Health Bite

16. Winning the Battle Against Fear Through Life Lessons with Shieva Ghofrany

Shieva Ghofrany Season 1 Episode 16

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Have you ever avoided asking something to your doctor due to fear or shame? Shieva Ghofrany, today’s guest, believes talking is empowering and the key to stop stigmatizing illness. She is an obstetrician and gynecologist who applies all her experience to empower her patients and Instagram followers. After she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2016, she understood the importance of being optimistic and proactive against diseases. That’s why she helps people to go through that experience without fear and paranoia. Shieva believes that life obstacles have helped her to comprehend and empathise with her patients.


  • Shieva shares how she loves connecting and engaging with patients. Explains that talking is empowering and that’s why she talks about everything with her patients, with no taboos. 
  • She enumerates the most common things people don’t know; atrophy of the vagina as you age, loss of libido, and that HPV and herpes are common.
  • How due to COVID a lot of patients are avoiding doing the screening, affecting their long term health. 
  • Shieva tells the importance of having a healthy mindset and a proactive attitude when you are diagnosed, because fear will make you sicker. 
  • She doesn’t think things happen for a reason, but you can find reason within each thing that happened. 
  • Shieva says the most important screening tests for women are a colonoscopy, mammogram, and Pap smear.
  • Shieva thinks it’s important teaching young kids to be resilient and not to live in fear so that future generations can lose fear.

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