The Paid Search Podcast | A Weekly Podcast About Google Ads and Online Marketing

151: Epic Google Ads Questions And Answers Show

May 13, 2019 Chris Schaeffer & Jason Rothman: Pay Per Click (PPC) Search Engine Marketing Experts

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Yes! This week we go deep with an epic Google Ads questions and answers episode. We answer a ton of questions and talk a lot of Google Ads. We love these Q&A episodes and we thank you for sending in your questions. Today's questions include:

  • How to use Google Ads to sell a book?
  • How to advertise with a small budget of just a few dollars a day?
  • How to keep my search impression share above 90%?
  • What are you going to do when the average position column is no longer available?
  • How often do you use demographic, income, geographic, and device bid adjustments?
  • Clarification on how phrase match negative keywords work.
  • How to review the auction insights report.
  • An explanation of ad rank and how that's used to determine which keywords in an ad group show up.
  • A question about similar keywords and how you know when they're essentially the same keyword.
  • How to determine if you're "leaving clicks on the table."
  • An explanation of how clicks and calls work on call only ads.

And we finish out the episode with a Paid Search Trivia question.

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