, you know, and rides. Like actually feeling that point and feeling the sensations that gets you into your body, which makes you ground, you know? Yeah, totally. Yeah. So Varma points are great practice for someone if they are, like having like a bata day where they just feel like everything's off. Nothing is is like, really settling or taking place than you. I would recommend massaging zahren. Marma points so cool. What about herbs? Do you know much about herbs in Aryan Mehta? Yeah. Herbs are like a whole nother field of work. I definitely am not an expert in herbs at all. I do ask my teacher gym for certain herbs when I am feeling something. What? Not like I even know what it is. But I'm like, Hey, because something that I and Herbs really helped with this. So something that I suffered from when I was a kid and no doctor could figure it out was I would just have, like, really intense heart palpitations. And they're like, You have asthma, like, I don't have asthma like I did, but that's not like what it was manifesting as, or they're like, you have a heart murmur in there like No, I don't think so. Like, it would still happen. I was like, How did I get this to stop? And they just had no idea and then threw my yoga teacher training that 1st 1 I told Jim about it, and he gave me these herbs and like immediately just stopped. And he described it as like he's like, basically have too much like Pitso. Too much heat in your heart area. And so the herbs really helped cool them. Cool that area down. So all it is is just like herbs in nature that have cooling properties. So and that's what I took. And I haven't had them since. Like one. And when I do get it, which is very rare, I have the herbs to just kind of, like help bring it down. So cool. That's definitely one area that I want to explore. More like there's so many cool tricks with different herbs with everything. Like with bleeding. Yeah, I've heard like Cinnamon helps with that. What? Yeah, yeah, so cool. Yeah, it's It's such a vast field of knowledge for sure. It's not how my mind works, like, because I imagine I mean, you just have to memorize a bunch of stuff and get a big

spk_0:   45:17
Yeah, like, yeah, I'm a girl, just, like ask someone. Nerves should take. Yeah,

spk_1:   45:25
I know. That is so amazing. Do

spk_0:   45:28
you know who Sahar Roses? I D'oh! Yeah.

spk_1:   45:31
What do you think about her? Do you know she's, like, huge in?

spk_0:   45:35
Yeah, she just kind of

spk_1:   45:36
like I don't know where I found you, Richard. Just, like, kind of like showed up. And I think she's doing really amazing things. I love how she's modernizing our veda. I actually gave everyone on the last each Judge Tapper treat her book The idiot's got are

spk_0:   45:50
you Meena? I want to read that. Yeah, it's really good.

spk_1:   45:53
And it's, like, very simple. And she's doing the work that my mind, my bottom mine will not, will never D'oh! So I'm so happy Someone is like, she's very scientific in very nutrition based. And I'm like, great. Like she puts out recipes that air like our database and, like, Yes, this is cool. So, yeah, I really like her. Yeah, no, I recently discovered eras. Well, she has so much knowledge on all things. Yeah, that would be someone. Definitely follow. Do any other resource is for learning more about our beta that you think charge girls could benefit from that one. I would say it's probably one of the best resources. And then just another book that is helpful. But I think Sahara Rose's book is better is the Oh gosh, what is it called? I'll have to send it to you after and you can put it on the on the show notes. What? Yeah, I definitely have, like a book list of Some of them are just so dense. That's the thing. And that's why I think her work is so valuable because these books are hard to read. They're so boring. The I think I've told you this before. Like sometimes I just, like, fall asleep whenever I'm

spk_0:   47:09
reading a dense and stuff.

spk_1:   47:13
But if you are, you really want to geek out on nerd out, I will send you some recommendations. Amazing. Yeah, well, I know that you have a car thio catch, but I want to talk a little bit about Woo because of course we have Thio. So you have a Vedic astrologer, right? Yes. Well,

spk_0:   47:39
even that question makes it sound like she's mine. Like yes, my astrologer. No, she's Yeah, she's a teacher

spk_1:   47:47
of mine, for sure. So how do you work with So I haven't worked with her with Vedic astrology. Specifically, Blake as like okay, like, I want you to do a reading for me for like an hour. I haven't done that, but we've had, like, lots of in depth conversation. So that's kind of how we've how I've delved into that world. Jim. Also my teachers. He has like my chart and he'll tell me stuff to based on what he knows. Another thing that I got get in with this specific teacher that you mentioned that you met her name's Lillian. She's she teaches me about the Akashic records and how to read. Read them, too. So that is really fun. So do you know how to be? Then I know I d'oh yeah, it's It's a lot simpler than one would think, but it's really cool so late. What's the process for that? The she gave me? A. It's kind of like an opening prayer, like something that you say Thio access it and then you ask a question, and it's more of like a journalistic question like you wanted to be like open and didn't like how we get for talking about Are you Veda like, How can I bring myself back into balance or something. And then it's all about just being in a very neutral state so that you can receive guidance and information, and then you get whatever you need from it. And then you have, like, a closing prayer. Something's that's like the actual process itself. Are you journaling like? Yeah. What? I'm drinking for myself. I'm journaling. I've been practicing doing readings for other people, and so I've just been kind of talking and sharing what I find so like, if we asked a question about me for the car you veda, how do you access that? Look? Like while we would do it in private, for sure,

spk_0:   49:46
on you, not on air. And

spk_1:   49:49
we would I would ask you for your full name. And then I would say that opening prayer and then we'd go from their way should Yeah. Yeah, so cool. I love that stuff. Well, so I got an akashic record reading. Done. You did probably at Satin. Like, did you ever go to their community? You told me, but I s Oh, I think it's the first Friday of every month. They do just like a community. Spiritually event where anyone can go and in little he's honest donation based, too. But they have so many different types of healers there. And so because I heard about Akashic records like, Oh, gosh, I'm interested like I I want to hear what she has to say and I didn't really resonated yesterday with it. That much that I was gonna like, it felt very Kumar

spk_0:   50:44
asked to me, Yeah, that's why shoot various. And for those of you guys, you don't know what I'm talking about. Just watch the documentary Kumara,

spk_1:   50:52
and you will understand what that means. But that's why I'm curious to do it again with you to see, Like, what? Yeah, No, let's let's definitely do it. And I mean, as we're talking about this blue stuff, I think that's that's why I had such a fear around. It is because there are. There are people and ways of doing things where it just seems like made up. You

spk_0:   51:17
know, it just doesn't seem riel, and

spk_1:   51:20
I think that you just have to trust your instincts and trust your gut with who you follow are like what you d'oh! And it's so hard because none of this is in this world, you know. It's all very like otherworldly. So that's what makes it difficult. And that's what makes it hard to be like to know what's what's working and what's not. Yeah, no, I agree. So have you ever talked to a psychic? No, I haven't yet, but I want to try. Yeah, well, cause for medic astrology. Do they consider themselves psychics or No, no. Actually, I forgot my cousin. We talked about that. She's evaded astrologer, so she It's very scientific, Like the people who are into Vedic astrology are very detail oriented and like they can. If we're talking like what kind of dough show they are, they're definitely like Fatah and, like they're just able thio see things that we

spk_0:   52:19
may not be able to

spk_1:   52:20
see make connections, that we may not be able to connect. And it's just it's based on science, like in terms of like where the planets are, where the stars are and then drawing information from that. So, yeah, I don't think it's it. It's not like going to a psychic or something, because what I imagine with going to a psychic is more like they're channeling information or their most of talking to spirits. Yeah, exactly. And I think astrologers are like they're like, No, this is like according to your chart, like a doctor. So the birth chart is that more just character? A six? Or does it actually talk to about that? Sad will happen in your life. It's more like what the tendencies are like. Someone might say, like, you know, in this year of your life, you may experience like emotional turmoil or something, but it's just because of the way this planet is talking to this plan or near this planet, or there's the shift. And so that's kind of what they do, that whenever I've done like an unofficial reading again, I've only done it with conversations with, like my cousin or a teacher. They always just reassure me that, like, Look, this is just information about the tendencies of like, what's in the air, like what's in the universe and like, don't take it too seriously and like it's just for your knowledge. Just so you know, right? Yeah, you can choose to go any path that you want. Yeah, right, which is incredible. But now I'm curious, though Have you tried anything else recently? Um oh, I have seen a spiritual director. Oh, and that was really interesting. I'm trying to think if I talked about in the podcast yet, but yeah, and I'm seeing her again. But you know that my son is a purple tulips. Right? Go on. This This is a really long story, I'll tell you.

spk_0:   54:20
Okay, not this time.

spk_1:   54:21
Okay. But just a lot of crazy experiences with it. Like insane. I have so many, too. But she was praying over me or with me, and I turned to my left, and I saw a purple tulip on just a pamphlet that was advertising for their spirituality centers. I was like, Oh, my gosh, Look him in the right place is so cool on. Then she did Ricky on me and she was just talking about we talked a lot about It was the first time I saw her. So is way more just sharing what? My spiritual background waas And like what I currently do my spiritual practice. And one thing I talked to her about was that I believe I know my angels name, which is Lola, and she's and I was like, I don't really know how to work with their prey with, Like, what? Do you think I should do it? Her big thing was just just just, like, just talked your angel, like ask her for protection. Like that's the best way to communicate with her. I was like, Okay, like I will have it, really, But it was so crazy on the way back, Susan LaGrange was pretty far away. Isaac had driven me there and we were in the car driving home and he was like, Oh, my gosh, I look Lola and I was like, What? The car that was driving in front of us. The license plate was Lola. My God, no numbers

spk_0:   55:47
like you don't even see. Usually lessons play with that short of letters like it was

spk_1:   55:51
insane. And I was just like it was just such a cool sign that, like I was in the right place and I'm following my path, it was so cool. So I'm like,

spk_0:   56:02
Lola, I need a praying to you more like

spk_1:   56:04
this is incredible. I think that this is why I've gone so into this stuff is because it just feels nice to feel affirmed in that way, right? Let's kind of like all we really want in life. I feel like just to be like

spk_0:   56:19
Lisbeth, you're going in

spk_1:   56:21
the right direction. So, like, whatever helps you feel that way, I'm like, just do it, you know, like no judgment. Just do it. It's like they're you're not hurting anyone or anything. It just helps you feel like what you're doing is is is right. And there's not very many opportunities where we feel that way. We always I don't know about you, but I always just kind of feel like I'm just figuring things out, you know, like just doing what I gotta D'oh! But yet when you have those special moments where you're like I'm in the right place at the right time Oh, my gosh, it's so cool. Oh, my gosh! I completely agree. And you can feel it at any time. But you really do have only present right here, right? Just

spk_0:   57:00
brings it back to the beginning.

spk_1:   57:02
But yeah, so many times we typically just rushing around. We're not really in tune Thio Nature into the other side. So are you. Veda will help us get there.

spk_0:   57:14
Yes, it has. Well, this is

spk_1:   57:17
such a good weight. And I wanted to ask you one more question. This is actually from a charge girl, which I thought was so funny. So when asked, how can I be called like her? Oh, because that is, like the cutest thing ever. So how could we become like you? Be calm. I would figure out your dosha and figure out how to get back into balance because I think we all are calm at heart. And when you bring yourself into balance, that's what happens. Sorry,

spk_0:   57:58
but yeah, that's what

spk_1:   57:59
I would figure out. What you what is keeping you kind of not calm? Not in terms of like people, places or things, but just like in your body, where you feel like you're not in balance and address it through our veda. It's so it's so much simpler than you think. Thank

spk_0:   58:19
you, Cat for coming back. I always a pleasure. I have some of your questions to ask you. So that just means you have another. I love it. I love it. Thank you so much. Thank you. And thank you guys for listening. If you want to learn more about what cat is up, Thio. I'll make sure to link up everything in the show notes and we will definitely I'll have to do from master class together. See you next time guys. Charged girls Good morning. Yes, I'm talking to you Was time to get charged up Because these days you knew this guy says hi Hands blew it And blue with the sun shining and all the birds chirping to two day is the best day to be alive The miracles appear once you open up your eyes Surprise time to keep living the dream So get up Enjoy the rest of your charge Tain