Smart Cleaning School

The Next Recession Will Come

Ken Carfagno Episode 192

Recently, I was given the opportunity to share an education segment for the MCBA local business networking group. As the co-chair of this committee with Shelby Leight, I have the freedom to share topics I believe will benefit the group. I chose the topic of creating multiple streams of income because I've been on a quest personally to build out a healthy income portfolio of businesses and investments. I've very new at this since we just got of debt last year. Nevertheless, my curiosity lead me to start this discussion and it went really well.

I started with a story about people losing their incomes in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. I recounted some examples of cleaning business owners and others that I personally know who were hit hard. Everyone in the room related as they all knew someone too. As a group, we went through every year where people felt a significant recession. Thankfully, we had so much wisdom in the room (that's a nice way to say age) and we went back to 1975. Here were the dates: 1975 (gas shortage), 1986 (stock market crash), 1993 (short recession), 2001 (9/11), 2008 (the Great Recession & crash), and 2020 (Covid). We all agreed that history and math teach us something. We have experienced these life-altering shifts every 8-12 years since at least 1975 and we're going to experience them again.

Read the rest of this article at the Smart Cleaning School website