Pranava Joy

Pranava Joy: Calm Discipline

April 22, 2020 Diana Spiess Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode, Diana covers a concept that would seem so simple and has been used by our ancestors in all the ancient disciplines, but yet is difficult for many to practice and implement most especially during times that she calls "game time".  "Calm discipline" is something that she teaches her clients to help them build the foundation to anything that is calling to them in their lives and here she explains it using some great analogies that everyone can connect to.  You can begin practicing this today and build a foundation, steady and persistent, that not only leads you down the path to whatever your callings are but in a way that sustains and amplifies your lifeforce energy versus breaking it down.  

Join her on the path to continuing to open up more space for joy in your life. 

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