Super Life

The What, Why and How of Doing a Detox | Improving Your Health

June 29, 2021 Your Super's Michael Kuech and Kristel de Groot Season 3 Episode 5

Today we have a super special episode because we are answering one of the most common questions we get, which is what is a detox and how does it actually improve your health? We discuss the changes you will experience in the first few days of doing a detox and the benefits to your health that you will feel, including control over your cravings. You shouldn’t do a detox just to lose weight, but mainly to feel better and improve your overall health. We give our own detox plan, including foods and meals you can use to pursue your own detox. 

  • Why even start a detox? 1:41
  • Getting rid of the toxins 6:05
  • Having less cravings 7:02
  • A quick break down of how to start 9:28

“So what you’re really doing is you’re giving your body this break and giving the right things to actually, as Michael just mentioned, really get those things out of your body and kind of catch up. And you’re like, ‘I feel so good afterward.’ You feel, what he said, it’s normally around day 3, day 4 where you suddenly have this rush of energy and clarity.” 5:51