Armor Men's Health Show

Dazed and Confused: Dr. Mistry on Buried Penis and Orgasms That Have One Listener "Seeing Stars"

Dr. Sandeep Mistry and Donna Lee

Thanks for tuning in to the Armor Men’s Health Hour Podcast today, where we bring you the latest and greatest in urology care and the best urology humor out there.

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In this segment, Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee explain what a buried penis is as well as answer an interesting listener question! Men who are overweight or obese are the most likely to experience buried penis, a condition where the fatty tissue surrounding the penis effectively "buries" it. While obviously distressing, a buried penis also makes urination extremely difficult and can lead to embarrassing bathroom messes as well as nasty infections. Fortunatley our team at NAU Urology Specialists can perform reconstructive surgeries to fix this issue. We also partner with bariatric surgeons to add weight loss surgery to the package where desired.

Our listener asks, "So when I orgasm, I tend to see lights. Sometimes they're flashing like the paparazzi off to the sides. Other times it's like a slow-motion strobe light. It's usually subtle, but they are usually there. Am I living in a movie?" Dr. Mistry explains the various symptoms men can have after orgasm, from the relatively harmless one this listener is experiencing to headaches, nausea, muscle/leg pain, pelvic pain, and others. Of those discussed, nausea tends to be the most difficult to treat because it is often an adverse reaction the body has to the hormonal release that accompanies orgasm. Other symptoms--especially pelvic and leg pain--can often be simply treated with pelvic floor physical therapy. No matter your concern, Dr. Mistry and his team can help!

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Check our our award winning podcast! We are #2 on both Buzzsprout's Top 25 Sex Therapy Podcasts and Buzzsprout's Top 25 Men's Health Podcasts 

Dr. Mistry is a board-certified urologist and has been treating patients in the Austin and Greater Williamson County area since he started his private practice in 2007.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Armor Men's Health hour with Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee.

Dr. Mistry:

Hello, welcome to the Armor Men's Health Hour. I'm Dr. Mistry, your host, here as always with my cohost, the incredibly funny and ever engaging Donna Lee.

Donna Lee:

That's right. I am your ebullient cohost and board certified. Thank you very much. Oh, I showed you the mail I got. It was addressed to Donna McBride M.D. So my dream has come true.

Dr. Mistry:

Oh my Lord. You got so upgraded.

Donna Lee:

I am Dr. Donna in the junk mail world.

Dr. Mistry:

Well, thank you, Texas medical board.[inaudible] Her name is Dr. Donna. She is not doctor.

Donna Lee:

She is not.

Dr. Mistry:

I am a board certified urologist, however. I am a physician. I'm a graduate of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. The most amazing medical institution. I started a medical practice in 2007 called North Austin Urology, later to become NAU Urology Specialists. We are based out of Austin, Texas. I know a lot of our listeners on the podcast at least listen to us from other places. And in fact, we have patients that come to see us from all over the country.

Donna Lee:

We do, and they listen to our podcasts from all over the world.

Dr. Mistry:

They really do. Sometimes when we get somebody from Thailand or Uzbekistan we feel pretty good about that.

Donna Lee:

That's right. That's why we call you Dr. Worldwide.

Dr. Mistry:

One of my friends from the gym moved to Uzbekistan and he listens to us there.

Donna Lee:

Oh, really? Well hello to that person.

Dr. Mistry:


Donna Lee:

Hmm. Can we say his name?

Dr. Mistry:


Donna Lee:

Oh. Hello.

Dr. Mistry:

Hello. So our, our show is brought to you by the urology practice that we started. We discuss a lot about men's health issues. We discuss a lot of issues that affect women as well, but centrally about men's topics that you may not feel comfortable discussing with your doctor, things that you discuss with your friends or hear about around the water cooler, and really try to go into it in a way...watercooler?

Donna Lee:

That felt very 1960s, maybe 70's.

Dr. Mistry:

Yeah. People bring their water now.

Donna Lee:

Water cooler.

Dr. Mistry:

Smart water cooler.

Donna Lee:

We have a water cooler at work, and I don't think I've ever talked to anybody around it, but go ahead.

Dr. Mistry:

There you go. Your questions are what drive the, the show and your presence in our office is what drives our practice. So if you're interested in a more holistic approach to your urologic care, we get patients that come to us for general urologic evaluation, general prostate checkups, even just mild evaluations of early erectile dysfunction or BPH all the time. Of course, we see you for your acute problems like kidney stones, cancer, blood in the urine, and everything from the nipples to the knees.

Donna Lee:

That's right, nipples to knees. That's a very large area to cover.

Dr. Mistry:

We are working on it. To be included in that is the topic of buried penis.

Donna Lee:

Buried or buried?

Dr. Mistry:


Donna Lee:

Buried. It's like do you say roof or roof?

Dr. Mistry:

Roof. If you can't look down and see your penis...

Donna Lee:'s buried.

Dr. Mistry:

...or you have trouble getting it out to pee, or you're having to sit to pee because it's spraying all over the place, you're probably obese or morbidly obese, you probably have diabetes, and you probably didn't know that it was a way to fix it.

Donna Lee:

Wow, bless their hearts. How long can you live like that? That's...

Dr. Mistry:

You can live for a while, but then eventually the pee gets all over yourself and you get rashes and you get fungal infections and it's incredibly embarrassing and an incredible thing for somebody to have to deal with. But if you didn't know that there's a way for us to do something and that we have excellent partners and we do buried penis reconstruction all the time. Then you're just living in the dark. You don't know.

Donna Lee:

Right. I've seen some before and after pictures that y'all have done, or we've done, you doctors have done. It's amazing.

Dr. Mistry:

It looks really good. And you can stand up to pee for the first time in years if it's legitimately buried. And we, we've partnered with a number of bariatric surgeons. These are weight loss surgeons. So if you really have buried penis and you're 50 pounds overweight, we can do the combo. We'll help you get weight loss surgery, make sure you're approved, get your insurance to pay for it, get you nice and healthy, and then with that new summer bod, turn your innie into an outie.

Donna Lee:

Oh, no worst innie ever. Wouldn't that'd be the thing if you had an innie buried penis and an innie belly button?

Dr. Mistry:

Yes. That would be bad. An outie belly button and innie penis, right?

Donna Lee:

We can, we can fix that. Nipples to knees, folks.

Dr. Mistry:

Nipples to knees.

Donna Lee:

Nipples to knees.

Dr. Mistry:

How do people get ahold of us? How do they make an appointment with us?

Donna Lee:

You can call us at(512) 238-0762 during the week. Our email address for these incredible questions for which I can't wait to ask you this next one is Our website's And you can check out these podcasts wherever you listen to podcasts, and even on the KLBJ website, as well as our website, where you can see our smiling faces. So you ready?

Dr. Mistry:

We're ready. Let's go.

Donna Lee:

Got a good one.

Dr. Mistry:

Let's hear it.

Donna Lee:

So this patient has sent in a question before, but his latest question, which I just love, I think you're going to be a little jealous of him. He says,"So when I orgasm, I tend to see lights. Sometimes they're flashing like the paparazzi off to the sides. Other times it's like a slow-motion strobe light. It's usually subtle, but they are usually there. Am I living in a movie?" Whaaat? I think he's just having awesome organs.

Dr. Mistry:

I think his blood pressure may be going to high.

Donna Lee:

You need to give him a blood pressure cuff for when that happens.

Dr. Mistry:

So in relation to this specific question, I'm just going to broaden it to say that there are a number of men out there who have a variety of different symptoms when they orgasm.

Donna Lee:

Like what? What's the most interesting...

Dr. Mistry:

Some of them, this one's a pretty good one, but, but, but we know guys who feel really ill after orgasming, they feel nauseated and they feel, they feel sick.

Donna Lee:

Because their wife's a nag?

Dr. Mistry:

No. They've already orgasmed. Why would they care now? So these people, they can feel really nauseated. Some people feel extremely fatigued. Like you know all of us."Oooh, sleepy." And then...

Donna Lee:

Do you say, you say that to your wife afterwards?"Oooh, sleepy!"

Dr. Mistry:

It's a Homer Simpson's reference. And then there are guys who have headaches. We have a lot of men who have pelvic pain, so they have pain in their testicle or pain in their rectum or pain in their, their scrotum after an orgasm. Then we have, we've had patients with back pain after ejaculating, people with leg pain after ejaculating. And then this kind of situation, where somebody is actually kind of seeing lights and strobing. Usually we associate those kinds of things with either increased blood pressure or increased intra-cerebral pressure, that's like the pressure that's in our brain, which can be brought on by some types of muscular issues with the neck muscles. And it can just be brought on by, you know, a head rush full of blood pressure.

Donna Lee:

And awesomeness.

Dr. Mistry:

So, and vision changes with intercourse can often be associated with medication. So if this person's taking any kind of PD-5 inhibitor, Viagra, Cialis, or Sildenafil, you always also have to worry about some kind of changes with that. So I guess I would say that another, another thought is that sometimes when people get up too quick after exerting themselves, their blood pressure can drop. So that's the opposite, now they have low blood pressure that can cause similar changes in their eyes. I think that if it, if you quickly recover and don't get ill, I don't think there's anything to be concerned about. But keep it going, man. Sounds like, it sounds like you are living in a movie.

Donna Lee:

Yeah. He is living in a movie. Maybe a porn movie, but...

Dr. Mistry:

And for those of you listeners that heard about the other things that are associated with it, the, the headache and the illness, like the nausea--those are very hard to get rid of. Because it's some, something is getting released either it's an adrenaline release or, or oxytocin release, or some type of hormonal release that their body's dealing with poorly. But all the other ones--the testicular pain, the back pain, the stomach pain, the leg pain--all of them can be usually traced back to pelvic floor dysfunction.

Donna Lee:

Oh, I was about to ask which one of those can pelvic floor physical therapy treat, but sounds like all of them. All of those.

Dr. Mistry:

That's right. Because the muscles that connect the abdomen, abdomen also are part of the complex that's squeezing during, or rhythmically contracting during an orgasm. So those same muscles are attached to the leg and the hip, to the abdomen, to the back, and to the muscles that lead to the scrotum. So if you're one of those many men that we come across that has severe testicular pain, the testicles drop into the abdomen with an orgasm, then that's something that we can address through usually through just physical therapy alone.

Donna Lee:

You guys have lots of hardware issues?

Dr. Mistry:

Yeah. You think men are hard? Jokes on you! When I give a lecture on female sexual dysfunction, the picture that I have is the man is just one switch--up or down with a light. And the woman, it's a huge cockpit full of like little switches and levers and the gears. The difference between the men and women's sexual response.

Donna Lee:

You're welcome.

Dr. Mistry:

Yes. You guys have lots of hardware and software problems. Our software is, if it's soft, it needs to be made harder.

Donna Lee:

It's, it's where, it's aware. We can fix that soft.

Dr. Mistry:

So we have in our practice four physician providers, five physician assistants. We have two pelvic floor physical therapists. We have sex therapy. We have sleep apnea testing this week alone, I had a very young guy that came to me for sexual problems, especially during ovulation with his wife. He clearly has a psychological issue that's affecting his erections, never had problems before. And knowing that we had this entire buffet of treatment options for him...The last urologist he went to said,"Well, he gave me Viagra," and giving him meds was only one of 20 things that we could do for this guy. And so that makes me really proud of the service we provide. So if you're simple, go see anybody. If you're thinking you're a little more complicated then you're welcome to come to us. We'd love to help tackle your urologic issue.

Donna Lee:

If you're simple, you can still come to us.

Dr. Mistry:

Okay. Well, that's fine. I guess we, I guess, I guess we need some chip shots, too.

Donna Lee:

Is that a golf reference?

Dr. Mistry:

I don't know. I don't play[ inaudible] good golf.

Donna Lee:

That's right. He doesn't.

Dr. Mistry:

Next time I'll tell you about the three dog analogy, three dog, three-legged dog analogy I used. Tell people how to get ahold of us.

Speaker 3:

You can call us about his three dog analogy at(512) 238-0762. Our website, as you know is You can send your questions to, where we will anonymously answer the question and check out our podcast. Thank you so much.


The Armor Men's Health Hour will be right back. If you have questions for Dr. Mistry, email him at