Smart Cleaning School

It's Time for a Fresh Take

Ken Carfagno Episode 158

 As I sit down to record this podcast, I grabbed a Clif Bar from my lunch bag to further establish my point. Right on the label, it says this. "We're Planting 1 Million Trees." This is the mission of the Clif company to appeal to those that love and want to maintain our environment. How many people have never eaten a Clif bar that would buy it when they read this across the label in a store? That is exactly the message I'd like to share in this re-introduction podcast!

I launched this podcast in October 2019 as the Solo Cleaning School with the vision of "Moms Helping Moms Helping Moms". At this point in my life, I was newly resolved to build my second solo cleaning company and potentially sell it again. I wanted a place where solo cleaners could visit and feel like they had a place to belong. I've been a solo cleaner for 16 years at this point and I know that solos feel "so-low" in our industry. Many feel like they're beneath the larger employee-based companies. Others feel like they are working with no goals to win and no way to change. Thus, they feel stuck. My initial vision was to provide a home for these solo cleaners and give them a vision they could grab onto. When you started, you were likely a mom and you cleaned for moms. You're helping moms and they're helping you by providing you income. I grew this vision by introducing the third group of moms. There are successful solo cleaning moms that have been doing this for years. What if they helped you as you got started and eventually, you could be the successful mom helping other moms (in solo cleaning) help moms (clean their homes and provide them peace of mind)? Many of you latched onto this vision and I was here to help you make the impact you were meant to make. 

Over the course of the past 18 months since launching this podcast, many things have changed in my life. First of all, my second solo cleaning business has grown to the Optimizer level and I'm highly considering bringing on employees in 2022 to run my company once it's fully optimized. What?! Ken, tell me that isn't so! It is so. I am working 2 days per week for close to $6,000 per month profit now. It's amazing, but I want to have more time and location freedom than that. I want to help more people in more locations. I can accomplish this in one of 3 ways. I can find and train up solo cleaners local to me and sell off parts of my business to them to collect passive income payments over a few years. I can sell my business outright like I did before and also collect a cashout along with monthly passive income payments for a few years. Or, I can keep my income stream and hire employees. This would alter my business model from $6,000 profit per month on 2 cleaning days per week to $2,500 profit per month on zero cleaning days! Plus, I have been networking like crazy over the past 18 months and have developed a name for myself. I have the potential of growing this company to $6,000 per month profit with employees and not cleaning at all and beyond. For now, I just want to optimize my company and use this year to decide which of these 3 paths I'd like to take.

Read the rest of this article at the Smart Cleaning School website