Armor Men's Health Show

Calling All the Big Ballers: What Your Testicle Size Means and When You Should See Your Urologist

Dr. Sandeep Mistry and Donna Lee

Thanks for tuning in to the Armor Men’s Health Hour Podcast today, where we bring you the latest and greatest in urology care and the best urology humor out there.

In this segment, Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee answer a listener's question about his "larger than average" testicles. Now 61 years old, this healthy and fit man says his testicles have always been large although never painful--just somewhat awkward when sitting or working out. He wonders if he should be concerned as he's aging about this life-long situation. Dr. Mistry explains that men can develop a condition called a hydrocele that occurs when the sac around the testicle fills with fluid. This condition isn't normally harmful and could go undetected by a doctor for many years. In some cases, cysts or tumors of the testicle or epididymis can cause swelling, although such swelling would typically be noticed by the patient as an emergent concern. The epididymis can also swell after a vasectomy, sometimes causing discomfort and testicle enlargement. No matter the cause, a consultation with your urologist is a good idea if you have concerns about your testicle size. Call us today to schedule an appointment! 

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Dr. Mistry is a board-certified urologist and has been treating patients in the Austin and Greater Williamson County area since he started his private practice in 2007.

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Phone: (512) 238-0762

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Armor Men's Health Hour with Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee.

Dr. Mistry:

Hello and welcome to the Armor Men's Health Hour. I'm Dr. Mistry, your host, joining you today from Austin, Texas. I'm here with my co-host, Donna Lee.

Donna Lee:

That's right. Hello! Happy day to everybody out there.

Dr. Mistry:

If you're new to the show, Donna Lee is in fact a professional comedienne.

Donna Lee:

I was in fact, yes. On Nick at Night's search for the funniest mom in America. Number seven, I'm seventh funniest mom in the world.

Dr. Mistry:

And sometimes you're still looking for the opportunity to do a little stand-up act.

Donna Lee:

I am. We have clubs opening now again in Austin, so maybe I'll appear at one of them. I have to beg them. I have to call like,"Please let me work."

Dr. Mistry:

I'm hoping Joe Rogan is a, is a listener to our podcast and our radio show.

Donna Lee:

I hope so because maybe he'll throw a bone and you and I can do a little funny gig.

Dr. Mistry:

And do a little, a little standup at his new comedy show.

Donna Lee:

Mhmm. That'd be amazing. Let's do it!

Dr. Mistry:

That's awesome. This show is brought to you by NAU Urology Specialists. That's the urology specialty clinic that started in 2007. We have four physician providers. We have five physician assistant providers. We have three pelvic floor physical therapists. We have a sex therapist, and we have an amazing sleep apnea management and testing program.

Donna Lee:

And you have one Donna Lee.

Dr. Mistry:

And one Donna Lee.

Donna Lee:

And your name is by the way, M-I-S-T-R-Y. If you would like to Google him.

Dr. Mistry:


Donna Lee:

You like the Googling. Doing it all the time.

Dr. Mistry:

I Google myself all the time. This is a show in which we talk about men's health issues, and your questions are the kind of thing that, that drives this show. So we really appreciate you sending in your questions. We are seeing patients. We are actively still seeing all the patients that are new with all sorts of insurance. So if you have an issue that you'd like to get a second opinion on, or you'd like to have a men's health issue that has not been addressed, you know, to your satisfaction, we see them all the time, all day, all week. And so Donna, how do people get ahold of us, and where are our locations?

Donna Lee:

We are located in Round Rock, North Austin, South Austin, and Dripping Springs. If you're on the other side of the world, that means nothing to you. Just know we are in the best part of the whole country to live in. Our number's(512) 238-0762. Our website is and you can send your questions to that we will answer anonymously. And, you know, we have a lot of podcast listeners. They're not just the radio show listeners, and they're listening from all over the place.

Dr. Mistry:

Well I'm so glad. Do we have any questions from one of them?

Donna Lee:

We do have one of them. He's listening from across the state, actually. Says,"Hi, I've been a regular listener to your weekly podcasts for years now and look forward to them each week. You've become my go-to for men's health issues. I have a question that perhaps can be discussed for myself and others. I'm a very fit 61 year old man, no major health issues and only take meds to keep my blood pressure in check. I do, however, what I consider larger than average testicles. I've never had any tests, testicular pain, injuries, or detected any abnormalities when doing my self-exams, but visually the boys"--quote,"boys"--"seem very large. Even as a teen, I was aware that my scrotum and testicles were larger than others in the locker rooms and have always been very self-conscious about this. I've just heard, I've just learned to how to cope with them by shifting them around when sitting or working out. Just wondering if it's normal to have larger testicles, and could they be something that I should be concerned with in my future years?"

Dr. Mistry:

Well, it's a really great question because, we often, we...

Donna Lee:

He's got big balls.

Dr. Mistry:

...we'll see people, we'll see people that come to us for smaller than average testicles, whether they be from fertility concerns or prior trauma or prior surgery or because of use of medications--the most common reason would be testosterone use does shrink the balls.

Donna Lee:

To make them smaller.

Dr. Mistry:

It does make them smaller.

Donna Lee:

What makes them bigger? Is there a medicine that might make them bigger? Well, no, he's had this, his whole life.

Dr. Mistry:

Yeah. So he's had his whole life. So, if you're looking at your testicles and you're measuring them, you don't really want them to be bigger than two of your knuckles. So if you use your, if you use your, your index finger, you just want to go to the second knuckle and that should be about the biggest that your testicle really is. Okay. Now of course, if you have small hands or anything like that...

Donna Lee:

I have big hands, I'd have really big balls, I think. Right?

Dr. Mistry:

Actually I've heard that. I've heard that about you. So, and so that that's, that that's about four to five centimeters in length from top to bottom. So if it's bigger than that, then it could be that that's not just the testicle. You could have something called a hydrocele. And that means that around the testicle, there's a sack, and that sack can fill with fluid.

Donna Lee:

For that long? For his whole life.

Dr. Mistry:

For sure. If nobody knew about it, you know. And it can be just enough fluid to not be overly noticeable to a doctor, but just noticeable to the patient. So, a small hydrocele would be probably be the most common reason to have larger than normal testicles. Tumors are unlikely to be present for that long of a time, but there is some types of tumors or cysts of the inside of the testicle or the epididymis that can give the testicle a very large size. So if somebody has abnormally large testicles, I think doing an ultrasound, which has no radiation, covered by insurance, and is painless, answers almost all of those questions. It tells you whether your testicle's in the normal range, because you'll get the size. It'll tell you if there's fluid around the testicle. It'll tell you if they're cysts, or there's anything going on, like, in the epididymis.

Donna Lee:

And where's that?

Dr. Mistry:

That is the little worm-like organ that lives right next to the testicle and that's where the sperm gets stored. So sometimes men who've had a vasectomy and the sperm builds up in the testicles, they'll notice that their testicles are a little bigger, their epididymis is a little bigger, and that can cause some swelling.

Donna Lee:

And pain?

Dr. Mistry:

It can cause it pain, but most people do not have pain. But what's happening is, is his nuts are getting stuck between his legs when he working out and that's causing him discomfort. So that's big balls. But let me talk to you about big scrotums.

Donna Lee:

Oh. Okay.

Dr. Mistry:

So sometimes people just confuse the words and confused what's going on. So...

Donna Lee:

Yeah. I don't know.

Dr. Mistry:

...the nuts in the sack are your testicle. But if the sack is real big, it can start hanging down, and that certainly gets worse as you get older.

Donna Lee:

Right? That sounds annoying.

Dr. Mistry:

I mean, we see some and you're like,"Man, they must be banging into your knees. That's a really low hanging fruit there."

Donna Lee:

Women have a boon problem like that, they start sagging.

Dr. Mistry:

That's right, things start sagging.

Donna Lee:


Dr. Mistry:

So we actually have a repair for that. So, Dr. Dellinger, who's at one of the plastic surgeons on this show that we work with all the time, he and I have to do these scrotal lifts not infrequently,

Donna Lee:

Like Scrotox was some Botox up in there?

Dr. Mistry:

We don't do it with medicine. This time we like cut it out, there's actually a technique. It's called the diamond technique.

Donna Lee:

Is it like a facelift for your, for your poo-poos?

Dr. Mistry:

Totally. Totally. And it tucks everything up so it doesn't get in between your legs and it's, most urologists can do them. The problem with the procedure is that because the scrotum hangs down, the gravity sometimes pulls the stitches apart. So if you get it done, you'd prefer to get it done by somebody who knows what they're doing so they would just put a lot more stitches in there so it doesn't pull apart.

Donna Lee:

Are the stitches underneath? Like tucked up and underneath?

Dr. Mistry:

No, they just, essentially, all you do is you just take the extra scrotal skin out and it just kind of tucks everything up.

Donna Lee:


Dr. Mistry:

It's relatively painless. It can be covered by insurance if somebody is like really kind of, you know, kind of tricky about how they code it. But it probably doesn't cost more than, you know, three grand to get a really nice scrotoplasty done. And it can really help alleviate this issue. And as you're getting older and if you're getting more active, the tissues just seem to get thinner and more stretchy. You're going to get a lot more veins in them. So we see a lot of veiny scrotums.

Donna Lee:

This is very unattractive sounding.

Dr. Mistry:

Well, I mean, I don't know. Women, women never really comment on how attractive a scrotum is.

Donna Lee:

Never, cause you guys don't have pretty parts. We have pretty parts.

Dr. Mistry:

I really think this is a sexist kind of conversation. Scrotum is amazingly versatile.

Donna Lee:

You said versatile, but it's not pretty.

Dr. Mistry:

Well, I'll tell you, sometimes we take bull scrotums and put them on our desk and put candy beans in them.

Donna Lee:

Oh, do we?

Dr. Mistry:

I just said, I just said candy beans. I don't think that's a thing. What's a candy bean? Jelly beans.

Donna Lee:

Candy beans.

Dr. Mistry:

If anybody's looking for a gift for me...

Donna Lee:

Please bring this man some candy beans.

Dr. Mistry:

Scrotal sack for some candy beans are my way to go. If you have questions about things that you have had for a long time and are wondering if they're normal, we would love to answer them for you. And if you want any of these big bald issues prepared, that's something certainly we can, we can help you take care of. If you're having to readjust to yourself so that you're not your balls between your legs, please come and see us. We would love to take care of it for you.

Donna Lee:

Please bring us some candy beans.

Dr. Mistry:

How do people get ahold of us?

Donna Lee:

You can call us at(512) 238-0762. That was so enjoyable. Our website is, and our email address for these questions that are amazing, that we will answer anonymously is We're located at Round Rock, South Austin, North Austin, and Dripping Springs. Listen to our podcasts wherever you listen to free podcasts and you will learn something for sure.

Dr. Mistry:

For sure.

Donna Lee:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

The Armor Men's Health Hour is brought to you by Urology specialists for questions, or to schedule an appointment, please call 5 1 2 2 3 8 0 7 6 2 or online at armor men's