Smart Cleaning School

Why Should I Build My Network?

Ken Carfagno Episode 208

Earlier this summer, I was talking with my 16-year-old son Kenny about his podcast editing business. I asked him if he'd like to come with me to Nashville for the annual Podcast Movement Conference. He'd have to buy his own ticket obviously. At first he didn't understand why he would even consider it. This lead into a great discussion on networking and why we build relationships with others in our community, online, and nationally. I'll come back to that conversation soon. But first let me ask you, the Smart Cleaning School listener... Are you building relationships in your local community? Did you answer no? Why aren't you doing it as a strategic part of your work week? Is it because you don't believe it's worth your time because it's just more meetings? Allow me to demonstrate with a few stories...

  • Kelly Jones -  Her entire Delaware cleaning empire emerged through local netwoking and serving her network. Listen to her interview, Become a Bridge-Builder for the full story.
  • Alonzo Adams - Check out Be a Lighthouse, Not a Buoy for the full story. Alonzo attended one conference in Las Vegas that lead to a $100k+ cleaning contract!
  • Vincent Pugliese - He attended a mastermind retreat in Nashville when it wasn't convenient at all. He made one connection there with a photographer that turned into a $30k+ ongoing income stream for 2 years.
  • Nick Pavlides - He runs the Ghostwriter School and is a friend that Vincent introduced me to at a conference. Nick is the one that persuaded me to name this podcast with "school". Nick attends conferences regularly and I've heard multiple testimonies of Nick closing $20k ghostwriting packages at conferences he attends!
  • Ken Carfagno - I attended Debbie Sardone's Speed Cleaning conference in Dallas when we were trying to sell our first cleaning business. I had no time or money to attend this at the time. But I brought my friend Ian who was very interested in my company. He saw the vision of what a cleaning business could do in his life and this conference locked in a $80k business sale for my family. It was worth the $1,500 and 4 days invested!

Read the rest of this article at the Smart Cleaning School website